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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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update: yeah, it works pretty okay. you have to save all of your spells for killing minions. and you need to play greedy so your flamestrikes take out nearly full boards. and wait for those 5/6 guys to use your fireballs. at first i thought bluegills were bad in the deck but they're good for setting up beefier minions for a flamestrike or blizzard.

Yeah the bluegills are fine, and I've been playing really greedy as is (abusing 5/6 rattle, flamestrikes on full or near-to-full board), but once the game has gone on long enough, the situation I'm usually in is: 1) I have fuegen but no stalagg, or vice-versa, so my dupes are useless, or 2) I haven't got the +8 armor secret until late game, but by then I am getting hit for 8 dmg from ice attack and secret does not fire.

In both cases, it seems like the deck just requires so much luck (by turn 6-7, *must* have flamestrike, by 8 mana *must play fuegen or stalagg WITH duplicate*, before ice attack must have used at least 1 ice shield secret, etc etc). It's possible, sure, but man, I must be getting really bad luck to have played ~20 times and only been able to do thaddeus combo like once or twice (both times, they were either frozen, or I had so little health I didn't have time to hit face enough).
The first time I ever used tracking, I thought the other two cards got reshuffled into the deck. How sad I was when I realise they were discarded from the deck all together :lol
Yeah the bluegills are fine, and I've been playing really greedy as is (abusing 5/6 rattle, flamestrikes on full or near-to-full board), but once the game has gone on long enough, the situation I'm usually in is: 1) I have fuegen but no stalagg, or vice-versa, so my dupes are useless, or 2) I haven't got the +8 armor secret until late game, but by then I am getting hit for 8 dmg from ice attack and secret does not fire.

In both cases, it seems like the deck just requires so much luck (by turn 6-7, *must* have flamestrike, by 8 mana *must play fuegen or stalagg WITH duplicate*, before ice attack must have used at least 1 ice shield secret, etc etc). It's possible, sure, but man, I must be getting really bad luck to have played ~20 times and only been able to do thaddeus combo like once or twice (both times, they were either frozen, or I had so little health I didn't have time to hit face enough).

i think it's only going to work if you draw the game out as long as possible. when i mulliganed away any part of the combo i did much better. the time that i beat him he was down to fatigue before i got the combo going.


I kill 2 secrets with a flare early on: Mage insta concedes.

This is why you play hunter.

A hunter walks in to a bar.

There's no counter.

What do hunters in tournaments have in common with German roads?

They're both Autobahn.


No really, you have a class with the best (only) anti-secret card and the class is very strong even without the fact that secrets have never been so popular in the meta.


Is there a good place that keeps track of all the Hearthstone tournaments that go on? I keep seeing you guys talk about them but I never know they are happening till its too late


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tell me, how am I still learning stuff that you can do with the board?

I had no idea that the griffon in the Stormwind stage follows your mouse cursor...


I love the smell of naturalize in the evening. Smells like victory.

Is there a good place that keeps track of all the Hearthstone tournaments that go on? I keep seeing you guys talk about them but I never know they are happening till its too late



I expect some more secret counters and weapons for classes who don't have any in the next expansion.

Though it's also entirely possible that they don't want to even the playing field and keep the "unique" flavour of each class.

I prefer the former approach.


I'm having a hell of a lot more fun playing casual mode with a priest deck I've made than I am currently on rank. You face some well weird decks that are strangely effective. I'm also really liking playing kel thuzad with feugen and stalag.
A few questions for elite players: I'm working on Sapphiron on Heroic right now, using this deck. It seems like it will work, but the conditions for it are really, really picky RNG-wise, even though I think it's better than the previous Hunter deck I was using for this fight. The primary problem is, even with arcane it's taking me too long to get all the cards I need for this to work before Sapphiron drops 3 of his most damaging spells (Ice-something or other, which hits for 8 damage and since it's a spell does not trigger the secret in my deck for adding +8 armor). Super aggravating; beating these heroic bosses feels almost like a passion project for me at this point lol. So, yeah, any help on how to do this, or is it just Gluth-style play-until-lucky-as-fuck.

The deck I beat it with:

Frostbolt x2
Bluegill Warrior x2
Mad Scientist
Counterspell x2
Frost Nova x2
Ice Barrier x2
Vaporize x2
Arcade Golem x2
Coldlight Oracle
Wolfrider x2
Cone of Cold x2
Fireball x2
Blizzard x2
Argent Commander x2
Flamestrike x2
Ragnaros the Firelord

This deck can outright beat Sapphiron, but it will more likely win by fatigue. The theory behind the deck is to use your Cone of Colds, Frost Novas and Blizzards to stall and set up big time removal opportunities. Those being either Flamestrikes or hitting the 5/6 minion that destroys minions next to it.

