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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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If a warlock has a Malganis on board,does he lose HP when using his hero power?

And I don't get the point of Gallywix,your oponnent can easily make sure you won't be getting his good spells buy filling his hand with coins.
Yes,one more reason why Mal'ganis is good.

No he can't:
I'm implying I don't care about my rank since I don't bother spending time in that mode and you're telling me I should prove myself to get to rank 5, after I stated I hate people who only judge people by ranks? Get out of my face.
If you haven't played the game to at least rank 5 ,then you haven't played the game competitively and your deckbuilding skills mean nothing.


I would pay a high price to get a gold Vol'jin and Iron Juggernaut.

Look amazing gold.

Mech Bear Cat, Anima Golem, Crush and Bouncing Blade are great as well.


Are you fucking shitting me lol

Got Deathwing'd by a Paladin in my very first game (still won) and now this just happened at 3-0:

His last two cards were Cold Blood and Conceal. Lord have mercy on the souls meeting that deck without drawing a good early game.
The assassinate on the chow = the guy is either terrible or you should be really scared cos his deck is insane.
Holy shit, 10 weeks after paying for naxx but it bugging out and not unlocking I can finally play the damn adventure. Let's hope the expansion coming out shortly unlocks for me a little quicker.

Certainly sucks how long I haven't been able to play(constructed was pointless without naxx cards, only had enough gold for 3 arena runs) but blizz did make up for it. They refunded me the money I paid for naxx, added enough gold to my account to buy all the wings and also added 40 packs to my account.


Holy shit, 10 weeks after paying for naxx but it bugging out and not unlocking I can finally play the damn adventure. Let's hope the expansion coming out shortly unlocks for me a little quicker.

Certainly sucks how long I haven't been able to play(constructed was pointless without naxx cards, only had enough gold for 3 arena runs) but blizz did make up for it. They refunded me the money I paid for naxx, added enough gold to my account to buy all the wings and also added 40 packs to my account.

Hot damn, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat


Last night at work I decided to mess around and play a few games on the laptop while I waited for processes I was running to finish. Down to wire, we both had roughly 5 health and low mana. I was a priest and had fought off a lot of his damage over the game with lucky draws and well timed taunts. But he had some lucky healing hands and had me down to 2 health perpetually, him back up to 5-ish and gaining, but we were both drawing one card at a time. My molten giant came up, cost 1. First time I got to use that card. They were good people and didn't forfeit when I threw it down, allowed me to deliver the killing blow.
Vol'jin's death sound effect sounds like he's constipated, according to Amaz. Personally, it sounds like a painful orgasm to me. Either way, it made me laugh. Also, Vol'jin has a special sound effect when you're playing against a Warrior (Garrosh).

Oh, combo-wombo: Faceless Manipulator on Malganis, then Master of Disguise on him. GG well played, hope you have a lot of AoE or Twisting Nether.


I just busted someone wide open in like 7 moves. He was druid, I was mage. I feel like I should be in a 80's training montage, doing push-ups in the mirror. Naked. Rebel yell playing. Asian trainer looks on approvingly.


Vol'jin's death sound effect sounds like he's constipated, according to Amaz. Personally, it sounds like a painful orgasm to me. Either way, it made me laugh. Also, Vol'jin has a special sound effect when you're playing against a Warrior (Garrosh).

Oh, combo-wombo: Faceless Manipulator on Malganis, then Master of Disguise on him. GG well played, hope you have a lot of AoE or Twisting Nether.

Lightbomb and listen to your opponent weeping through your computer screen. :D


Vol'jin's death sound effect sounds like he's constipated, according to Amaz. Personally, it sounds like a painful orgasm to me. Either way, it made me laugh. Also, Vol'jin has a special sound effect when you're playing against a Warrior (Garrosh).

Oh, combo-wombo: Faceless Manipulator on Malganis, then Master of Disguise on him. GG well played, hope you have a lot of AoE or Twisting Nether.

They're class cards though, unless you Faceless'd the Warlock's Malganis.
They're class cards though, unless you Faceless'd the Warlock's Malganis.

