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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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The whole Goblins vs. Gnomes thing is reminding me how wacky these parts of the Warcraft universe are. I really wonder how they plan to integrate them into the movie seeing that they seem to be trying to play it straight there? I wonder if they just leave them out or how they make it not jarring?
They'll probably leave them out, at least for the first film. That's based mostly on Orcs and Humans. Also, tone is very important. They can easily have them, but still be serious with them.

Also, you guys are going to make me spend the rest of my gold. So much fun.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The whole Goblins vs. Gnomes thing is reminding me how wacky these parts of the Warcraft universe are. I really wonder how they plan to integrate them into the movie seeing that they seem to be trying to play it straight there? I wonder if they just leave them out or how they make it not jarring?

The movie is addressing the start of the first war, which is not that wacky. Goblins and gnomes weren't involved until the second war.





Hearthstone at its core is about randomness setting up unpredictable situations. This is just further in that direction.

Disagreed entirely...

There's luck of the draw as there is in any card game.

Unpredictable situations? No... Not at all. That's exactly what separates the pros from the amateurs--the ability to determine all possible outcomes and deduce which course of action is best to take based on that.

Random doesn't mean unpredictable. We can predict within a random scope, easily.
So what do you guys think about UT prospects post GVG?

They have 1 neutral counter to deathrattle decks (lil' exorcist, 2/3, 3cc, taunt, +1/+1 for each enemy deathrattle), although it doesn't impact UT directly and can be played around by using your DR minions before the minion is played. The counter itself is just a 2/3 taunt on its own and is just a non-deathrattle, non-mech harvest golem when it receives no buff. Assuming most non-deathrattle decks don't run deathrattles til turn 4-5, it can be saved to make a 3/4 taunt but fairly inefficient use of mana most likely. So I am gonna say it isn't ideal against non-deathrattle oriented decks even if the decks run some deathrattles. A taunt isn't useless at least.

Then we have the scarlet purifier paladin anti-deathrattle tech card. Scarlet purifier 4/3, 3cc, battlecry: deal 2 damage to all deathrattle minions. This card isn't bad tbh. It should be strong against loot hoarders, leper gnomes, thalnos, haunted creeper, but weak vs most other things. It hits your own deathrattles so it can work with your own nerubian eggs... but activating opponent nerubian eggs is pretty bad as well. It anti-synergizes with your other deathrattle minions though. The stats are acceptable for a 3 drop and sits in that fancy 4 attack slot vs priests (granted shrinkmeister exists but I doubt you're that worried about losing this minion to a combo although it is something to keep in mind).

And while not a direct counter to UT, it does help there exists antique healbot allowing any class to heal for potentially 8 per bot while getting a decent although small body on the board at the same time. Definitely used for stabilizing and that 3/3 mech can have some uses as well. This shouldn't be overlooked because this may be ran in more "generalized" decks while the two above seem much more specific towards countering deathrattles.

So I ask, do you think UT/deathrattle decks will remain problematic, as they are currently?

Here is my conclusion in short:
I still think UT should be nerfed, even though the deck we be pushed out of the meta by cards like the above. It won't disappear entirely and I think they can do minor tweaks to keep UT viable and I am quite confused as to why they aren't. I get the whole "we want the game to change not us change it by nerfs" deal... sort of. Even I was like "miracle be dead or at least mitigated by x, y, z naxx cards!" with loatheb etc.. And yet we've still seen Blizzard find it necessary to nerf two cornerstones of miracle, despite miracle not being a huge part of the ladder meta.

TL;DR I am not convinced UT won't be a card that is too strong for its cost/role in decks, and may still need nerfs.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So... what the hell is going on on Forsen's stream? He got like 30 subs in 5 minutes
Oh, I forgot to mention in my deathrattle post...

The GVG changes aren't all negative towards deathrattle decks. Mech yeti and the piloted mechs (especially the 4 cost one) and probably other cards I am not thinking of will improve the decks.

Also don't forget, free arena runs on your non-main region :)
The movie is addressing the start of the first war, which is not that wacky. Goblins and gnomes weren't involved until the second war.

