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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I actually feel like it opens options for shamans because now they can run a heavy murloc synergy deck and it doesn't have to be aggro. Could be midrange I think.

Midrange murloc is silly. Aside from Ol Murk Eye and the new Shaman card, all murlocs cost 3 mana or less. You can't really turn murlocs into a board control deck when murlocs are just that flimsy.
Midrange murloc is silly. Aside from Ol Murk Eye and the new Shaman card, all murlocs cost 3 mana or less. You can't really turn murlocs into a board control deck when murlocs are just that flimsy.

It would be more along the lines of a fast midrange but I don't see why it can't work as a midrange deck when you have neptulon giving you 4 minions and the card draw murloc.

Against aggro it would work by removing minions and then flooding the board when the chance shows itself. After that is is pretty much smooth sailing since the shaman has so much removal at hand. You may even be able to get board before aggro ever takes off and then you just draw into bigger threats like fire elemental and neptulon.

Also don't forget that shaman has that new murloc that will draw a card whenever a murloc dies, in effect a cult master for murlocs but playable stats. 2/5 + murloc synergy. This can allow them to play aggressively for board with their murlocs instead of going all in at face each turn.

You might even be able to fit in some windfury elements so when you play your murk eye you give him windfury and rockbiter and suddenly you've got 3 murlocs on board plus a 5 damage murk eye buffed to 8 with rockbiter and given windfury for 20+ damage finishers.

Here is a deck in concept at least:


Probably needs adjustments like cutting grimscale oracle and maybe a lightning bolt or crackle to fit 2x hex in. Maybe cut 1 windspeaker as well and put in a defender of argus. Maybe fit in a flametongue totem or two. There are a lot of things you can do here I feel.


I thought Echo of Medivh was your opponent gets a copy of their minions as well, but holy crap the way it is now is insane.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I'm confused as to why the G&G shaman legendary and epic cards focus on murlocs. I feel like that unfairly narrows the options for shaman.

Reynad was playing with Neptulon earlier and found that running him on his own is good enough because you'll usually have enough synergy between the 4 random murlocs to make them worthwhile.


Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.

Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.

Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
damn I didnt know if you logged in you would get a free arena ticket, is that promo over? :(

I cant log in for another 6 hours when I get home from work


remember me
Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.

Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.

Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.

Looks like Blizzard caught themselves a whale.


Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.

Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.

Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.




The worst part of Neptulon is that it probably means they are gonna print Therazane on a card next. And nobody needs to see that. *shudder*


$150 on packs. Jesus, LOL.

I've spent $500+ on Marvel Heroes. I know what it's like.

I'm confused as to why the G&G shaman legendary and epic cards focus on murlocs. I feel like that unfairly narrows the options for shaman.

I'm still mad salty about that one. Hey Blizz, that's what the neutral card flag is for.
Reynad was playing with Neptulon earlier and found that running him on his own is good enough because you'll usually have enough synergy between the 4 random murlocs to make them worthwhile.

Even in a constructed deck, every body on the board has potential for extra impact for shaman due to flametongue totem.

It could also work in a blood lust deck. Toss in an enhanceo bot or whatever and you can deal some real damage off just the cards from neptulon alone. I even like the fact that it adds cards to your deck instead of taking them from your deck. It gives you a fighting chance in fatigue matches.

I'm still mad salty about that one. Hey Blizz, that's what the neutral card flag is for.

Neptulon has overload though. It wouldn't work in other decks or it would cost like 9-10 mana to use.


I'm still mad salty about that one. Hey Blizz, that's what the neutral card flag is for.

Mad salty about one of the most OP cards in GvG? You don't even have to build around it. Drawing 4 random murlocs means a high probability of synergy among them as is. We're talking about a straight 7/7 that gives you 4 extra minions. Yes, there's overload, but that's crazy.

I'd take Neptulon over Bolvar every day of the year.


Neptulon has overload though. It wouldn't work in other decks or it would cost like 9-10 mana to use.

Salty about the Murloc focus class legendary, not the specific card and what it does. It wouldn't work as is in other classes because it's designed for Shaman. Guess how they can make it work with other classes? Hint: don't design it exclusively for Shaman ;)

Mad salty about one of the most OP cards in GvG? Don't even have to build around it. Drawing 4 random murlocs means a high probability of synergy among them as is.

I'd take Neptulon over Bolvar every day of the year.

I'd take plenty of things before Bolvar. Jury still out on Neptulon being as OP as you claim. Maybe you can stick it in every deck, or maybe it just fills your hand with unplayable trash every time and is unfit for every Shaman deck. Too early to say definitively, don't you think?


I'd take plenty of things before Bolvar. Jury still out on Neptulon...

