Here is a controlly priest I'll be trying out in a few weeks.
1s (6)
2--Northshire Cleric
2--Light of the Naaru
2--Power Word Shield
2s (5)
2--Shadow Boxer(mech)
1--Shadow Word Pain
3s (9)
2--Dark Cultist(Deathrattle)
2--Injured Blademaster
2--Valen's Chosen
2--Thought Steal
1--Shadow Word Death
2--Shadow Madness
2--Sludge Belcher
1--Holy Nova
6s (3)
1--Cabel Priest
1--Light Bomb
8+s (1) (swap out depending on meta and what you own)
0--Mind Control
The deck drops most of the combo heavy priest plays, standing on cards that work by themselves more than super combos that suck away cards like CoH and Auchanai. the combos and big potential plays are below:
Light Bomb - This card offers a big tempo swing against Rogue, Warlock, & Hunters. Those classes often play minions whose damage exceeds their health and often clog up the board with 3+ minions. This card can take out full health giants, stealthed and buffed rogue minions, and more.
Also with all the ways to boost your minion health, it won't clear your own board even if it heavily damages it.
Shadow Boxer + Valen's Chosen - A target for hero power and pain to remove in early game. Lots of upside for that damage to enemy on heals.
Injured Blade Master + Light of Naruu - Blade Masters should be treated as turn 4 & 5 plays. LoN summons a 1 mana minion and your blade master is still injured to combo with other healing plays if it's late game.
Shrinkmeister + (Cabal, SW
, or Shadow Madness) - Shrink works well on his own if you have no other options, but when combined with Cabal, Pain, or Madness it could offer you a huge swing.
The early game for this deck sucks, I'd like to try and squeeze in 2 Zombie Chow by dropping a thoughtsteal and a shadow madness, but I'm not sure the gamble on early game is worth the heartache in late game, especially with no Auchenai to turn them into damage.