Servbot #42
Unconfirmed Member
So many forgetting the rule: Don't buy packs on launch day
Why not? Does drop rate changes if you get the packs later?
So many forgetting the rule: Don't buy packs on launch day
Severs get overloaded, takes a long time / doesn't work.Why not? Does drop rate changes if you get the packs later?
Need steam wheedle sniper I think.
43 packs opened and no legendary.
Kinda depressing in a way. So many duplicates...
I'll still do my dailies, but don't feel like playing much anymore. ;.;
43 packs opened and no legendary.
Kinda depressing in a way. So many duplicates...
I'll still do my dailies, but don't feel like playing much anymore. ;.;
Jesus Christ in 4 packs I've got:
2x Annoy-o-tron
2x Tallstrider
2x Clockwork Gnome
2x Seal of Light
2x Target Dummy
2x Cogmaster
That's 12 cards out of 20 that have come in pairs. Seriously, wtf. I know that technically there aren't that many common cards (dummy is even rare) but that's a bit too much.
I don't know why people were down on Flame Leviathan.
Free consecrate for Freeze Mage is lulz.
Difference being you know when you are consecrating and it doesn't effect your own minions.
Card is shit.
well fuck me.. I can't get into HS or WoW... god damn it.
Huh? Why? Rogue looks mech viable... plus gallywix is badass.
What minions? It's Freeze mage, so you might hit your own Acolyte/Mad Scientist/Loot Hoarder. OH NO!!!
I don't know why people were down on Flame Leviathan.
Free consecrate for Freeze Mage is lulz.
Severs get overloaded, takes a long time / doesn't work.
You know how you get the legendary pirate/murloc for collecting all the murloc and pirate cards? Does that now include the GvG pirates and murlocs, or does it still apply only to the base set?
my god I hate annoyotron, every time the game makes it the best tool to draft. Every time I get blood knighted it seems....
I'm logged into both Hearthstone and WoW.
Well, you autolose to zoo and hunter.(well not really but it's like 7-3) This was always the case even before GvG. You will run out of cards way before zoo and Hunter can just steady shot you down since you're using your weapon to hit things. And if any control deck can survive the initial 3-4 turns then they've pretty much won. (assuming you dont get sap, sap backstab in your starting hand)
I thought Jeeves was the missing link for rogue since they often run out of cards. Unforunately, spending your turn 4 playing a 1/4 is way worse then I would have thought and having so many spare parts makes it even worse. So much so that I think Jeeves is a bad card. I think coldlight is better.
Rogue's my favorite class and since miracle is even worse now there's not much hope. I would be hard pressed to say tempo aggro is favored in any matchups. Maybe Druid.
But hey, on the brightside I found a gold Piloted Sky Golem.
PSA: In your collection tab you can search for GvG and it will show only the expansion cards you have.
Can't you also do this through the Sets button?
Are all arena pack rewards GvG now, or is it random? Deciding to buy packs or play arena...
wow mage mech deck is CRAZY
snowchugger wtf
Shop closed on the first day of the expansion.
Makes sense.
Are all arena pack rewards GvG now, or is it random? Deciding to buy packs or play arena...
They're doing emergency maintenance on the authentication servers right now. You can't login or buy anything atm.