Mobius and pet octopus
Kibler's running yeti in his hunter deck. That guy's crazy!
Is he running his dragon deck?
Nope, regular midrangeish fast druid
But he did end up 3-0.
Kibler's running yeti in his hunter deck. That guy's crazy!
So the weapons blingtron gives are both gold even if the card is not? That's hilarious and awesome.
I like how part of Uther is in the bottomright corner, nice timing.
I like how part of Uther is in the bottomright corner, nice timing.
Played it in three different games, absolutely worth it every time.Unstable Portal is such a bullshit card. Handed out legenadries like crazy. Absolutely disgusting.
Does anyone have a semi-decent warrior deck that isn't typical control and actually works well on ladder? Trying control warrior missing any of the legendary components seems almost pointless. Tried it and got owned like 4 games in a row, lol. Just can't win with warrior =/ Hardest class for me to build a deck around. Don't have Grommash, Ysera, Alexstraza...missing 1 shield slam and a couple of other cards
try the "math warrior" deck. its on hearthpwn
Ah, I forgot it had grom. It might be difficult then.Eh...Not sure what good replacements for Grommash and Black Knight would be and burst damage seems would be hilarious to stick Fugen and Stalagg in there for shits and giggles..
Ah, I forgot it had grom. It might be difficult then.
And to those that said scrubs are playing Arena..must've gotten seriously lucky. I wasted my free arena and another arena going 1-3 1-3 with Rogue and Shaman with really well curved decks..but I ran into stupid good decks..
Unstable Portal is such a bullshit card. Handed out legenadries like crazy. Absolutely disgusting.
Not sure it is a bad thing, but I swear these "Random" minion cards are giving out a higher percentage of legendaries and epic cards than not. Webspinner, Piloted Shredders, and unstable portals are out of control.
Maybe they are doing this on purpose?
Opened 60 packs.
"Turn Random Minion into 1/1 or 5/5 Beast" Legendary
Golden Prophet Velen
Cairne Boodhoof or w/e
And 2 Faceless Manipulators
Got a lot of other epics and rares too. Seemed to be a really good haul.
I got $150 just sitting in my PayPal account. Really tempted to just buy $150 worth of packs lmao...
Anyway was that a good haul?
Pretty good, yeah. Alex and Cairne both see play in constructed. The other two don't, but you could dust the golden Velen and pick another legendary that does. Although you may wanna wait until GvG releases and see how the meta changes.
Why not wait for gvg packs?
Those are all pretty good imo, even velen. Tinkmaster is pretty niche though.
For a 60 pack that is actually above average. Pretty good imo. Even 1 gold legendary is good for a 60 pack I think, let alone 3 other legendary cards. You can probably safely dust tinkmaster, but I wouldn't dust the others...
Speaking of priest + velen, they did get another spell that can be used for damage and healing.
Light of the naaru, 1 mana, heal yourself for 8. That is a pretty big deal imo. You get a 7/7 body and you heal yourself for 8 of light of naaru, then you get a lightwarden, and then you hero power for an additional four health. All supposing 10 mana of course.
Another thing is with auchenai + velen (situational but still feasible), you can deal 8 damage for 1 mana. You still get the lightwarden (assuming the target, which can be face, survives). And mind blast for 10. 18 damage burst is pretty good if you can set that up.
Velen actually has seen play in constructed. Actually several times throughout HS's short history. Even at top levels. Amaz has had several velen decks popularized in the past.
Thank you for this post! I didn't wait for GvG because I've never bought a bunch of packs in the past and this weekend I just wanted to splurge a little. I ended up buying 40 more and then stopping. I got Sylvannas, Harrison, and Nat Pagel as well. I will definitely keep Velen due to what you've said. Turn 9, if Malagos can survive till turn 10, I'll play Velen + mind blast + smite = dead, right? lmao
Why not wait for gvg packs?
Those are all pretty good imo, even velen. Tinkmaster is pretty niche though.
For a 60 pack that is actually above average. Pretty good imo. Even 1 gold legendary is good for a 60 pack I think, let alone 3 other legendary cards. You can probably safely dust tinkmaster, but I wouldn't dust the others...
Speaking of priest + velen, they did get another spell that can be used for damage and healing.