Cards to use on minions for removal: Frostbolt, Bluegill, Vaporize, Arcane Golem, Wolfrider, Argent Commander, Flamestrike

Mad Scientist thins out your deck a bit and saves you some mana. I chose Coldlight Oracle instead of Arcane Intellect because it speeds up the game for both instead of just you. Card draw isn't super important in this deck because you'll get more cards when you kill Dancing Swords.

Save your Vaporize if you can for hitting the Necroknight or Spectral Knight (Sapphiron uses the minion with the strongest attack value first). Use Counterspell after turn 5 because you definitely want this to cancel out the Pure Cold cards he has. Ice Barrier lets you live longer, but remember that it only activates when a minion attacks you. You definitely want your Duplicate to trigger on Arcane Golem since it's cheap to play and 4 attack. Just play one and ram it into Sapphiron's face on the turn you play Duplicate. Wolfrider and Argent Commander aren't terrible Duplicate options either in a pinch.

Fireballs and Ragnaros for the extra reach to get his health down. I only chose Ragnaros because I don't have Pyroblasts, but you can use that if you have it. Or Leeroy or anything with good burst. Reckless Rocketeer if you're on a super budget.

Cards I didn't choose:
Nerubian Egg: A decent replacement for Arcane Golems if you don't have them, but not optimal. The reason being Sapphiron has Blizzards and Frostbolts, and this minion is one of the only targets for it. With no other way to bait the Blizzards this card just kinda dies without doing anything after turn 6, and sometimes even before then.
Mirror Entity: Same as above. Would be nice if it copied a taunt, but Sapphiron doesn't run any.
Arcane Intellect: I had two of these in the deck and I ended up fatiguing to death before Sapphiron. Wasn't good.


Bull on a Donut
The only thing a decent neutral secret counter is going to do is make hunter a little worse and make paladin and mage secret decks complete shit (I mean I guess you can argue they already are but this would effectively kill them).


The only thing a decent neutral secret counter is going to do is make hunter a little worse and make paladin and mage secret decks complete shit (I mean I guess you can argue they already are but this would effectively kill them).

Just make it pretty shit in a non-secret meta and it's fine. A 3 mana 2/3 or whatever.


I have four heroics to go through, and I'm stuck at Gluth. Any tips? He's been able to kill me by turn three. THIS is ridiculous. I tried digging through the thread and there aren't any tips on how people beat Heroic Gluth.
Anyone have any decent Deathrattle decks they'd share with me?

I made this one but I'm not really happy with it.

I spent a lot of time on a deathrattle deck for warlock and I have come to suspect that it would be better on just about any other class.

Warlock class cards just suck... so... bad...
Tell me, how am I still learning stuff that you can do with the board?

I had no idea that the griffon in the Stormwind stage follows your mouse cursor...

Did you know you grow/water plants and then squish them on the bottom right hand corner of the pandaria stage?

That's probably the one that distracts me the most.


I have four heroics to go through, and I'm stuck at Gluth. Any tips? He's been able to kill me by turn three. THIS is ridiculous. I tried digging through the thread and there aren't any tips on how people beat Heroic Gluth.

I just beat him. It took a few tries and you need Ooze in your opening hand. In the game I won I also made use of Harrison Jones. The deck I used turned out to be very similar to Trumps with a lot of 1 health minions (eg Magma Rager, Murloc Tide Hunter and Scarlet Crusader), healing (played Paladin) and stuff like Brewmasters to get my Ooze back in a pinch. Some silence is good as well to remove deathrattle effects and stuff like that


I just beat him. It took a few tries and you need Ooze in your opening hand. In the game I won I also made use of Harrison Jones. The deck I used turned out to be very similar to Trumps with a lot of 1 health minions (eg Magma Rager, Murloc Tide Hunter and Scarlet Crusader), healing (played Paladin) and stuff like Brewmasters to get my Ooze back in a pinch. Some silence is good as well to remove deathrattle effects and stuff like that

You healed using Paladin spells/weapon or did you mean Priest?


I spent a lot of time on a deathrattle deck for warlock and I have come to suspect that it would be better on just about any other class.

Warlock class cards just suck... so... bad...

TB just posted a video of him doing a deathrattle warlock. Since it's TBs gimmick video... it's not that good. But it's hilarious.




Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That's the next level mindgames suicide play. If you do something blatantly stupid, your opponent won't take you seriously. So you win by confusing your opponent with bad plays.


Probably meant to use wrath and misclicked. I've used blessing of kings on a enemy minion (twice) when I meant to use hammer of wrath.


I've definitely misplayed cards because they shifted in my hand when the new draw came in.

However, he would've needed to play the wrong card and not notice the mistake when the choice came up, so that's two misclicks.

yikes, that's why you always update the tab before clicking reply.
No Handlock mirror, I'm not going to friend you when my Rag missed (albeit greedy play) and you had over 30 damage out of hand with 2x Power Overwhelming and lucky Soulfires.

