Also has the best intro I've seen so far, so at least there's that.Even if it sucks, it does have a unique and moderately interesting mechanic.
Antique Healbot has been good to me so far.
Must be rusty
Explosive Sheep
Explosive Sheep + Poison Seeds = Equality + Consecration for druids?
Yeah, actually Poison Seeds will kill everything, Deathrattles happen, then makes 2/2s. - (Zeriyah)
Explosive Sheep plus Mage = 4 mana, 1 card, deal 2 damage to all minions
Jeeves is crazy
Getting a Malorne from Webspinner is the best.
For the guys who were spectating me: yes, that totally was a ragequit
Snowchugger is so good against weapon classes. Just denied this paladin his Truesilver for like 4 turns in a row.
All right, went 5/3.
My losses were to that 8/8 for 5 golem that makes you discard off the top of your deck (they silenced it with an owl and then had a void terror eat both), a Druid of the Claw followed by a Druid of the Fang after a bunch of removal, and then improbably bad draws against a Pirate deck with that cannon that does 2 damage every time a pirate comes out.
So far a good showing for the new cards in arena.
Muster for Battle needs a summoning sound. I'd even be happy with "reporting for duty" 3 times.
Did they secretly nerf Warsong Commander? Before this patch you could play Harvest Golem and both it plus the Damaged Golem it spawned would have charge. Now only the original minion gets charge. WTF?
Holy shit I did it guys!
Bomber hit it twice. Thank you RNGesus
The text hasn't changed. Was your commander silenced perhaps?