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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I just pulled off a disgusting win vs a hunter who actually got a turn 1 undertaker to 4/5.

I was at 9 hp, alexstrasza in hand. He had 3 cards in hand, bow equipped. But last round he ran into my arcane nullifier presumably to kill it off with explosive trap that was already primed.

My read was that if he had double kill command and a beast, that would be amazing luck and I would be dead. I felt this was true even if I used alex on myself since I already played a healbot earlier and no second one in hand. So I chanced it, alex on his face. I had a 1/1 thalnos on board in case he played a second trap (first already confirmed to not be snake or freezing trap) to trigger freezing trap.

Next turn I triggered explosive trap first to kill thalnos. I should have played eviscerate first but didn't realize I'd actually start a combo using that. So I hit eviscerate on face, sword oil (weapon is now 4/2, onyxia is 11/6), hit face with weapon, blade flurry (off the top from thalnos draw), onyxia runs in... 21 damage. He was at 13 hp from hitting nullifier so 8 damage overkill. How was my BM? :D

Well, neither does Mal'ganis.

I guess that is because auras are presumed to be minion only and adding minion to the text is unnecessary. But for directed spells they always state what they can't target by specifying what they can target. Demonheart for example says target a minion, if the minion is a demon +5/+5.

Darkbomb says deal 3 damage. There are no target restrictions so you presume it can hit any target. Sacrificial pact only says the target must be a demon, so you presume it can hit any character with a demon tag.
Yeah baby!



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It even works with mech aggro decks, there's that 2/1 which gives a spare part.

Seriously. They have to be very careful about how many 1/2 mana deathrattles they create. Undertaker should have been nerfed, and lil exorcist is not the answer.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
my first arena in many months ended 3-3 :(

im so rusty and I dont know any of these naxx cards, let alone the GvsG cards lol


Been sticking with Warrior but I'm getting blasted in ranked.. I need new cards badly.

Sometimes it feels like I can never beat magic users, specially priests.


Goddamn what a truckload of fun cards. Bought 40 packs got Dr Boom and Gallywix, crafted Gazlowe and Sneed and currently running this deck (still needs optimization):


Got illidan from Sneed and next turn unloaded Gazlowe + a truckload of spare parts, needless to say I got my board full with Flames of Azzinoth.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
How much are you guys putting in? I put down £7 for packs which gave me 10 in total i think with the 3 free ones. Arena will get me the rest


After playing the new expo for a while, seems like more games are decided by random chance than before. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Holy shit, the burn shaman is real?

I just double crackled for 7 + 6, lava burst for 6, rockbiter on doomhammer for 10 = 29 damage on a control warrior who was at 27 hp. I had a spellpower totem up. The variance was 4-7x2. So average rolls would have been lethal since the average outcome would be a 5 and a 6.

That just seriously blew my mind.

From his perspective, I only had a fire elemental on board and a few totems. So he hit the fire elemental and executed bringing his hp to 27.

Then I just fucking killed him in a single turn with 0 attack power on board. I can imagine the rage!

double edit:
Also just in case you thought that was unnecessarily all in, I was gonna stop the burn if I didn't have guaranteed lethal after the 2 crackles. That way I don't lose to alexstrasza.
Clockwork Gnome, Darkbomb and Ogre Brute are all enjoying their new lives in my Zoo deck.

What are people's thoughts on Ogre Brute versus Scarlet Crusader in Zoo?

+1/+3 stat difference with the Ogre RNG versus Divine Shield. Ogre survives Earthshock, cannot be hit by a Priest's kill spells under normal circumstances, isn't killed by a Druid or Mage's hero power after one hit. It is killed by Swipe, Fireball and other deal damage removal spells that do at least 4.

However, Ogre is random.


I can't get into the store. Boo. Support ticket, ahoy.

I got this fella before the error. I'm going to let the meta settle and nuke him for an even trade with an actual, useable legendary.


I played him once for kicks and he gave the rogue I was facing a gorehowl.
I can't get into the store. Boo. Support ticket, ahoy.

I got this fella before the error. I'm going to let the meta settle and nuke him for an even trade with an actual, useable legendary.


I played him once for kicks and he gave the rogue I was facing a gorehowl.

I swear this card is very playable. Even amaz agrees with me. You're getting a 3/4 mech plus a weapon and your opponent only gets a weapon (and doesn't get first swing). In a deck that can buff weapons, destroy opponent weapons, hinder their use (water elemental/snowchugger), the "symmetrical" impact of this card is very limited. Cards like this will always be good because you are in control of when the weapon comes out, and you can use it to replace an opponent's weapon with another.

There are also very few 5 mana cost mechs in the game. There are four others. Junkbot , healbot, fel reaver, and mirmon's head... not counting the class mechs which there are a few.

Think Captain's Parrot is annoying from a Webspinner? My opponent got one from an unstable portal last night.

