A few questions for elite players: I'm working on Sapphiron on Heroic right now, using
this deck. It seems like it will work, but the conditions for it are really, really picky RNG-wise, even though I think it's better than the previous Hunter deck I was using for this fight. The primary problem is, even with arcane it's taking me too long to get all the cards I need for this to work before Sapphiron drops 3 of his most damaging spells (Ice-something or other, which hits for 8 damage and since it's a spell does not trigger the secret in my deck for adding +8 armor). Super aggravating; beating these heroic bosses feels almost like a passion project for me at this point lol. So, yeah, any help on how to do this, or is it just Gluth-style play-until-lucky-as-fuck.
The deck I beat it with:
Frostbolt x2
Bluegill Warrior x2
Mad Scientist
Counterspell x2
Frost Nova x2
Ice Barrier x2
Vaporize x2
Arcade Golem x2
Coldlight Oracle
Wolfrider x2
Cone of Cold x2
Fireball x2
Blizzard x2
Argent Commander x2
Flamestrike x2
Ragnaros the Firelord
This deck can outright beat Sapphiron, but it will more likely win by fatigue. The theory behind the deck is to use your Cone of Colds, Frost Novas and Blizzards to stall and set up big time removal opportunities. Those being either Flamestrikes or hitting the 5/6 minion that destroys minions next to it.
Cards to use on minions for removal: Frostbolt, Bluegill, Vaporize, Arcane Golem, Wolfrider, Argent Commander, Flamestrike
Mad Scientist thins out your deck a bit and saves you some mana. I chose Coldlight Oracle instead of Arcane Intellect because it speeds up the game for both instead of just you. Card draw isn't super important in this deck because you'll get more cards when you kill Dancing Swords.
Save your Vaporize if you can for hitting the Necroknight or Spectral Knight (Sapphiron uses the minion with the strongest attack value first). Use Counterspell after turn 5 because you definitely want this to cancel out the Pure Cold cards he has. Ice Barrier lets you live longer, but remember that it only activates when a minion attacks you. You definitely want your Duplicate to trigger on Arcane Golem since it's cheap to play and 4 attack. Just play one and ram it into Sapphiron's face on the turn you play Duplicate. Wolfrider and Argent Commander aren't terrible Duplicate options either in a pinch.
Fireballs and Ragnaros for the extra reach to get his health down. I only chose Ragnaros because I don't have Pyroblasts, but you can use that if you have it. Or Leeroy or anything with good burst. Reckless Rocketeer if you're on a super budget.
Cards I didn't choose:
Nerubian Egg: A decent replacement for Arcane Golems if you don't have them, but not optimal. The reason being Sapphiron has Blizzards and Frostbolts, and this minion is one of the only targets for it. With no other way to bait the Blizzards this card just kinda dies without doing anything after turn 6, and sometimes even before then.
Mirror Entity: Same as above. Would be nice if it copied a taunt, but Sapphiron doesn't run any.
Arcane Intellect: I had two of these in the deck and I ended up fatiguing to death before Sapphiron. Wasn't good.