Right. So if I am a Rogue facing a Warlock that played Malganis, I will cast Faceless on the Malganis, then give my Malganis Stealth using Master of Disguise. You can't lose the game at that point unless that Warlock is running Twisting Nether or has enough area of effect spells such as Hellfire, Dread Infernal, or Shadowflame. I guess the new Fel Cannon could save you too eventually.


Right. So if I am a Rogue facing a Warlock that played Malganis, I will cast Faceless on the Malganis, then give my Malganis Stealth using Master of Disguise. You can't lose the game at that point unless that Warlock is running Twisting Nether or has enough area of effect spells such as Hellfire, Dread Infernal, or Shadowflame. I guess the new Fel Cannon could save you too eventually.

Think it's a reasonable prospect to run that combo? I guess it would really depend on the meta, but it seems pretty situational. I guess the disguise/manipulator combo could work with other minions as well.


It's just dream theories, I'm not even sure if Malganis will see much play. Faceless isn't too out there if Midrange/Control Mech Rogue becomes a thing but MoD is just ass.


Vol'jin's death sound effect sounds like he's constipated, according to Amaz. Personally, it sounds like a painful orgasm to me. Either way, it made me laugh. Also, Vol'jin has a special sound effect when you're playing against a Warrior (Garrosh).
I'd have been irritated if Vol'jin did not have a special line versus Garrosh.
Think it's a reasonable prospect to run that combo? I guess it would really depend on the meta, but it seems pretty situational. I guess the disguise/manipulator combo could work with other minions as well.

It's just dream theories, I'm not even sure if Malganis will see much play. Faceless isn't too out there if Midrange/Control Mech Rogue becomes a thing but MoD is just ass.

What Vivi said. It's just a funny combo that would we'll assuredly see someday in a HysteriA video or something. The odds of it happening are probably very slim.


Class legendaries then:

Bolvar: Crap, you cant keep him in your mulligan and he is a terrible topdeck. You want to ideally be waiting until he is at least 5/7 but the fact you cant simply play him when you want is too bad. So disappointed in this card.

Neptulon: This card is pretty good even with the overload. Looking at the murloc cards, you should get some value or synergy off of them and if you get warleader its awesome. Weirdly enough it seems way too slow for an actual murloc deck though. Still, I like it.

Malorne: I think this is okay, 7 mana for 9/7 isn't very good but the effect is worth the card I feel. Delays fatigue and its another big threat for the opponent each time. Still, its so slow.Ancient of Lore is still a much better 7 drop.

Flame Leviathan: Where is the joke Blizzard? This may be worse than Bolvar, you can wipe your own board, kill yourself with ice block and let the world know what you have in hand. Then when you play it its a war golem albeit a mech. Fucking trash.

Mal'ganis: This card is cool as fuck but not necessarily that strong. 9 mana for 9/7 in stats is crap for starters, the immune ability also isn't too impressive on its own. The Cenarius esque demon buff makes this card auto include in every demon deck though, if you buff 1 demon its worth it. The fact that voidcaller can summon this is also a huge plus. I like it but its so expensive.

Iron Juggernaut: This card is definitely good but the outcry of 'op' is unwarranted. 6 mana for a 6/5 is standard and the mine doesn't stop your opponent from drawing. However the fact that control warrior games nearly always go in the direction of fatigue means the mine has a very good chance of going off at some point. Warrior likes burst damage such as grom, especially to finish the game so I like it. Powerful card. Oh and it's a mech.

Vol'jin: Fucking insane card. You basically remove an enemy minion while getting preferably at least a 5 mana 6/5. If this works like alchemist it should be unsilencable as well. After you swap health you could smite or go for heal dmg with Auchenai. Best of the lot in my opinion.

Gahz'rilla: Been plenty of discussion on him already and yeah he's simply good. Especially now we have steamwheedle sniper etc to activate him. Does need to live a turn though.

