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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Permanently A

Junior Member
making a venture co FOLLOW DE RULZ is the best feeling. Just finished a 12 win run and was rewarded with a shiny golden Hemet Nesingwary!
I'd go with Voljin for sure. The other 2 slots are debatable.

Yeah. Should mention that Vol'jin is guaranteed since Priest is my second favorite class. lol

Outside of that, I was able to get Gahz'rilla, Iron Juggernaut (disappointment so far), Bolvar Fordragon, and Hemet Nesingwary.
This is the combo gents

Turn 7

Hobgoblin + Annoy-o-tron + Echoing Ooze

a 2/3, a 3/4 taunt/ds, and two 3/4s.

I pulled off a double iron sensei against some druid.

4/4 + 4/4 the turn played

Next turn he played ancient of war, I sabotaged it and played a spider tank.

I ended up with a 4/4, 6/6, and a 5/6 and still growing. The guy silenced one of the sensei's, and did something else, and then conceded.

Special C

On a 9-1 Arena run if anyone wants to spectate. NA (SpecialC#1902)

Edit 10-1. Just beat a Rogue who overwrote his Assassins Blade with hero power. How do these people make it that far?
Got really lucky with my first 40 packs, got Vol'jin, Foe Reaper, Toshley, and Sneed.

Not sure what kind of deck I want to try first, thinking about finishing my 500 Shaman wins.


Yeah I feel like Iron Juggernaut isn't as crazy as many thought. Going to be a while until we can really judge anything though.


Oh man the game is fun to watch again with these news cards. Im dying at the new deathrattle decks with these new GVG cards.

Hunter Feign Death is insane.


Funny situation from yesterday, hyper Dennis enraged both of these for free with his stupid Shadowboxer:
Paladin is much stronger now for the fact that nobody is going to ignore your Silver Hand Recruits anymore with Quartermaster in the Paladin's arsenal. Hard to not run Quartermaster as a Pally, IMO.


Did the tutorial on US to scratch the new pack itch (they sucked) and boy no wonder everyone goes face nowadays. I don't think you have to trade more than two times over the entire six or seven matches.

Also how in the fuck is "hearthstone tutorial walkthrough" the second Google suggestion, people must be dense as hell


Paladin is much stronger now for the fact that nobody is going to ignore your Silver Hand Recruits anymore with Quartermaster in the Paladin's arsenal. Hard to not run Quartermaster as a Pally, IMO.

I LOVE setting up recruits just chillin' as the last enemy alive, then Quartermuster next turn. BOOM 4 3/3s and a 2/5


In casual.

I think Trump was playing his Paladin in ranked yesterday, but that was like rank 19. Performance in the Dennis pits really is no indicator for the strength of the new cards. Sjow's Mech Mage did work at around rank 8 at least, definitely a more playable deck than the Naxx Midrange/Secret trash.
Trying out a new Shaman deck that uses Ancestor's Call. Turn ten combo would be;

Flame Tongue > 2 Mana
Ancestor's Call into Al'Akir > 6 Mana /w 10 Damage
Reincarnate > 8 Mana /w 20 Damage

You can even use Rock Biters for extra damage. Still trying to find the right deck to support it though.
Trying out a new Shaman deck that uses Ancestor's Call. Turn ten combo would be;

Flame Tongue > 2 Mana
Ancestor's Call into Al'Akir > 6 Mana /w 10 Damage
Reincarnate > 8 Mana /w 20 Damage

You can even use Rock Biters for extra damage. Still trying to find the right deck to support it though.

What if you draw a different minion on turn 10? Ancestor's Call might summon that one instead of Al'Akir
What if you draw a different minion on turn 10? Ancestor's Call might summon that one instead of Al'Akir

What I meant to say was it is a ten Mana combo. For example, Handlocks used to have Leeroy / Power / Faceless for 20 damage for ten Mana. Of course, that worked really well in the Handlock deck, and it might not work with Shaman. Never hurts to try, one of my favorite things to do is have a deck idea and see if I can get it somewhat working.
I ran into a gallywix. I want him, even though I won. I probably won because my iron sensei got my piloted shredder up to 8/7. I'm still not even sure if iron sensei is worth running but it is fun as hell.

Midrange rogue is such a hard deck to pilot and that hasn't changed with gvg. It suffers from a somewhat awkward curve where you are sometimes, ideally even, playing cards off curve. Autobarber seems pointless to drop without having a weapon up already although I have done it when I have had iron sensei ready to hit turn 3.

Tinkmaster sharpsword oil is like a pyroblast if it is set up right. You get 6 damage out of weapon swings (if used on the hero power, more if used on weapons with more charges), 3 damage on a friendly minion. So 9 damage out of a 4 cost combo card.

Autobarber is pretty damn good, assuming you can set it up right without screwing your curve up and floating mana when you don't want to.

I've only just started testing the arcane nullifier out. That is the 4cc 2/5 mech with the faerie dragon shroud text. Sharpsword oil and iron sensei should buff that thing up well and it should protect the iron sensei as well.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Lol at my 3 free packs.. 3 epics and a golden leg - mekigneer thermaplugg.
Does Hobgoblin give Bolvar an extra 2/2?

I would assume so. You play Bolvar as a 1/7, so he'll get buffed by the Hobgoblin(since it's already on the board), then gain his own effect.

Edit: Well that's lame.

I guess I just think of Bolvar as a Blood Knight, but I since the effect is different since it's on the card and not an effect after the summons.


Not a good first night of GvG, nothing crazy in my free packs and now I've only won 6 of 22 games tonight.

TILTING EDIT: So how many games do you have to lose/concede until you're in casual MMR pit again?
Well i went 10-2 my first GvG arena run. I think people are overdrafting GvG cards. I only had 4 in my entire deck.

Care to tell us your secret? I haven't broken 10 wins in forever, will you teach me Senpai?

I guess I'm fucking stupid. There's just so much skill to this game.
Having a lot of success, in the lower ranks anyway, with this aggressive Shaman mech deck. Powermace feels pretty broken when combo'd with a Windfury minion. I feel like I could get some use out of a Hobgoblin since I have around six minions with one attack, but maybe that's not enough to earn a spot in the deck. Also have Ancestor's Call / Al'Akir for the lolz but haven't been able to utilize it. Will probably sub them out with something else eventually. Also, coin into Mechwarper / Clockwork Gnome is an amazing opening.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else get disconnected just now?

I got DC while i was farming some quests, also i had been trying to buy some cards but my visa always gives me trouble fuck this shit why won't blizzard take my money?! Also this particular has been going before the servers caught on fire.


I created a pirate-themed deck with all the new cards too...

it sucks

Following up on this, I burned up most of my dust to create a murloc deck. It's better and fun, and moves much faster than pirates. That legendary that dumps more murlocs in your hand is awesome.
Following up on this, I burned up most of my dust to create a murloc deck. It's better and fun, and moves much faster than pirates. That legendary that dumps more murlocs in your hand is awesome.

Mind posting your decklist? I haven't gotten to the point of crafting the last few cards I need for my Shamurloc deck but once I get through a few Arena runs I plan to. Figure I'll see what I pull from my Arena packs first in the next day or two before I craft anything.
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