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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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'Spare parts' is a pretty cool mechanic. Random, but cool nonetheless. The one that acts like an alchemist battlecry is super useful.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
'Spare parts' is a pretty cool mechanic. Random, but cool nonetheless. The one that acts like an alchemist battlecry is super useful.

I really like them, as they're random but have a strong on the fly thinking element to making good use of them. Same with the piloted enemies.


Did they print any anti-mech cards? Would be weird as they seem so goddamn strong.

Also spare parts must've been the main reason they finally nerfed Gadgetzan.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Did they print any anti-mech cards? Would be weird as they seem so goddamn strong.

Also spare parts must've been the main reason they finally nerfed Gadgetzan.

Unless I'm forgetting something, nope. Just antideathrattle and the secret stealing minion.
Not likely unless they explicitly state so.

I'd say it's actually more likely you'll get GvG packs. From a programming perspective it seems simpler to just flip a "give GvG packs for arena wins" switch.

Also, Blizzard not saying what packs it'll give leads me to believe it will be GvG. They want people to spend more gold, so they're not saying anything.


But changing existing items in your possession is usually a big no no. The GvG packs most likely will have different graphics as well.


I'd say it's actually more likely you'll get GvG packs. From a programming perspective it seems simpler to just flip a "give GvG packs for arena wins" switch.

Also, Blizzard not saying what packs it'll give leads me to believe it will be GvG. They want people to spend more gold, so they're not saying anything.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding your post correctly but it has been confirmed a while ago that after release arena will only grant GvG packs as a reward. Speculation is whether arena packs you obtain now during the pre-launch event will retroactively turn into GvG packs which I highly doubt.


Well, my opponent just got a 1 out of 729, 6 madder bomber bombs to my face. Followed by a fireball for lethal. -_-


I like the yellow outline on your cards when they meet a condition. eg Kill Command doing 5 when you have a beast.


Went to 9 wins with a priest deck I wasn't really happy about. Lost to a mage that had Dr. Boom and Hogger... -.-'. Ah well it was fun trying out the cards but I will now wait for the release instead of doing more Arena.

Some standout cards (from an arena perspective) from the ones I tried (played pala/priest):

- Quartermaster [even with just one recruit it provided some great value, anything more and I almost always won the game]

- Annoy-o-tron [play this one in a priest draft, if the opponent can't deal with it quickly it allowed me to build up a board pretty safely and throw in some spare parts/the 4hp buff mech and it was a win]

- Velen's Chosen [such a powerful card, turned around a lot of games for me]
Updated the collection spreadsheet I made to include the GvG cards ahead of release on Monday.


I moved stuff around and updated some incorrect card counts, so if you previously downloaded the spreadsheet before, you will need to redownload and re-add the cards from your Classic collection, unfortunately. But hey, if you do it now you will be all ready to go once GvG hits!

This thing is super useful, thanks.

I have a question for you and for anyone with a better knowledge of the Hearthstone community/ecosystem than me.

I still am missing several cards from the original set (many legendaries, several epics, few rares. According to the spreadsheet I'm a bit over 80% completion) and now that GvG is releasing I will be faced with the option of buying original or GvG packs.


1) the GvG cards set is "unfavourable" in distribution (less Commons, more Epics, more Legendaries) compared to the original set, meaning everyone will need many more packs to get all the cards (or dust needed to craft them).

2) not all the cards are *really* useful, and that goes for both sets

So, I think it's safe to assume that I will buy a certain amount of GvG packs at release in order to build a base, but then at a certain point (when? when I got all the commons?) I'll need to decide if buying old or new packs.

Question is: is there a site / list with all the cards and their "weigth", like how important it is to have them?

Another question (due to my ignorance) is: is there a list of the probability you have for each single card you open from pack to be Common, Rare etc. (I have seen some statistics but I think they were just at pack level, like you should find a Legendary every 20 packs, 1 Rare more than the standard one every 4 packs, I would like to understand, when I flip a card from pack, that card has an x% probability of being common, y% rare...)

With those info and the spreadhseet of still missing cards, one could understand where investing money on packs has a higher probability of returns.

Or has everything been investingated and there's no need for all of this? being at work I can't access forums on battlenet, hearthpwn or similar...
Went to 9 wins with a priest deck I wasn't really happy about. Lost to a mage that had Dr. Boom and Hogger... -.-'. Ah well it was fun trying out the cards but I will now wait for the release instead of doing more Arena.