By the stage of the game you're playing it, your hand should have plenty of room for 4 cards. As said, there is a high probability of drawing a synergy card. So you're not playing four 2/1s. You're playing 2/3s or 3/2s or even dropping Old Murk Eye. The low cost of the cards is also a benefit, as it means they're easy to play on the overload turn. On the chance you're only drawing a couple of charging 2/1s, that's still a decent value and clears up room quickly.

You should see it in action.
Murloc cards are below average on their own, so you have to get really good synergy for them to compete. Otherwise they just die too quickly.

Sure, which is where cards like flametongue totem come in. I'm not sure if I would run neptulon in a non-murloc shaman deck or if he belongs there over another card, but the murlocs are pretty good value for what you are paying for them. It is like playing a 7/7 and getting 2-3 card draw off it (I don't think you count every murloc as a full card in terms of value here). An ancient lore that draws murlocs and is bigger.

Salty about the Murloc focus class legendary, not the specific card and what it does. It wouldn't work as is in other classes because its designed for Shaman. Guess how they can make it work with other classes? Hint: don't design it exclusively for Shaman ;)

I don't think you really can and still make it viable. I'd say neptulon's draw power is about the strength of ancient of lore's draw 2 cards (at worst, at best it could count as more since it is random). Maybe a bit better cause you can't get the token murlocs so you're getting generally speaking appropriate power level cards for cost.

Neptulon costs 10 mana total. 7 up front and 3 overload. That would make him about a 9 drop as a neutral, I think. Who would play a 9 drop neputlon? Not a murloc deck I think. It is just too slow and small as a 9 drop.


You should see it in action.

I've seen it a couple of times. I haven't seen it in constructed yet, nor I have seen what other decks constructed gravitates towards because it hasn't happened.

Neptulon costs 10 mana total. 7 up front and 3 overload. That would make him about a 9 drop as a neutral, I think. Who would play a 9 drop neputlon? Not a murloc deck I think. It is just too slow and small as a 9 drop.

Then don't make it 9 mana. Make it 7 and nerf the stats, or nerf the effect, or nerf the murlocs you get, or balance it any of the other million ways powerful neutrals are already balanced in this game. Give it another effect, etc.

But that isn't even what I'm talking about. I'm not saying take Neptulon as it is and make it a neutral card. I'm saying, don't make a Murloc based legendary card for a specific class. That's all I've ever said about it, other than doubting claims that is OP, which I can concede if it comes true. No problem with that at all. It might end up being the most OP card ever made, that really isn't my problem with the card.
Then don't make it 9 mana. Make it 7 and nerf the stats, or nerf the effect, or nerf the murlocs you get, or balance it any of the other million ways powerful neutrals are already balanced in this game. Give it another effect, etc.

But that isn't even what I'm talking about. I'm not saying take Neptulon as it is and make it a neutral card. I'm saying, don't make a Murloc based legendary card for a specific class. That's all I've ever said about it, other than doubting claims that is OP, which I can concede if it comes true. No problem with that at all. It might end up being the most OP card ever made, that really isn't my problem with the card.

Why not have it as a class based legendary? It promotes players exploring new deck archetypes that they wouldn't have really have made before. I think it is a great example of blizzard's excellence in card design tbh.


Man, stupid The Beast. Used my free arena run earlier today and ended up with a 2-3 with a so-so Mage deck that just didn't come together right. But yeah, Legendary choices popped up but The Beast was the least poor choice. But the darn thing didn't even get in a single proper swing. The only time it stayed on the board it got knocked down to 1 attack before getting to do anything. Bleh.


Why not have it as a class based legendary? It promotes players exploring new deck archetypes that they wouldn't have really have made before. I think it is a great example of blizzard's excellence in card design tbh.

You say it promotes new deck archetypes. Maybe it limits them. Maybe it is so good it limits Shaman to a Murloc based class archetype. Maybe if it was a neutral as most Murlocs are it would allow for those archetypes to work in 9 classes instead of 1. They already have another Murloc specific card for Shaman, don't they? An epic I believe. That's fine. They have pirates for Rogues too. It's cool, I like that. Don't make it a legendary.


You say it promotes new deck archetypes. Maybe it limits them. Maybe if it was a neutral as most Murlocs are it would allow for those archetypes to work in 9 classes instead of 1. They already have another Murloc specific card for Shaman, don't they? An epic I believe. That's fine. They have pirates for Rogues too. It's cool, I like that. Don't make it a legendary.

Sure, obviously a neutral card could be used in all classes' decks, and creates more options that way. But of course cards have to be balanced in the context of the decks they work best in - Gadgetzan wouldn't have gotten nerfed if he was a Warlock class card.