Gallywix: Don't really know how to evaluate this, especially since Auctioneer just got nerfed miracle is even more fucked now. Anyway 6 mana for a 5/8 body is pretty good so you're probably going to get at least one spell out of him. So im going to say hes probably decent however I think Troggzor is the better anti spell minion.


Somehow I missed Flame Leviathan yesterday, wow that's an absurdly terrible card. How do you even approve this when Mage's class legendary is already low tier/niche?


Somehow I missed Flame Leviathan yesterday, wow that's an absurdly terrible card. How do you even approve this when Mage's class legendary is already low tier/niche?
If it was at least only minions then you could run it in frost mage as free removal,but like this it can easily kill you.
For some reason I didn't think ship cannon could hit face. That card could be easily OP in a pirate deck. That is gonna be insane...

A knife juggler that hits for 2 with a more sticky stat allocation just seems insane.


Man. Rogue may as well not exist. Breathtakingly bad balance. Rogues need either +10 health or + 3 damage. Horrible.
Class legendaries then:

Bolvar: Crap, you cant keep him in your mulligan and he is a terrible topdeck. You want to ideally be waiting until he is at least 5/7 but the fact you cant simply play him when you want is too bad. So disappointed in this card.

Neptulon: This card is pretty good even with the overload. Looking at the murloc cards, you should get some value or synergy off of them and if you get warleader its awesome. Weirdly enough it seems way too slow for an actual murloc deck though. Still, I like it.

Malorne: I think this is okay, 7 mana for 9/7 isn't very good but the effect is worth the card I feel. Delays fatigue and its another big threat for the opponent each time. Still, its so slow.Ancient of Lore is still a much better 7 drop.

Flame Leviathan: Where is the joke Blizzard? This may be worse than Bolvar, you can wipe your own board, kill yourself with ice block and let the world know what you have in hand. Then when you play it its a war golem albeit a mech. Fucking trash.

Mal'ganis: This card is cool as fuck but not necessarily that strong. 9 mana for 9/7 in stats is crap for starters, the immune ability also isn't too impressive on its own. The Cenarius esque demon buff makes this card auto include in every demon deck though, if you buff 1 demon its worth it. The fact that voidcaller can summon this is also a huge plus. I like it but its so expensive.

Iron Juggernaut: This card is definitely good but the outcry of 'op' is unwarranted. 6 mana for a 6/5 is standard and the mine doesn't stop your opponent from drawing. However the fact that control warrior games nearly always go in the direction of fatigue means the mine has a very good chance of going off at some point. Warrior likes burst damage such as grom, especially to finish the game so I like it. Powerful card. Oh and it's a mech.

Vol'jin: Fucking insane card. You basically remove an enemy minion while getting preferably at least a 5 mana 6/5. If this works like alchemist it should be unsilencable as well. After you swap health you could smite or go for heal dmg with Auchenai. Best of the lot in my opinion.

Gahz'rilla: Been plenty of discussion on him already and yeah he's simply good. Especially now we have steamwheedle sniper etc to activate him. Does need to live a turn though.

Gallywix: Don't really know how to evaluate this, especially since Auctioneer just got nerfed miracle is even more fucked now. Anyway 6 mana for a 5/8 body is pretty good so you're probably going to get at least one spell out of him. So im going to say hes probably decent however I think Troggzor is the better anti spell minion.

I agree all around. I was looking forward to Bolvar since he's a cool character but he's super disappointing. Flame Leviathan is total WTF!? I'm not sure what they were planning with that thing? A spell heavy deck with little to no minions? Maybe freeze mage or something? It would have maybe worked better as a warrior card in an enrage deck. Still super chancy and too liable to backfire to seriously use. Mages definitely got the shaft this time.
Man. Rogue may as well not exist. Breathtakingly bad balance. Rogues need either +10 health or + 3 damage. Horrible.

I am excited at what rogues could be post expansion release. Gallywix is an incredible legendary for the class. I've always felt like the 6 slot is something hard to fill for that class ever since sludge belcher screwed over argent commander.


So the mine from the Warrior leg is a card? So your opponent besides getting hit for 10 does not gain a playable card?

Because damn, that's even more inane
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