One thing about Cobra Shot though, doesn't it scale x2 off of spell power? 4 damage to a minion and 4 damage to face for 5 is decent, 5 to a minion and 5 to face is insane.
I would call it "cute". It's fancy and Blizzard probably played it safe because of it, but in the end if you start spending 5 mana to only deal 3 damage on the board you are probably hitting that concede button very soon.
Hunters don't play spell power and never will.
Hunters don't run spell power.
It's not worth it to run spell power for Cobra Shot just like it's not worth it to run spell power for Multi Shot.
I kinda played Spellpower Hunter once.
Turn your Explosive traps into 2-cost Flame Strikes brehs.
Has anybody asked Ben Brode how Steamweedle Sniper interacts with non-Hunter hero powers? Like how would it work with Warrior or Druid?
Or maybe hilariously, Warlock? If you got it as Warlock, could you do 2 damage to a minion AND draw a a card?
Has to stay on board.Reading this stuff about hunters and spellpower, Im wondering does the spell damage have to be maintained on board until reveal? Or does it get buffed from the moment you play it with spell power up?
I got 300g for the big winner quest, but my stat screen only shows 830 wins.
How is that possible?
I got 300g for the big winner quest, but my stat screen only shows 830 wins.
How is that possible?
Yeah.Did you add up both Arena and Play mode wins?
Spellpower hunter... Oh you GAF.
And nobody will play cobra shot. It's a card for arena and not even a good one for that.
With spellpower you're still overpaying 2 mana for a Shadow Bolt, Cobra Shot is unplayable.
Maybe play mode doesn't include single player and matches with friends?
Though i doubt i had nearly 200 of those.
Also, aside from all the crazy effects the new cards have which (possibly) make them very strong - this is what people refer to when they call power creep:
A new neutral common that is just strictly better than the old comparable neutral common (Silverback Patriarch) without any drawbacks.
Noone would have said anything if Soneet wasn't epeen while never making it past rank 10.Cut Soneet some slack. Trying out deck concepts at ranks 10-20 is it's own kind of challenge. There is more than one way to challenge yourself at the game. Playing the meta/netdecks and competing at high ranks takes skill, but trying new deck concepts at the low ranks takes it's own kind of skill. It's just a different way to challenge yourself and a different way to enjoy the game. Doesn't mean you are trash if you choose to play the game a different way.
You overlooked that Silverback is a beast,and both suck anyway ,so you can hardly talk about power creep.Also, aside from all the crazy effects the new cards have which (possibly) make them very strong - this is what people refer to when they call power creep:
A new neutral common that is just strictly better than the old comparable neutral common (Silverback Patriarch) without any drawbacks.
Also, aside from all the crazy effects the new cards have which (possibly) make them very strong - this is what people refer to when they call power creep:
A new neutral common that is just strictly better than the old comparable neutral common (Silverback Patriarch) without any drawbacks.
Hm, fair point about not being a beast, though being strictly better in 8 out of 9 classes still qualifies, I think.![]()
Also, aside from all the crazy effects the new cards have which (possibly) make them very strong - this is what people refer to when they call power creep:
A new neutral common that is just strictly better than the old comparable neutral common (Silverback Patriarch) without any drawbacks.
Mechanical yeti would be a better example. Just straight up superior.
Mechanical yeti would be a better example. Just straight up superior.
Doesn't he also give a part to the other player? A bonus and a drawback cancels it out so I figure that's why it costs the same.
I've seen it once, a stream sniperino uprooted both his Wars because Sjow had a Black Knight in hand. He then put a "u mad strem sniper" MS Paint and an ugly Spider-Man picture overlay over his hand. Won all three or four games against that guy.The YOLO Ancient of War Uproot never works. =(
I know it probably isn't him, but I played someone named frodan, which I guess it is possible to be him since it is early in the season even tho I'm only rank 11. I never pay attention to names like this but it happened to catch my eye.
Why does Amaz like the Recombobulator so much? "It gives you a chance of getting a great 5 or 6 drop" (as an example) - why not just play that great drop in the first place instead?
It's the Thoughtsteal vs Ysera question from Kibler's Undertaker deck. Why thoughtsteal and gamble to get great endgame finishers when you can just play the endgame finishers yourself.
You overlooked that Silverback is a beast,and both suck anyway ,so you can hardly talk about power creep.
He got Mech-tag as well, so even if the Deathrattle is a net neutral, the tribal allegiance make it outright better than plain ol' Yeti.
Yeah, the power creep is extremely apparent, and I guess it is kinda Blizzard's way of ensuring that people buy the new packs.