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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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The more I think about it the more I find Malorne an amazing druid legendary. I mean in ramp druid he's going to be nightmare fuel for the opponent. I mean how do you deal with a 9/7 on turn 3/5 in a way that he does not come back to haunt you later on. For me it's one of the top 3 if not top 1 legendaries in this set.

You can silence him, hes alright but I think you're getting ahead of yourself. Actually I was a little bummed he didn't have a choose one mechanic.
Something else about that Gnome Infantry card, it combos very well with Hob Goblin, same with Flying Machine. With Infantry you get that benefit right as you play the card, which is nice. It'd be my guess as to why these cards exist, probably why it also has taunt. Feels like the makings of a new Zoo deck.
What would be the point of releasing new cards if all the cards were worse than all the existing cards?

They could introduce increased diversity, just different cards that synergises in different ways without being outright more powerful stat-wise.

Mech Yeti would be fine if Yeti had a tribe that it could benefit from.
I don't know that I would call it power creep. There are a lot of terrible, awful no good cards in this expansion and they're filling in a lot of gaps with these new cards so of course there will be powerful ones. Power creep implies they are, overall, more powerful than the current cards. That very well may end up being the case but we won't know until we've had time to test everything but all of the cards with powerful effects are in line with existing powerful cards.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
They could introduce increased diversity, just different cards that synergises in different ways without being outright more powerful stat-wise.

There are very, very few cards in this set that are just downright more powerful than other cards. Like Flying Machine and Gnome Infantry are pretty much better than Silverback Patriarch, and Dr Boom is simply better than War Golem. But nobody played those cards anyway. Mechanical Yeti doesn't even necessarily replace the regular Chillwind Yeti, because maybe you'd rather not run the risk of your opponent having a better spare part than you in a non-mech deck.


How to nuke-Priest in a week?



It needs draw probably... More charge instead of spell power?


You can silence him, hes alright but I think you're getting ahead of yourself. Actually I was a little bummed he didn't have a choose one mechanic.

Yeah perhaps but still. An opponent always has to use atleast 2 cards if they want to deal with him (a silence + 7 dmg spell/minion or destroy minion card) more often than not they are going to need to use 3+ cards. He's also a very safe to taunt up since your opponent has to choose between Black Knight'ing him or silencing him. Perhaps i'm overthing it but just the stat distribution with an amazing deathrattle and druid class cards that can get him out even sooner makes me just very excited for this one.
A start to a Mech-Rogue idea, still needs some tweaking I'm sure. Need to figure out if I'll want more Spare Part cards or just way more Mechs. Cogmaster's Wrench / Short-sword Oil might also be a good idea. Main idea is to get board control early with a ton of Mechs, then get out Mim's head and a Conceal.


I'm not even going to get into theoretical deckbuilding right now - all depends on which cards I'll get out of the ~20 decks I'll be able to buy.

You can play a minion that has awesome effect and bad body, like Ancient of Lore or Defender of Argus and Recombobulate it.
There are a couple of those, that's true.

Though I assume the transformation wouldn't trigger a deathrattle, that would probably put the card over the top.


How to nuke-Priest in a week?


It needs draw probably... More charge instead of spell power?

Nuke priest is what I'm most excited about trying out once the new expansion hits, since I'm already running a similar deck but cards like Velen's Chosen and Light of the Naaru are going to be big upgrades over stuff I'm running now.

I don't think Mini-Mage is worth including though. Yeah, it has stealth but there are so many ways to deal 1 damage via AoE or randomly that it is going to die pretty easily. Not what you want out of a 4-cost minion. I'd rather run Kobold Geomancers since I can drop them and then play a spell in the same turn. I'd also replace the Madder Bombers with Azure Drakes for more spell power and card draw.


Nuke priest is what I'm most excited about trying out once the new expansion hits, since I'm already running a similar deck but cards like Velen's Chosen and Light of the Naaru are going to be big upgrades over stuff I'm running now.

I don't think Mini-Mage is worth including though. Yeah, it has stealth but there are so many ways to deal 1 damage via AoE or randomly that it is going to die pretty easily. Not what you want out of a 4-cost minion. I'd rather run Kobold Geomancers since I can drop them and then play a spell in the same turn. I'd also replace the Madder Bombers with Azure Drakes for more spell power and card draw.

