How will arena rewards be affected by the expansion? Which pack of cards will we be given from the chest?
How will arena rewards be affected by the expansion? Which pack of cards will we be given from the chest?
I actually feel like it opens options for shamans because now they can run a heavy murloc synergy deck and it doesn't have to be aggro. Could be midrange I think.
Midrange murloc is silly. Aside from Ol Murk Eye and the new Shaman card, all murlocs cost 3 mana or less. You can't really turn murlocs into a board control deck when murlocs are just that flimsy.
I'm confused as to why the G&G shaman legendary and epic cards focus on murlocs. I feel like that unfairly narrows the options for shaman.
I'm confused as to why the G&G shaman legendary and epic cards focus on murlocs. I feel like that unfairly narrows the options for shaman.
Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.
Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.
Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.
Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.
Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.
Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.
I'm confused as to why the G&G shaman legendary and epic cards focus on murlocs. I feel like that unfairly narrows the options for shaman.
Reynad was playing with Neptulon earlier and found that running him on his own is good enough because you'll usually have enough synergy between the 4 random murlocs to make them worthwhile.
I'm still mad salty about that one. Hey Blizz, that's what the neutral card flag is for.
I'm still mad salty about that one. Hey Blizz, that's what the neutral card flag is for.
There are a lot of things you can do here I feel.
Neptulon has overload though. It wouldn't work in other decks or it would cost like 9-10 mana to use.
Mad salty about one of the most OP cards in GvG? Don't even have to build around it. Drawing 4 random murlocs means a high probability of synergy among them as is.
I'd take Neptulon over Bolvar every day of the year.
I'd take plenty of things before Bolvar. Jury still out on Neptulon...
Murloc cards are below average on their own, so you have to get really good synergy for them to compete. Otherwise they just die too quickly.
Salty about the Murloc focus class legendary, not the specific card and what it does. It wouldn't work as is in other classes because its designed for Shaman. Guess how they can make it work with other classes? Hint: don't design it exclusively for Shaman![]()
You should see it in action.
Neptulon costs 10 mana total. 7 up front and 3 overload. That would make him about a 9 drop as a neutral, I think. Who would play a 9 drop neputlon? Not a murloc deck I think. It is just too slow and small as a 9 drop.
Then don't make it 9 mana. Make it 7 and nerf the stats, or nerf the effect, or nerf the murlocs you get, or balance it any of the other million ways powerful neutrals are already balanced in this game. Give it another effect, etc.
But that isn't even what I'm talking about. I'm not saying take Neptulon as it is and make it a neutral card. I'm saying, don't make a Murloc based legendary card for a specific class. That's all I've ever said about it, other than doubting claims that is OP, which I can concede if it comes true. No problem with that at all. It might end up being the most OP card ever made, that really isn't my problem with the card.
Why not have it as a class based legendary? It promotes players exploring new deck archetypes that they wouldn't have really have made before. I think it is a great example of blizzard's excellence in card design tbh.
You say it promotes new deck archetypes. Maybe it limits them. Maybe if it was a neutral as most Murlocs are it would allow for those archetypes to work in 9 classes instead of 1. They already have another Murloc specific card for Shaman, don't they? An epic I believe. That's fine. They have pirates for Rogues too. It's cool, I like that. Don't make it a legendary.
You say it promotes new deck archetypes. Maybe it limits them. Maybe it is so good it limits Shaman to a Murloc based class archetype. Maybe if it was a neutral as most Murlocs are it would allow for those archetypes to work in 9 classes instead of 1. They already have another Murloc specific card for Shaman, don't they? An epic I believe. That's fine. They have pirates for Rogues too. It's cool, I like that. Don't make it a legendary.
Do we know of a release time for GvG expansion?
Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.
Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.
Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.
Sure, obviously a neutral card could be used in all classes' decks, and creates more options that way. But of course cards have to be balanced in the context of the decks they work best in - Gadgetzan wouldn't have gotten nerfed if he was a Warlock class card.
I don't see why you think shaman might be limited to murloc only when they have a lot of potential deck archetypes coming with gvg.
Been there since the closed beta.There's an option now in settings called "quality" set it to high and the game suddenly looks insane. Silky smooth 60fps on my old rig... Could not believe my eyes.
What happens if i play hellfire and kill both players. I got the defeat screen, did the other guy get it too?
Why can't I buy GvG packs? They said the expansion will be out on december 8,which is now.
I don't care what people say, I'm going to make Bolvar work. That animation is just too good to pass up.
"...The Millennials!"Why can't I buy GvG packs? They said the expansion will be out on december 8,which is now.
Mage in constructed is free win usually, play the secrets breh.Mages are the fucking worst. Ugh... I hate them both in Arena and Constructed.
Edit: At least I got the Chicken Dinner quest winning my next game. Nice bonus gold for some decks.
(Mages still suck.)
Mage in constructed is free win usually, play the secrets breh.
As of tomorrow, Kezan Mystic.In the last game, she didn't even have any secrets. I had a shitty mulligan (nothing less than 4) and I had to play defensive for most of the match. Whenever I had something decent going, she just cleared the board every time. She played almost every mage AoE spell with great effect, Arcane Missiles, Cone of Cold, and Flamestrike.
I'm sure I played poorly on top of that so it only added to the frustration.
Are there any decent neutral cards that can help against Mages? It can be for any class but I've been leaning towards Druid lately. All I've done is add a couple Spectral Knights and a Faerie Dragon but I wish there was more out there. How fucked is it that the only counterspell ability is exclusive to the Mage.
Edit: I misread your comment. I hate playing AGAINST mages.