Just no.

What do these people expect? That I'll accept their friend request so they can trash talk me?
I wonder why people aren't playing more token druid. If it is because of hunter, tbh token druid (imo) was favored even before UTH was nerfed to 3 mana. Now token druid has badass cards that are hard if not impossible for hunters to remove like spectral knight. Heck, I even threw in a weblord to make loatheb a harder minion to get value for all decks and especially useful for slowing down zoolock to help me establish a board they just have a terrible time overcoming.

I'm sure the handlock match up is still terrible for druids, but since hunters are prevalent enough handlock is not ran often and that can be helped a bit by some card changes. I am running a more aggro oriented druid deck and enjoying it.

Imagine I remembered to crop this:


I wonder why people aren't playing more token druid. If it is because of hunter, tbh token druid (imo) was favored even before UTH was nerfed to 3 mana. Now token druid has badass cards that are hard if not impossible for hunters to remove like spectral knight. Heck, I even threw in a weblord to make loatheb a harder minion to get value for all decks and especially useful for slowing down zoolock to help me establish a board they just have a terrible time overcoming.

I'm sure the handlock match up is still terrible for druids, but since hunters are prevalent enough handlock is not ran often and that can be helped a bit by some card changes. I am running a more aggro oriented druid deck and enjoying it.

Imagine I remembered to crop this:
oops, totally wrong screenie

They probably got bored of it


The miracle rope is messing Trump up :lol

He has had no business winning a couple of games when he starts playing his hand well after the rope has started burning. He didn't even get to drop a big Cleef last game after he ran out of time :d

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
No Handlock mirror, I'm not going to friend you when my Rag missed (albeit greedy play) and you had over 30 damage out of hand with 2x Power Overwhelming and lucky Soulfires.

Just no.

What do these people expect? That I'll accept their friend request so they can trash talk me?

that's exactly what I expect


I tried messing around with Druid last night after watching some of the Sunshine Open tourney. Does anyone have a recommended fun deck to try out? Wouldn't mind playing around with it a bit more


Junior Member
The only thing a decent neutral secret counter is going to do is make hunter a little worse and make paladin and mage secret decks complete shit (I mean I guess you can argue they already are but this would effectively kill them).

I'm OK with this.

I feel like I'm being trolled when I play against those decks.
The miracle rope is messing Trump up :lol

He has had no business winning a couple of games when he starts playing his hand well after the rope has started burning. He didn't even get to drop a big Cleef last game after he ran out of time :d

I think taking your time is pretty smart in this game. Even waiting til the rope burns to make sure you make the best possible move. I think it is a good sign that the best move isn't always apparent, like new players seem to always suggest being the case.


I'm gonna share this little deck I made. The initial idea was pretty simple: negate threats by reducing their attack and play big stuff yourself. To my surprise, it ended up being quite effective against almost any deck. It was an idea that comes from seeing how effective Handlock can be (forcing your opponent to deal with it), but at the same time having the ability to deal with threats that doesn't destroy your mana, so you can do your thing while at the same time deal with their things.

I've pulled some strong combos with this. An Acolyte of Pain with Blessing of Kings is such great value. Humility and Aldor also make Acolyte of Pain an actual threat (all opponents feel like they are forced to do something so I won't get multiple cards). Because of the reduce attack theme, Acolyte of Pain becomes strong, which in turn it becomes a card machine that feeds into an early Mountain Giant play.

Reducing attack also helps with keeping that Equality another turn longer in your hand.

Weapons and Molten Giant and Guardian of Kings are also amazing. Double Molten and Guardian of Kings and a Sunfury in between because they got you to 10 HP? Well, thanks I'd say.

With weapons, Leeroy and Blessing of Kings and Ragnaros there are some strong end burst you can do, especially if they just can't deal with your threats anymore.

Wild Pyromancer with Blessing of Kings is like a DIY Baron Geddon Light, with 7/5 stats it's yet another insane threat they cannot leave alone.

I've had games where I literally dealt with 5 Thaddius. A shaman went all reincarnation ancestral spirit on me and even earth shocking his Thaddius once to remove the debuff, yet he just couldn't handle the power of Aldor, Humility, Equality and my own threats.

Worth a try. This replaced my regular Paladin (healing themed) deck. Giants are awesome.


I think taking your time is pretty smart in this game. Even waiting til the rope burns to make sure you make the best possible move. I think it is a good sign that the best move isn't always apparent, like new players seem to always suggest being the case.

Not being able to finish your plays because the deathrattle animation for sludge belcher is still running or not being able to play a huge van cleef and floating mana are huge mistakes.
Patience is a virtue, yes, but miracle just doesn't fit Trump.
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