Can't believe I forgot about Azure Drakes... +2 of those, +1 Kobold, -1 Madder Bomber, -2 Mini-Mages.


Migth drop a Circle as well since I run double Nova.


A start to a Mech-Rogue idea, still needs some tweaking I'm sure. Need to figure out if I'll want more Spare Part cards or just way more Mechs. Cogmaster's Wrench / Short-sword Oil might also be a good idea. Main idea is to get board control early with a ton of Mechs, then get out Mim's head and a Conceal.

I think Gazlowe needs to be an auto-include in any Spare Part deck. The synergy is just insane.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think Gazlowe needs to be an auto-include in any Spare Part deck. The synergy is just insane.

His stats are really bad for the cost. I think you have to run 6-8 cards with spare parts plus a couple class based 1 mana spell cards for him to be worth it.
I'm going to test Gazlowe out in my Shaman deck at some point. Rockbiter, Lightning Bolt, and Earth Shock already cover 6 1-cost spells that I run. I'm sure I could work a couple more worthwhile spells into that.


His stats are really bad for the cost. I think you have to run 6-8 cards with spare parts plus a couple class based 1 mana spell cards for him to be worth it.

I suppose. His health is what really matters though and 6 is pretty good. In any case, a rogue is well-positioned to take advantage of him since they already have a bunch of good 1 mana spells and can also Conceal, or better yet, MoD him.


Can Sneed's Old Shredder give you class legendaries? Because that would lead to some hilarious situations if lucky.


Here is a controlly priest I'll be trying out in a few weeks.

1s (6)
2--Northshire Cleric
2--Light of the Naaru
2--Power Word Shield
2s (5)
2--Shadow Boxer(mech)
1--Shadow Word Pain
3s (9)
2--Dark Cultist(Deathrattle)
2--Injured Blademaster
2--Valen's Chosen
2--Thought Steal
1--Shadow Word Death
2--Shadow Madness
2--Sludge Belcher
1--Holy Nova
6s (3)
1--Cabel Priest
1--Light Bomb
8+s (1) (swap out depending on meta and what you own)
0--Mind Control

The deck drops most of the combo heavy priest plays, standing on cards that work by themselves more than super combos that suck away cards like CoH and Auchanai. the combos and big potential plays are below:

Light Bomb - This card offers a big tempo swing against Rogue, Warlock, & Hunters. Those classes often play minions whose damage exceeds their health and often clog up the board with 3+ minions. This card can take out full health giants, stealthed and buffed rogue minions, and more.
Also with all the ways to boost your minion health, it won't clear your own board even if it heavily damages it.

Shadow Boxer + Valen's Chosen - A target for hero power and pain to remove in early game. Lots of upside for that damage to enemy on heals.

Injured Blade Master + Light of Naruu - Blade Masters should be treated as turn 4 & 5 plays. LoN summons a 1 mana minion and your blade master is still injured to combo with other healing plays if it's late game.

Shrinkmeister + (Cabal, SW:p, or Shadow Madness) - Shrink works well on his own if you have no other options, but when combined with Cabal, Pain, or Madness it could offer you a huge swing.

The early game for this deck sucks, I'd like to try and squeeze in 2 Zombie Chow by dropping a thoughtsteal and a shadow madness, but I'm not sure the gamble on early game is worth the heartache in late game, especially with no Auchenai to turn them into damage.
I think Gazlowe needs to be an auto-include in any Spare Part deck. The synergy is just insane.

That's a good point, even if his stats aren't great. You wouldn't use him for that. He'd be about filling your hand back up with minions, which in the deck would be great, because if VO-7-TR0N fails, you don't really have any other big win condition. Gazlow would probably allow you to fill the board back up somewhat easily, depending on your hand.


Any collectible legendaries, so yes.

Great, thanks!

