no he's not -_-
Ya he is. Im not sure how you could possibly come to the conclusion that he isn't. Cmon now....
no he's not -_-
Trump destroying amaz
I mean damn.
I'll put up all of the details later.. preliminary data for those interested..
Out of 204 packs
1 Golden Legendary (Thermaplug)
10 Legendaries (Malorne, Bolvar, Vol'jin, Trade Prince, Mal'Ganis, Iron Juggernaut, Gazlowe, Mogor, Dr. Boom, Sneed)
5 missing epics (Dark Wispers, Coghammer, Lightbomb, Cog Wrench, Recombobulator)
0 missing rares or commons
7190 dust (not including golds.. either DE golds or DE regs that you have 1-2 golds of)
I screencapped 202 of the packs.. missed a bunk one (1/4) and the one with Mal'Ganis. I'll put an album up later.
Goblins vs Gnomes will soon be unleashed upon Europe! Preparation for its arrival has already begun, and Hearthstone will be undergoing maintenance starting at 9:00 p.m. CET. We expect maintenance to complete within a few hours.
Please keep an eye on this thread for further updates as the launch commences, and we sincerely thank you all for your patience.
Optimisticmidnight release incoming
Goblins vs Gnomes will soon be unleashed upon Europe! Preparation for its arrival has already begun, and Hearthstone will be undergoing maintenance starting at 9:00 p.m. CET. We expect maintenance to complete within a few hours.
You knew the risks going in!Blingtron keeps screwing me over. Played him twice and he gave me garbage and gave my opponent truesliver...
You knew the risks going in!
Can't play an RNG card and then complain.![]()
Trump kicking butt. So funny hearing Amaz whine after almost every Trump move.
Watching Amaz and Trump going at it... and it honestly feels like the RNG in the game has increased ten-fold. Like, there's an entire board with deathrattles that's completely RNG. How is this a good idea in the long-term?
Undertaker is still broken... they should have directly nerfed that shit.
To be fair, Amaz played Sneeds into mirror entity thinking it was duplicate even know the previous turn CLEARLY established that it was not, lol. His heart's not in it.
Did anyeone actually buy the wrong packs by accident prompting someone to make that picture?Its not.
We are hours/days away from GVG EU launch. Here is a handy guide on how to buy GVG packs.
Did anyeone actually buy the wrong packs by accident prompting someone to make that picture?poor guy if so
I'm spending money on arenas rather than packs outright. It makes arena WAY more stressful when you're playing for money and not just in-game currency.
Blizzard is just that good at getting people to spend money on things they already haveYes, both someone in this thread and IIRC Trump.
packs should be up up at
Undertaker is still broken... they should have directly nerfed that shit.
Did anyeone actually buy the wrong packs by accident prompting someone to make that picture?poor guy if so
because ultimately card text RNG doesn't truly decide the game.. It might be the last word on the subject, but the common CCG RNG mechanics (card draw, opening hand, opponent skill level, etc) often shape the match before card text comes into play.. and to a bigger degree.Watching Amaz and Trump going at it... and it honestly feels like the RNG in the game has increased ten-fold. Like, there's an entire board with deathrattles that's completely RNG. How is this a good idea in the long-term?
Everyone agrees with that i think. Im still surprised it didn't happen.
US arena is easy as fk what's up with that
First the reroll "bug" not being fixed for a year and now this
Murica pls
We are aware of an issue that is affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available.
Yeah I'd really like to see an undertaker fix. Playing my paladin deck last night that was the one thing I felt helpless against. Any class that doesn't have a way to deal 3 immediate damage on 2 mana just loses to hunter right now.
No glitch just US arena players being absurdly dense, I'm getting decks to 7+ that wouldn't even go to 3 back on EUWhat new glitch are your referring to? I'd love to exploit
Undertaker just needs a shave off his toughness and he'll be fine.
RidiculousAnd here we go again:
We're not getting to play GvG today not a chance.
Why are so many people bashing on Target Dummy?
He has so much good synergy with other cards in GvG
It's a free MechWhen you can't get synergy with Target Dummy it's half a Mirror Image, that's laughably bad but still eats up a slot. Doesn't even work with Hobogoblin. It's like running Wisp in Rogue because of the combo mechanic.
What's the current consensus on Mogor the Ogre and Hemit Nessengwary? I feel like both of those cards have interesting possibilities, but at the same time they both seem a little too situational to commonly see use in decks. I opened 40 packs last night and those were the two legs I got. A little disappointing to be honest, I was at least hoping for a top-tier seeming legendary like Vol'Gin or Mal'Ganis, but hey, at least I got something.
What's the current consensus on Mogor the Ogre and Hemit Nessengwary? I feel like both of those cards have interesting possibilities, but at the same time they both seem a little too situational to commonly see use in decks. I opened 40 packs last night and those were the two legs I got. A little disappointing to be honest, I was at least hoping for a top-tier seeming legendary like Vol'Gin or Mal'Ganis, but hey, at least I got something.