Light of the naaru, 1 mana, heal yourself for 8. That is a pretty big deal imo. You get a 7/7 body and you heal yourself for 8 of light of naaru, then you get a lightwarden, and then you hero power for an additional four health. All supposing 10 mana of course.
Another thing is with auchenai + velen (situational but still feasible), you can deal 8 damage for 1 mana. You still get the lightwarden (assuming the target, which can be face, survives). And mind blast for 10. 18 damage burst is pretty good if you can set that up.
Velen actually has seen play in constructed. Actually several times throughout HS's short history. Even at top levels. Amaz has had several velen decks popularized in the past.
BTW, Auchenai+Light of the Naaru always gives you a Lightwarden, even if the target dies. 0 or negative health still counts as damaged.
Hobgoblin is ridiculous
Zoo will be unstoppable
Muster For Battle + Quartermaster= CryingMan Quartermaster is that real real.
I don't doubt hobgoblin's strength, but it might be too all in on a single card.
But the cards that are in the game have some nice synergy. You're gonna be spamming small minions so jeeves fits, and he is also a 1/4.
I think Hobgoblin would be great in Deathrattle Zoo. Voidwalker becomes a Shieldmasta, Undertaker starts off as a 3/4 with the ability to grow further, and Haunted Creeper is a 3/4 that drops two 1/1s (do they get buffed by the Hobgoblin? I haven't played with that card yet.). Other cards that could be worked into a Zoo deck with Hobgoblin: Annoyotron becomes a 3/4 with taunt and divine shield, Young Dragonhawk becomes a 3/3 with windfury, Gnomeregan Infantry becomes a Fen Creeper with charge, Flying Machine becomes a 3/6 with windfury, Micro Machine becomes a 3/4 that gets better attack every turn, Echoing Ooze becomes 2 3/4s, etc. I think he's worthy of building a Zoo deck around. If you keep the Zoo staples like Abusive Sargent, Shattered Sun Cleric, and Dark Iron Dwarf to buff their attack up to make better trades, then the fact that they start off with 1 attack without the Hobgoblin buff isn't that big of a deal.
Voidwalker, Undertaker, Haunted Creeper, Argent Squire all got played in zoo without Hobgoblin ever existing, they'd still fine to play even if you don't have a Hobgoblin on the board.
Speaking of Deathrattles, I had a paladin run with a Scarlet Purifier and man did it work wonders for me at times. Was also a perfect target for Argent Protector and trading too. I got it with a Nerubian Egg and in at least one match I was able to pop it with the Purifier and get a 4/4 and 4/3 on the board on turn 3.
I agree that it can work but you definitely wouldn't run otherwise ass cards like Dragonhawk, Gnom Infantry or Flying Machine. Zoo is too good at building a sturdy board to turn it into a Shockadin-style all-in deck. But like john said might still be worthwile with old staples alone like Creeper etc.I think Hobgoblin would be great in Deathrattle Zoo. Voidwalker becomes a Shieldmasta, Undertaker starts off as a 3/4 with the ability to grow further, and Haunted Creeper is a 3/4 that drops two 1/1s (do they get buffed by the Hobgoblin? I haven't played with that card yet.). Other cards that could be worked into a Zoo deck with Hobgoblin: Annoyotron becomes a 3/4 with taunt and divine shield, Young Dragonhawk becomes a 3/3 with windfury, Gnomeregan Infantry becomes a Fen Creeper with charge, Flying Machine becomes a 3/6 with windfury, Micro Machine becomes a 3/4 that gets better attack every turn, Echoing Ooze becomes 2 3/4s, etc. I think he's worthy of building a Zoo deck around. If you keep the Zoo staples like Abusive Sargent, Shattered Sun Cleric, and Dark Iron Dwarf to buff their attack up to make better trades, then the fact that they start off with 1 attack without the Hobgoblin buff isn't that big of a deal.
Does anyone have a semi-decent warrior deck that isn't typical control and actually works well on ladder? Trying control warrior missing any of the legendary components seems almost pointless. Tried it and got owned like 4 games in a row, lol. Just can't win with warrior =/ Hardest class for me to build a deck around. Don't have Grommash, Ysera, Alexstraza...missing 1 shield slam and a couple of other cards