Some standout cards (from an arena perspective) from the ones I tried (played pala/priest):

- Quartermaster [even with just one recruit it provided some great value, anything more and I almost always won the game]

- Annoy-o-tron [play this one in a priest draft, if the opponent can't deal with it quickly it allowed me to build up a board pretty safely and throw in some spare parts/the 4hp buff mech and it was a win]

- Velen's Chosen [such a powerful card, turned around a lot of games for me]

Yeah, Velen's Chosen is pretty boss.

My surprise picks were Mad Bomber, Tinker's Sharpsword Oil and... Ogre Ninja. I really had fun with my Rogue run and Rogue is normally one of my least favorite classes.I think they got some really good cards. If you can keep the board clear then Ogre Ninja's miss rate isn't even an issue. I used him tons of times and I never had him miss because I was always keeping the board clear. So he's 5 mana for a 6/6 with stealth. Buff him with the Oil and/or Cold Blood and I would get massive damage off him.

Also Gilblin Stalker is a really great two drop.


Arena is the worst

Why do people even enjoy this stupid mode

lol nm

Get 1 win

40 gold and a Pack. Pack has a golden Argent and Lord Jaraxxus

Thanks Hearthstone gods
Yeah, Velen's Chosen is pretty boss.

I was on the end of that a few times, it is an extremely strong card. That and flamecannon are the day 1 problems for me.

The hunter weapon that gives a mech +1 was kind of fun with annoy-o-tron.

A lot of the other cards are good, but kind of just substitutes.
This thing is super useful, thanks.

I have a question for you and for anyone with a better knowledge of the Hearthstone community/ecosystem than me.

I still am missing several cards from the original set (many legendaries, several epics, few rares. According to the spreadsheet I'm a bit over 80% completion) and now that GvG is releasing I will be faced with the option of buying original or GvG packs.


1) the GvG cards set is "unfavourable" in distribution (less Commons, more Epics, more Legendaries) compared to the original set, meaning everyone will need many more packs to get all the cards (or dust needed to craft them).

2) not all the cards are *really* useful, and that goes for both sets

So, I think it's safe to assume that I will buy a certain amount of GvG packs at release in order to build a base, but then at a certain point (when? when I got all the commons?) I'll need to decide if buying old or new packs.

Question is: is there a site / list with all the cards and their "weigth", like how important it is to have them?

Another question (due to my ignorance) is: is there a list of the probability you have for each single card you open from pack to be Common, Rare etc. (I have seen some statistics but I think they were just at pack level, like you should find a Legendary every 20 packs, 1 Rare more than the standard one every 4 packs, I would like to understand, when I flip a card from pack, that card has an x% probability of being common, y% rare...)

With those info and the spreadhseet of still missing cards, one could understand where investing money on packs has a higher probability of returns.

Or has everything been investingated and there's no need for all of this? being at work I can't access forums on battlenet, hearthpwn or similar...

There's lists for which cards are good for arena but I don't really know if they have anything like that for constructed. The thing is, because arena is random some cards are better there than they would be in constructed because they stand alone. You can't really count on getting a lot of good combos and synergy in arena. Whereas in constructed, some cards that would be really worthless in arena can really shine in a deck that's built with them in mind. Like you see Yeti's a lot in arena but hardly ever in constructed. Whereas Doomsayer is pretty awful for arena but can be useful in some freeze mage decks.

But I really think as they release more expansions they should raise the level cap and offer some of the older staple class cards as rewards for leveling. I think that would also balance arena more. Why Flamestrike is basic for Mages and Lightning Storm is rare for Shaman I don't really understand. It's hard to say which of the classic to get for constructed since they're kind of conditional on what kind of decks you want to play and build, though there are definitely cards which I think everyone pretty much agrees are pretty worthless. Someone should make a list if there isn't one already.

As for probability of card rarities in packs, I know some guys on reddit did a massive sample and have some really good stats somewhere. I track my own cards and my current stats are below (sample of 221 packs/1100 cards):

Legendary: 0.91%
Gold Legendary: 0.18%
Epic: 4.18%
Gold Epic: 0.27%
Rare: 21.45%
Gold Rare: 1.64%
Common: 69.55%
Gold Common: 1.82%

Usually Legendary percentages hover between 1.14% and like 0.98% but I've been on an unusually long drought for the last thirty or so packs so it's been trending lower than normal.


