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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Funny how my best arena decks recently have been the ones with a really low curve and minimal amounts of high-mana minions. I do think having a strong start is more important than ever, specially when so many minions can switch board control easily now.


I don't know if control hunter will become viable on ladder, but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun. The Undertaker rush deck was so mindless to play and I felt dirty doing it.
The average arena deck is probably generally worse than before gvg. Less powerful class commons, especially board clears like flamestrike and holy nova, gives an even greater emphasis to tempo and board control in arena.

With the influx of cards I have only really had one or two drafts out of 15 or so that I'd consider "great" drafts and they were on crappy arena classes.

I think drafting a control deck is a bit riskier now, and I also think the value of 1 drops has increased SIGNIFICANTLY.

You really don't get a ton of good spells anymore. I haven't made a 12 win deck yet in the new expansion. I've done 10 twice.

I tried out that pirate cannon in my warrior pirate deck and they didn't work enough. I would probably have to try them in a rouge pirate deck. I'm still in scrub tier since I didn't play hearthstone in like 2 months.


I think they need to change the cost of the Shielded Mini Bot to 3 mana. It's too much value as a 2 drop. Comparatively, Silvermoon Guardian is a 3/3 with shield for 4 mana.

Unless this stat discrepancy is attributed to it being a class card, it doesn't make much sense. Very strong and instant pick in arena. I'm seeing it in almost every pally deck I play in constructed.


I was doing all right with the single Fel Reaver I got from packs in a really fast Mage mech deck. In the sort of deck where getting to turn 10 means you've lost anyway, it's got no downsides.
If there was a way to give your oponnent control of a minion,fel reaver could have been great for milling.
Otherwise,it's the worst card ever.
I just 3rd worlded someone with a 16 damage Avenging Wrath when no enemy minions were on the board.

The Prophet Velen that came from my Sneed's Old Shredder is the real MVP.

Special C

1 pack was Vanilla, 2nd pack had a gold common (tallstrider), 3rd pack had an epic (Steamweedle). Not terrible for 3 freebies.

Too bad I can't spend the 2k gold burning a hole in my pocket.
My hearthstone hasn't been able to connect for about a week now.... always gives me the "closed" sign.

I even uninstalled and re-installed.


Haha, fuck secret pally, hunter, mage, whatnot. I'm running an anti-spell anti-secret secret Mage deck and it's hilarious seeing ppl react with emotes when I steal their secrets. Only have 1 of the secret stealing minions, but I think that's enough. And when it works, it's glorious. Burly Trogg should still be buffed if a spell is countered, right?
I beat a control priest with my control rogue deck.

It has

early mechs like barber and iron sensei
antique healbot
black knight
2x shadowstep to abuse all the battlecries and get an abnormal amount of healing if desired
It has 2x blade flurry, 2x deadly poison, x2 tinkmaster sharpsword oil...
x2 assassinate... its insanely

But maybe it has hidden potential

I won't let me buy arena passes with Gold.

Oh, that sucks. I haven't logged off since I first got on so maybe that is it.


Shop is open boys! (US)

Here we go...


Special C

Wow, A mage just Unsatble Portal'd a Jarrazsus on me late game as Control Warrior.

I survived 3 turns of Attacks and Dread Infernals to topdeck rag for the win.
For some reason I thought it was a good idea to hit the ancient of lore, swap its stats, then kill with azure drake... then after I did it I remembered his hp gets refilled from swapping... cost me the game ><


Damn can't believe a mage topdecked a black knight in arena when he was already ahead and my 2/5 nullifier was the only thing that could get me back in.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
used to be decent in arena, pre-12 wins. I used to get 7-8 consistantly, enough to chain arenas at least

havent played for months, tried a arena yesterday with the free ticket, using pali which was my go to arena guy... im currently 1-2 and its going pretty bad :(

im rusty
New mage cards are legit you guys, especially with snowchugger. With a good amount of low cost minions and duplicate+echo of medivh I can see mage becoming the next zoolock.
I've found arena to be easier than usual. I'd been having several bad runs, but since the new cards I've had a few 7+ and my worst have been 6.


New mage cards are legit you guys, especially with snowchugger. With a good amount of low cost minions and duplicate+echo of medivh I can see mage becoming the next zoolock.

Fucking Flame Cannon is so annoying. Like they needed more powerful removal. Ugh.
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