So what do you guys think about UT prospects post GVG?
They have 1 neutral counter to deathrattle decks (
lil' exorcist, 2/3, 3cc, taunt, +1/+1 for each enemy deathrattle), although it doesn't impact UT directly and can be played around by using your DR minions before the minion is played. The counter itself is just a 2/3 taunt on its own and is just a non-deathrattle, non-mech harvest golem when it receives no buff. Assuming most non-deathrattle decks don't run deathrattles til turn 4-5, it can be saved to make a 3/4 taunt but fairly inefficient use of mana most likely. So I am gonna say it isn't ideal against non-deathrattle oriented decks even if the decks run some deathrattles. A taunt isn't useless at least.
Then we have the scarlet purifier paladin anti-deathrattle tech card.
Scarlet purifier 4/3, 3cc, battlecry: deal 2 damage to all deathrattle minions. This card isn't bad tbh. It should be strong against loot hoarders, leper gnomes, thalnos, haunted creeper, but weak vs most other things. It hits your own deathrattles so it can work with your own nerubian eggs... but activating opponent nerubian eggs is pretty bad as well. It anti-synergizes with your other deathrattle minions though. The stats are acceptable for a 3 drop and sits in that fancy 4 attack slot vs priests (granted shrinkmeister exists but I doubt you're that worried about losing this minion to a combo although it is something to keep in mind).
And while not a direct counter to UT, it does help there exists antique healbot allowing any class to heal for potentially 8 per bot while getting a decent although small body on the board at the same time. Definitely used for stabilizing and that 3/3 mech can have some uses as well. This shouldn't be overlooked because this may be ran in more "generalized" decks while the two above seem much more specific towards countering deathrattles.
So I ask, do you think UT/deathrattle decks will remain problematic, as they are currently?
Here is my conclusion in short:
I still think UT should be nerfed, even though the deck we be pushed out of the meta by cards like the above. It won't disappear entirely and I think they can do minor tweaks to keep UT viable and I am quite confused as to why they aren't. I get the whole "we want the game to change not us change it by nerfs" deal... sort of. Even I was like "miracle be dead or at least mitigated by x, y, z naxx cards!" with loatheb etc.. And yet we've still seen Blizzard find it necessary to nerf two cornerstones of miracle, despite miracle not being a huge part of the ladder meta.
TL;DR I am not convinced UT won't be a card that is too strong for its cost/role in decks, and may still need nerfs.