Gold Member
Updated the collection spreadsheet I made to include the GvG cards ahead of release on Monday.


I moved stuff around and updated some incorrect card counts, so if you previously downloaded the spreadsheet before, you will need to redownload and re-add the cards from your Classic collection, unfortunately. But hey, if you do it now you will be all ready to go once GvG hits!

I grabbed your earlier one and even duplicated the tab and edited the dust values for gold cards too, thanks for the update. A possible suggestion to include those tabs yourself (just duplicate each tab as Classic Gold and GvG Gold)... it's fun just to see how depressingly long / expensive it is for the golden set too!

$6000 for the classic set, and $3500 for the GvG set in gold! Also, if you're doing that or not, another suggestion that helps is to freeze the top 5 rows (so they always stay visible on screen), then you can see your totals go down while you update cards, which is nice too.


Arena is the worst

Why do people even enjoy this stupid mode

lol nm

Get 1 win

40 gold and a Pack. Pack has a golden Argent and Lord Jaraxxus

Thanks Hearthstone gods

As you've discovered....

150 Gold entry fee = 1 guaranteed pack + bonus depending on wins

So you get your pack and if you do even moderately well, you're guaranteed a gold bonus, which makes your run the same as buying a pack with 100 gold. If you do better than that, you get bonus dust, bonus cards, and maybe much more bonus gold.

In short, it's worth it.


As you've discovered....

150 Gold entry fee = 1 guaranteed pack + bonus depending on wins

So you get your pack and if you do even moderately well, you're guaranteed a gold bonus, which makes your run the same as buying a pack with 100 gold. If you do better than that, you get bonus dust, bonus cards, and maybe much more bonus gold.

In short, it's worth it.
The drawback is that you have to play arena. If that's all right, then arena is fine.
I get bored of arena pretty quick (so I do 1, maybe 2, runs a day). While it is random/draft mode it does seem to fall into a pretty fixed state. Maybe gvg has changed that and we'll find out by how much over the course of the next couple weeks.

I plan on playing at least 1 arena a day to build up my constructed library. Got about 1600 gold so 10+ runs covered already. I'm not a great arena player but I can still get about 5-7 wins minimum on a mediocre/bad run which means the minimum amount of gold I can count on is around 50g per run. Doing the math, even if I go minimum every day I am covered for quite a long time due to quests and earning gold in constructed.

Actually looking at the numbers again, I'll probably average out to about 100g reward for a run, meaning 1 quest a day pretty much makes me go infinite.


Did my first arena with the new cards, and managed to draft Kezan Mystic. First two people I fought were mages, both times, I got to steal their mirror entity (I was playing shaman). Both emoted "My magic will tear you apart", I just replied "I thank you". Your mage tears are even more delicious now.

Man I knew I would like this card, but after playing it, I fucking love it. Both mages had to take a bit to decide what minion to drop, which meant they really screwed up their turn by playing sub optimally. NOW YOU KNOW WHAT IT FUCKING FEELS LIKE.
Because it's more challenging than constructed. Many people enjoy a good challenge.

i would completely disagree that it's more challenging. it's just a different kind of challenge.


There are a lot of guides and resources out there to help boost that win rate. I can't recommend any personally since I haven't played arena in quite a long time but I'm sure someone here has a good site.

yeah. you basically want stat efficient minions and enough 1-5 drops that you curve out well. the games where i snowball to victor are ones where i hit curve perfectly. like last night i had this turn 7 win because my opening was coin void walker/flame imp followed by a 2 mana 2/3, a spider tank and mechanical yeti. it was pretty disgusting.
If I start an arena now, but don't finish it until after the xpac... will I get GvG rewards or regular pack rewards?

Good question. My guess is only classic pack rewards, but there's only one way to find out!

The great thing about a new expansion is that I can now safely craft all the original set cards I wanted without fear of pulling them from a pack immediately afterwards. Gonna finally grab a Ragnaros and maybe one or two other cards I was missing and then just start saving dust again.
My guess would be that you do get the new award but who knows. Just one pack anyway. Unless you plan on doing more arena, there is no loss either way.