Well I assume if it's successful they'll push forward. I just wonder how they'll ultimately portray them to make them fit with what they've established or if they'll just omit them entirely?

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Played arena today and got a golden Gorehowl, that card seems really good so i'm happy. Guess i should get back to playing warrior.
The animation for the Leper Gnomes summoned by Mekgineer Thermaplugg is rad IMO, saw it earlier on Firebat's stream.

Also love Ragnaros' new "DIE INSECT!" when his ability triggers.


So I played an Anubar Ambusher early in a game, then Shadowstepped it. Later I played it again as well as a Stampeding Kodo against a 3/3 Blood Mage. The Ambusher took a Fireball, but then its deathrattle didn't trigger and the Kodo stayed on the board. Known issue?
Wow, dunemaul shaman is a bad ass. He is the 5/4 windfury ogre. I killed an opponent over 2 turns (he was getting demolished anyway) and ogre provided a total of 24 damage due to flametongue totem.

lol I thought my pc was getting a virus from something cause I was getting popup adds on neogaf but it turns out I am just hovering over a stupid ad that activates despite hearthstone being in the forefront.
This draft has been insane so far:


I just turned a match I was getting crushed in against a paladin into a win I somehow stole on the first first turn I got to attack (he was at 20 hp due to the coghammer which gave his spectral knight taunt/divine shield!).

I ended up starting to gain some traction when I MCT'd a 4/4 and drew 3 cards off cult master while clearing all his board except a recruit.

Then he played sneed's shredder(!!!), but I had an earth elemental. And the turn after I could have reincarnated the earth elemental but I had exact lethal with fire elemental.

Oh, I should also mention the dude made a mistake (imo) by using his ogre grunt to try and clear my taunt, which happened to hit my face and cleared nothing lol.


I just watched my friend at 8-0 lose to a mage who unstable portal'd a Tirion. Anything else and my friend would have won. Dude had a perfect draw the next turn for lethal, too. I don't even.
Just had another idea for Priest;

Have a full board with that includes Wild Pyro and two Shadow Boxers.

Play a Smite to damage everything, then Holy Nova. With those two Boxers out, and with nothing dying, that should be 14 damage going out. Then you could Circle for another 14 damage. Lots of cards and lots of Mana, but it's a cool combo to think about.


Just had another idea for Priest;

Have a full board with that includes Wild Pyro and two Shadow Boxers.

Play a Smite to damage everything, then Holy Nova. With those two Boxers out, and with nothing dying, that should be 14 damage going out. Then you could Circle for another 14 damage. Lots of cards and lots of Mana, but it's a cool combo to think about.

Lol that's kind of cool actually. So Shadow Boxer will also deal damage to heroes randomly?
Yeah, it can hit face. I was using it in arena and it it's pretty cool. A few times I got it to peel off Divine Shields and take out some x/1s. It's probably a bad idea to keep it in hand for a combo though, the real deal is being able to trade up with the extra damage going out.


Must be the on stream thing to do. I think Kripp has been on Skype with his mod a lot recently.

I don't know about Kripp, but Hornpub is particularly famous on Forsen's stream for a while now. There are references to him in some forsen cancer songs plus he has singed a few plug.dj hits to the stream.

At this point, I think HS streamers need either a community around them to keep them floating (Forsen, Kripp, Trump) or be particularly famous or skillful (Kolento, Sjow). It's interesting to see Amaz trying to push this for Firebat, who despite being the Blizzcon champion, is still not that hot in the stream scene (given he started just recently).
I just mind control tech'd and stole a mech-cat-bear and proceeded to just farm spare parts off him for the rest of the match lol. I kept switching its hp, then got the powermace buff, and used a fire elemental on him... was fun.

BTW if you're like me and saving all your gold for arena once gvg comes out, just go onto EU or something. I already had about 400 gold there plus the free arena run so Imma just play and learn arena and then I'll be ready to go come monday.

Hearthstone won mobile game of the year or whatnot. Just wanted to let you guys know, pretty cool.

Not hard to believe cause 99.9999% of mobile games are shit and would have been shit even if they came out 10 years ago.

If there is one thing that can be said about most mobile games is that they are timeless. Timeless pieces of shit :D
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