I just pulled off a disgusting win vs a hunter who actually got a turn 1 undertaker to 4/5.
I was at 9 hp, alexstrasza in hand. He had 3 cards in hand, bow equipped. But last round he ran into my arcane nullifier presumably to kill it off with explosive trap that was already primed.
My read was that if he had double kill command and a beast, that would be amazing luck and I would be dead. I felt this was true even if I used alex on myself since I already played a healbot earlier and no second one in hand. So I chanced it, alex on his face. I had a 1/1 thalnos on board in case he played a second trap (first already confirmed to not be snake or freezing trap) to trigger freezing trap.
Next turn I triggered explosive trap first to kill thalnos. I should have played eviscerate first but didn't realize I'd actually start a combo using that. So I hit eviscerate on face, sword oil (weapon is now 4/2, onyxia is 11/6), hit face with weapon, blade flurry (off the top from thalnos draw), onyxia runs in... 21 damage. He was at 13 hp from hitting nullifier so 8 damage overkill. How was my BM?
Well, neither does Mal'ganis.
I guess that is because auras are presumed to be minion only and adding minion to the text is unnecessary. But for directed spells they always state what they can't target by specifying what they can target. Demonheart for example says target a minion, if the minion is a demon +5/+5.
Darkbomb says deal 3 damage. There are no target restrictions so you presume it can hit any target. Sacrificial pact only says the target must be a demon, so you presume it can hit any character with a demon tag.