The obvious worry with Murlocs is that they seem to work best with just a few classes, so when you add neutral Murloc cards you run the risk of adding cards which are going to be pretty useless to most classes - you might as well be adding them as Warlock class cards, for the most part. If they were good enough that decks making use of Murloc synergy became viable for lots of classes, Warlock-specific Murloc decks would probably be way too strong. The natural way to get around this - to try to make Murloc neutrals reasonable for lots of classes to use - is to make class-specific cards for classes that don't typically use Murlocs or Murloc synergies that make Murlocs more appealing for just those classes. I don't think I've ever seen a Shaman Murloc deck. Now Shamans have unique access to card draw on Murloc death and can fill their hand with Murlocs in the late-game. So maybe now it makes sense for Shamans to think about taking some of the neutral Murloc synergy cards, and then maybe some of the basic Murlocs too. I don't know that what Blizzard's done will work, but the idea seems sound - it's hard to see how a neutral Murloc legendary which is appropriate for use in decks with lots of Murlocs doesn't just end up being used only by the classes which already used lots of Murlocs. If Neptulon's Murloc-ness turns out to be basically aesthetic - if he has basically no place in decks with other Murlocs or with cards that have Murloc synergy - then it also doesn't seem like there's any loss to him being a Shaman-specific card, since you could just pretend the "Murloc" text wasn't there.
You say it promotes new deck archetypes. Maybe it limits them. Maybe it is so good it limits Shaman to a Murloc based class archetype. Maybe if it was a neutral as most Murlocs are it would allow for those archetypes to work in 9 classes instead of 1. They already have another Murloc specific card for Shaman, don't they? An epic I believe. That's fine. They have pirates for Rogues too. It's cool, I like that. Don't make it a legendary.

Shaman already has really good builds, doomhammer/alakir, doubledoomhammer/double lava burst, people are talking about potentially a burn shaman build, now murloc potentially, and because of cards like healbot and vitality totem control shaman could have a come back. I don't think a deck needs a cornerstone legendary card to be viable, see zoo, hunter, control priest...

I don't see why you think shaman might be limited to murloc only when they have a lot of potential deck archetypes coming with gvg.


Mad buyer's remorse right now...
Spent $150 on packs this weekend. Didn't realize what I was doing till it was all over.

Got really fucking good cards though. 8 legendaries and a ton of dust to craft what I need for certain decks.

Vowing to never spend a penny more on this game lmao.

My wife bought me $120 in Blizzard bucks as gift. It's going to be hard to wait to spend it.


Sure, obviously a neutral card could be used in all classes' decks, and creates more options that way. But of course cards have to be balanced in the context of the decks they work best in - Gadgetzan wouldn't have gotten nerfed if he was a Warlock class card.


I don't really disagree with most things you said. I understood that when the card was revealed, but I just feel I'm going in circles with the people in this thread. There's design decisions at large and there's also flavor, and I'm ready to admit it's completely my fault for keeping the discussion going on the "design" terms, instead of just clarifying that my initial reaction had almost exclusively to do with flavor. So just to state it plainly: I would've liked to see something else (with a different flavor) as the only new class specific legendary card in this set, and that my opinion hardly comes from the stats or balance of the card itself. I hope it's clearer now.

But to your point, I think I also disagree to an extent. It's true that Murlocs are limited to certain class(es) due to a variety of reasons (mostly stats and synergy) and it's fine that they are trying to broaden those horizons, but I don't really agree with this statement: "it's hard to see how a neutral Murloc legendary which is appropriate for use in decks with lots of Murlocs doesn't just end up being used only by the classes which already used lots of Murlocs." Well, I mean, that's where the skills of the developers and the design of the card would come in, wouldn't it? Shaman got a new Murloc epic, what if that Murloc epic interacted with the neutral Legendary. I don't really want to give any specific examples because I feel if I put something here people would respond to that specific example and dismiss it on that basis instead of conceding there are other possibilities of how to make it work, but against my better judgement, here it goes:

"X (neutral legendary) has Y effect (different/enhanced, etc. effect than its regular one) when Z (class specific card, not legendary) is in your deck".

Just one of many, many ways, in which you could guarantee a neutral card gets along well with one class, while still having some wiggle room at making it reasonable as a neutral card. Maybe we'll see that sort of mechanic in the future. Heck, maybe you don't need to go that far. I mean, classes already work differently and have neutrals that work better with some (weapon classes for example) than others. It shouldn't be impossible.

