Holy shit I did it guys!
Bomber hit it twice. Thank you RNGesus
Oh, and Ghaz came from a webspinner LOL
LOL. Sick.
I hope you checked that wasn't Vaporize beforehand 
Holy shit I did it guys!
Bomber hit it twice. Thank you RNGesus
Oh, and Ghaz came from a webspinner LOL
Seal of Light is a fantastic card. Definitely putting that into a constructed deck.
Flame Cannon is really damn good.
I'm telling you, in a month Bolvar is going to be in the pile of legendaries no one bothers to use.
Spoiler alert: Bolvar gets melted and then sits on an ice throne and everyone forgets about him.
Why was my Solo adventures glowing when I logged into get the free arena run? I already beat everything from Naxx when it came out. Is there something new in there I'm not seeing?
The chicken from gnomish experimenter doesn't cost 0 mana. What a rip off. It costs 1.
The chicken from gnomish experimenter doesn't cost 0 mana. What a rip off. It costs 1.
Just remembered what his flavor text is:
So true on so many levels.
Did you play it? When I saw someone use it, it transformed the minion during the card draw and looked like it went right into play. So the 1 mana could just be the repay cost if it is bounced.
It shows you the minion that got turned into a chicken, but I don't think it goes into play right away.
Just played it. the chicken definitely goes into your hand.
Priest is ridiculous in arena now. Definitely top tier.
Sharpsword oil is pretty awesome. Gave my Nerubian Egg attack and got my poisoned assassin's blade up to 8 dmg with 3 charges. Taking me down to value town.
Fel Reaver is hilarious and sort of buggy. Opponent had it up and I made her burn through her entire deck. Except once she ran out of cards she didn't take exhaustion damage when it was supposed to draw more cards and couldn't.
Nah the card reads "discard cards" not "draw cards". It's why it doesn't work past the initial deck mill. Using draw cards after that though...
PjsaltThis guy against Reynad got three murloc warleaders from neptulon. lolllllllllllllll
Huh, ok. Regardless, I don't know if I'd use that thing seeing what damage it will do to you. I could have killed it anytime and instead I just let it stay up and destroy her deck. Seemed like it was a bigger liability than a benefit but I think she misplayed by using it to trade for minions instead of going straight for the face.
What? Is the expansion out!?
You can use the cards in arena. Can't buy or craft them until Tuesday.
Was at 8-2, had fatal and my game crashes. Log back in but it doesn't reconnect but doesn't show a loss either. Go in another match and win. Come out and it shows me as losing at 8-3 and doesn't take into account the additional match I won. Blizz, are you kidding me?
Also, did drop rates get nerfed or have I just been really unlucky lately?
Everyone gets legendaries in arena it's ridiculous now lol
So I take it that the reward pack for arena is "classic" still?
:lolI just remembered that I hate arena.