LOL this cheesy shaman build: turn 2 shade, turn 3 shade, windfury on first shade from the 3/3 minion. Turn 7: defender of argus on both shades still stealthed (guy is getting stupid greedy now), hex on cairne. Then I top deck equality finall and equality consecrate.

This was actually the second time I faced this same shaman. I knew he was running something stupid the first round when I saw the shades and alexstrasza but I crushed him hard the first round. He could have stood a chance if he didn't get stupidly greedy with his shades he had 20 damage on board... wtf was he actually trying to OTK me down? lmao.


needs to show more effort.
My guess would be that you do get the new award but who knows. Just one pack anyway. Unless you plan on doing more arena, there is no loss either way.

LOL this cheesy shaman build: turn 2 shade, turn 3 shade, windfury on first shade from the 3/3 minion. Turn 7: defender of argus on both shades still stealthed (guy is getting stupid greedy now), hex on cairne. Then I top deck equality finall and equality consecrate.

This was actually the second time I faced this same shaman. I knew he was running something stupid the first round when I saw the shades and alexstrasza but I crushed him hard the first round. He could have stood a chance if he didn't get stupidly greedy with his shades he had 20 damage on board... wtf was he actually trying to OTK me down? lmao.
I made an OTK deck like this before that I played in legend ladder after naxx came out (no alexstrasa though). It had a really high winrate on any game where I had shade in my starting hand.

You just stealth shades, cast windfury on them, and then when you're reading to go off you place flametongue/rockbiters and use hex/bolts/earthshocks to clear out taunts and OTK.

The only thing the deck is missing to make it viable in my mind is some sort of deck control to let you get shade into your starting hand more reliably. Especially now that shaman has access to good healing.
I made an OTK deck like this before that I played in legend ladder after naxx came out (no alexstrasa though). It had a really high winrate on any game where I had shade in my starting hand.

You just stealth shades, cast windfury on them, and then when you're reading to go off you place flametongue/rockbiters and use hex/bolts/earthshocks to clear out taunts and OTK.

The only thing the deck is missing to make it viable in my mind is some sort of deck control to let you get shade into your starting hand more reliably.

But even with the perfect hand... I even thought about using consecrate to remove the second shade but didn't think it was worth it. I'm sure if you could guarantee getting perfect starts it would win matches, just seemed very cheesy but also in an underwhelming result kind of way. Even if he did hit me for 20 before hexing my guy, I think I would have recovered.

I know reynad ran a deck like it which is probably what prompted him to run it. Maybe it works well in the right hands.


needs to show more effort.
But even with the perfect hand... I even thought about using consecrate to remove the second shade but didn't think it was worth it. I'm sure if you could guarantee getting perfect starts it would win matches, just seemed very cheesy but also in an underwhelming result kind of way. Even if he did hit me for 20 before hexing my guy, I think I would have recovered.

I know reynad ran a deck like it which is probably what prompted him to run it. Maybe it works well in the right hands.
Well you were playing paladin which would be the deck's worst matchup. And if a deck's bad matchup is paladin then... its probably a fine deck ;)

In my experience, starting hand shade of naxx (almost regardless of what else I drew) meant I was killing my opponent on turn 7-8.
When playing arena, you just have to remember each and every match you are playing you are accepting that you are probably going to lose... lol. Its just a painful process but accepting it is important towards your sanity.


Oh shit they changed Soulfire! Zoo still viable?

*queues, goes 3-0 with Zoo in <15 turns total*

Yup, still good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Is it just me or did the patch also just improve the game's performance? Seems like the framerate in the game is higher or something.

We should gather all tags in the op

What do you mean by tags? Not sure I follow.


When playing arena, you just have to remember each and every match you are playing you are accepting that you are probably going to lose... lol. Its just a painful process but accepting it is important towards your sanity.

This is so true. Many games will end up in top deck wars and there is nothing you can do but pray lol.


Is it just me or did the patch also just improve the game's performance? Seems like the framerate in the game is higher or something.

What do you mean by tags? Not sure I follow.
Yes, animations are noticeably faster now and it's awesome. Possibly due to stuff like Bouncing Blade and Madder Bomber, I'm just hoping it's not some kind of bug that's getting patched out again.

Battletags so we can add each other.
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