As for this part: "then it also doesn't seem like there's any loss to him being a Shaman-specific card, since you could just pretend the "Murloc" text wasn't there" I don't really agree with it. It might be true that cards like Bloodlust or Flame Totem might be enough to make those murlocs work, and the rest of the murloc-ness of the deck could be minimal or non-existent, but it still spawns murlocs from a limited pool, which are cards designed and budgeted a certain way. The loss to him obviously would be: it doesn't give you dragons, or mechs or beasts or anything else. Pretending or not, it's designed to give murlocs, and there's more to them than aesthetics. I really don't see how that could be ignored. If it gave you anything else, obviously other synergies could also be worked out.

In the end, and to let this whole discussion go and refocus the thread, I only felt like pursuing the "it should've been neutra l" point because a) I was disappointed the new legendary card for a class I like was a certain flavor, and b) I feel like that's where the flavor of those type of cards work best (referring to pirates and murlocs here) even when there are class cards that give them a boost, which I really don't mind. Just not strictly class legendaries would be my personal preference- something Blizzard obviously disagrees with, at least for this exp. I think it's not that hard to understand, the same way some would've been disappointed if the Rogue class legendary was a pirate for example. It's probably petty, but that's how I feel about the card.

I don't see why you think shaman might be limited to murloc only when they have a lot of potential deck archetypes coming with gvg.

I don't really think so, but we don't know where every class will stand if a few weeks time. I'm looking forward to the new totem and especially the new weapon.

I'd like to think that something like Murlocs can "promote those new archetypes" beyond a specific class, and obviously making the only new Murlocs class specific (ignoring the neutral 3/2 which let's face it, isn't a game changer overall) is directly snubbing every other class that would want to run them, and taking other legendary possibilities away from a class that maybe doesn't want to. But that's fine in a general sense, considering this expansion isn't Murloc based or anything.
Why is my Arena button still all electrified and loud even after I used my free token?

There's an option now in settings called "quality" set it to high and the game suddenly looks insane. Silky smooth 60fps on my old rig... Could not believe my eyes.
Been there since the closed beta.


That reminded me when I did an Ysera's Awakening to win a match even tho I had sub-5 health, confident in that my Ice Block would save me. That's not how secrets work, as it turned out!
I don't care what people say, I'm going to make Bolvar work. That animation is just too good to pass up.

The only way I could see him possibly working is with a deck built to drag out to exhaustion with a bunch of other big threats that catch all the removal then you drop him at the end, massive from your entire rest of your deck being destroyed and your opponent with no way left to remove him.

It seems like a lot of wishful thinking though.


Mages are the fucking worst. Ugh... I hate them both in Arena and Constructed.

Edit: At least I got the Chicken Dinner quest winning my next game. Nice bonus gold for some decks.

(Mages still suck.)


Mages are the fucking worst. Ugh... I hate them both in Arena and Constructed.

Edit: At least I got the Chicken Dinner quest winning my next game. Nice bonus gold for some decks.

(Mages still suck.)
Mage in constructed is free win usually, play the secrets breh.


Mage in constructed is free win usually, play the secrets breh.

In the last game, she didn't even have any secrets. I had a shitty mulligan (nothing less than 4) and I had to play defensive for most of the match. Whenever I had something decent going, she just cleared the board every time. She played almost every mage AoE spell with great effect, Arcane Missiles, Cone of Cold, and Flamestrike.

I'm sure I played poorly on top of that so it only added to the frustration.

Are there any decent neutral cards that can help against Mages? It can be for any class but I've been leaning towards Druid lately. All I've done is add a couple Spectral Knights and a Faerie Dragon but I wish there was more out there. How fucked is it that the only counterspell ability is exclusive to the Mage.

Edit: I misread your mis-read comment. I hate playing AGAINST mages.


In the last game, she didn't even have any secrets. I had a shitty mulligan (nothing less than 4) and I had to play defensive for most of the match. Whenever I had something decent going, she just cleared the board every time. She played almost every mage AoE spell with great effect, Arcane Missiles, Cone of Cold, and Flamestrike.

I'm sure I played poorly on top of that so it only added to the frustration.

Are there any decent neutral cards that can help against Mages? It can be for any class but I've been leaning towards Druid lately. All I've done is add a couple Spectral Knights and a Faerie Dragon but I wish there was more out there. How fucked is it that the only counterspell ability is exclusive to the Mage.

Edit: I misread your comment. I hate playing AGAINST mages.
As of tomorrow, Kezan Mystic.


Added a bunch of you, just dropping my tag: FeD#2651.(EU)

Just looking at all the cards, spent a few hours constructing decks, I think i'm going to built a silence/battlecry deck. There is just so much stuff that provides a huge swing when silenced.
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