I got one from piloted shredder and I honestly didn't mind since his two remaining minions only had 1 hp. It could have been worse... like a doomsayer lol. Actually, if it was a doomsayer that would have been awesome. nm.


I swear this card is very playable. Even amaz agrees with me. You're getting a 3/4 mech plus a weapon and your opponent only gets a weapon (and doesn't get first swing). In a deck that can buff weapons, destroy opponent weapons, hinder their use (water elemental/snowchugger), the "symmetrical" impact of this card is very limited. Cards like this will always be good because you are in control of when the weapon comes out, and you can use it to replace an opponent's weapon with another.

There are also very few 5 mana cost mechs in the game. There are four others. Junkbot , healbot, fel reaver, and mirmon's head... not counting the class mechs which there are a few.

In a weapon heavy meta, I could see him running as a Harrison-alike to pre-nerf-Tink an opponent's deployed weapon. But otherwise, it's so risky. I threw a game the first time he hit the board.
Vol'Jin *bows*

I love this card Handlock makes a 4/9 Twillight Drake sorry but im gonna have to to turn that into a 4/2 thx for the health though. Oh nice Ysera you topdicked im just gonna go take its health and kill it off, sorry.

To Vol'jin my Warchief!
They need to get the old common cards out of the arena prize pool. I had a bad 2-3 arena run and was expecting a little something since I got at least two wins, then I only get handed an old common card. Here's 5 dust... thanks for playing!

Blizz... plz!
In a weapon heavy meta, I could see him running as a Harrison-alike to pre-nerf-Tink an opponents deployed weapon. But otherwise, it's so risky. I threw a game the first time he hit the board.

I suggest trying him in rogue. Have a sabotage in hand or harrison or even acidic ooze or something to that affect. Then it is like all value for you and very high value I think on average. Imagine getting an assassin's blade. It would be like playing an assassin's blade that spawns you a 3/4. That would be really good.


I wanted to type a whole thing about how awesome Gazlowe is but I guess Screens are stronger than words:

Edit: In the first screen I just used Time rewinder to get Gazlowe of the board
Edit 2: Echo of Medivh is pretty decent as well
As in fucking amazing
I wanted to type a whole thing about how awesome Gazlowe is but I guess Screens are stronger than words:

Edit: In the first screen I just used Time rewinder to get Gazlowe of the board

I really want to try gazlowe out. Probably amazing in shaman because of earthshock, lightning bolt, and rockbiter. That is 6 one cost spells ran in almost every shaman deck.


I really want to try gazlowe out. Probably amazing in shaman because of earthshock, lightning bolt, and rockbiter. That is 6 one cost spells ran in almost every shaman deck.

You should. Sounds indeed amazing for Shaman. I really wanted a Spare parts deck in mage. That game he also gave me Blingtron who in turn gave me Arcanite reaper to finish it off.

Echo of Medivh is really something, just get board control early on and your set if you can copy your entire board. I really like the blastmage so far, and it synergizes so well with the deck. I'm not running any frostbolts/fireballs/flamestrike and haven't missed them so far but i'm currently rank 12 so I'll have to find out how the deck performs when I rank a bit.

Still it has been a while I played such a fun deck, and it can snowball out of control real fast. Don't even need card draw with Gaz/Echo/Dupe, always got something to play.

edit: Might have to fit in a Sorcerer's Apprentice for those 0 mana spare parts


Wait wait wait.... Floating Watcher is the counter to explosive trap?

As my FW (1 hp) was attacking, the trap went off, damaged my hero for 2 and buffing the FW outside of the trap range, thus saving it.

I have never seen anything like it.


These coinflip ogres can go fuck themselves. Oh, so the Shaman gets his windfury one on target with both hits for exact lethal? Thanks Blizz.


remember me
Mind Control Tech is still bullshit.

The odds that it'll show up are miniscule now that there's so many cards, and of course it grabs my big taunt when it does.


Well was fun while it lasted, faced Mech zoo 3 times in a row and can't compete with that atm. Will have to figure something out to counter that. First impressions are that Mech zoo is even more annoying than regular..
Had a matchup where a guy got V-07-TR-ON and I still won the match. Only reason he got summoned is because I thought Mimiron's Head worked only when there was three other mechs. lol
Mind Control Tech is still bullshit.

The odds that it'll show up are miniscule now that there's so many cards, and of course it grabs my big taunt when it does.

I constantly play around MCT in Arena. If I have a decent lead I never slap down a 4th minion lol. Even when I'm behind or tied up it scares me to do so.


I don't like darkbomb in handlock. It just doesn't replace what soulfire/hellfire does for the deck. I could see it being good in a mid-range demonlock deck, but it's too slow and doesn't affect the board enough for handlock.

I having great results with having one Antique Healbot and one earthen in handlock. Might even run two healbots instead.
Anyone with an Iron Juggernaut want to try something stupid? I'm curious if the card is affected by spell damage. Probably not since it's a special card and not an actual spell, but who knows.
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