First mech/spare parts deck I created (used hunter for the metaltooth leaper/feign death) i'm kinda excited about. Still not 100% on the 5-cost minions but turn 5 could also be a great 3 + 2 drop turn this way or a 4 drop + spare part. But i'm still debating if the 4-drop shredder might be better than the Nullifier. Anyway here is what i'm thinking about atm:


edit: this is better I think, ah well just super excited for the new cards.


Here is what I am thinking of running for GvG



Still not 100% happy with them but with so much influx in the game it is going to be hard to find the perfect deck.

Gj blizz nerfing a highskill deck

It really wasn't necessary considering the position Hunters and Zoo are in now. Both of which got minor nerfs (Zoo was slightly heavier than hunters). The best metric is the new secret stealing minion who is going to be very popular if the meta remains the same.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I wonder how effective a deck running Troggzor and Galywix would be. Some heavily anti-spell deck, and if you have both on the field at once and are forced to use removal, the rouge player gets the spell and summons a 3/5. Any after that and a new 3/5 comes, and the old one is a 5/5 depending on the target.

Could be really fun to mess with.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I wonder how effective a deck running Troggzor and Galywix would be. Some heavily anti-spell deck, and if you have both on the field at once and are forced to use removal, the rouge player gets the spell and summons a 3/5. Any after that and a new 3/5 comes, and the old one is a 5/5 depending on the target.

Could be really fun to mess with.

It would certainly stop your opponent from using their coin. Getting both on the board at the same time is a pie in the sky dream, though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I mean, technically speaking, silerback patriarch is a beast, and there is precedent for that being worth something. River Croc and Raptor are just vanilla 2/3 and 3/2 and there are all sorts of neutral minions that have thoae stats PLUS card text. I think Dr Boom is the only case where one neutral minion is just 100% better than another neutral in all cases. And he's a legendary, which might be the only reason that's excusable.
Hearthhead has such an easier to use deckbuilding tool than hearthpwn btw. Real sorting and better organized... just a big improvement I suggest checking it out.

This is the current version of my rogue deck:


Not sure if clockwork gnome will be worth it since it is a 2/1. But it does give a spare part to work into combos which is one the things I want to try out. It could fail horribly because I need a minion on board to use the spare part on usually.

This isn't a mech deck but I am using a few mechs. But key parts are the 4/4 3cc ogre and the 6/6 5cc ogre. Just meant to be big bodies that are difficult to remove yet very pressuring.

I feel like sometimes this deck just might hit face a few more times than I'd like, but then I just finish him off anyway. lol


This is pretty awesome! (although I suppose the prizes will still be OG card packs)

EDIT: I hope that my currently 3-1 mage deck I drafted before this update will still do well, I had high hopes for it.
Mage gonna Mage, also the patch isn't live yet even in Murica is it?
Y'all gonna get rekt by me in Arena... just gonna go all RNGesus with every pick and troll fools with worse luck than myself.

EDIT... wait... it doesn't say "today" anywhere in that link.
Is that a miswording, or is it possible to craft packs now?

I think those changes don't come into affect until the 8th.

Goblins vs Gnomes packs will be available to purchase via the in-game Shop upon the official release of Goblins vs Gnomes on December 8th!

I'm confused. Maybe you can get gvg packs now via arena? We'll find out with the free arena run they are giving us.
Normally this would be something we'd see after a Tuesday maintenance I'd say... I'll believe it when I see it as far as any of it popping up before this coming Tuesday.


Normally this would be something we'd see after a Tuesday maintenance I'd say... I'll believe it when I see it as far as any of it popping up before this coming Tuesday.

Well the patch notes specifically mention a "sneak peek" ahead of "next week's launch". So it has to be something they are planning on adding today or tomorrow, I would think. Unless it was something they wanted to add on Tuesday and then scraped, but the old patch notes somehow leaked out?


Normally this would be something we'd see after a Tuesday maintenance I'd say... I'll believe it when I see it as far as any of it popping up before this coming Tuesday.

As for spectator mode & GvG cards appearing in arena it doesn't really get any more specific, and knowing Blizzard they wouldn't be announcing this at all if they couldn't deliver on it. Probably happening sometime tomorrow for US.

The "Breaking News" part of the Hearthstone client says the card changes.

It's happening Jim.

Ay caramba
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