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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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What's the current consensus on Mogor the Ogre and Hemit Nessengwary? I feel like both of those cards have interesting possibilities, but at the same time they both seem a little too situational to commonly see use in decks. I opened 40 packs last night and those were the two legs I got. A little disappointing to be honest, I was at least hoping for a top-tier seeming legendary like Vol'Gin or Mal'Ganis, but hey, at least I got something.

Poor cards
When you can't get synergy with Target Dummy it's half a Mirror Image, that's laughably bad but still eats up a slot. Doesn't even work with Hobogoblin. It's like running Wisp in Rogue because of the combo mechanic.

I think its secret strength is being a taunt. Even lategame a taunt can help you race and it costs no mana so you can do a lot of other things the same turn, like deal a bunch of damage. So a bit more useful than wisp late game to say the least.

Also in a rogue deck like you mentioned, but it does bring other things to the table that wisp doesn't.

But I lean towards your opinion of it simply not being enough value to justify since getting that extra synergy is pretty situational and without it, it probably sucks. I could see experimenting wiith it though. There are times where I could really get high value out of the new 4 mana combo spells on turns 4-5 that are immensely difficult to combo with that much mana.

What's the current consensus on Mogor the Ogre and Hemit Nessengwary? I feel like both of those cards have interesting possibilities, but at the same time they both seem a little too situational to commonly see use in decks. I opened 40 packs last night and those were the two legs I got. A little disappointing to be honest, I was at least hoping for a top-tier seeming legendary like Vol'Gin or Mal'Ganis, but hey, at least I got something.

I think mogor is more of a defensive card. You play your turn out and attack with everything, then play mogor and your opponent is going to have a difficult time removing your board with minion attacks unless he can deal with mogor first.

Nessingwary is definitely a meta specific card. When druids and hunters are running out of control with beast decks, I could see him being used. DOTC and druid of the fang are both beasts after they transform.

If you're thinking about dusting them, I'd personally keep them. I would dust some midtier classic legendary cards before dusting any of the new ones.


needs to show more effort.
Double ironbeak is probably the best counter in your case. Silences always get value in this meta.
I have one but couldn't really justify a 2nd because I haven't needed it it for pretty much every other matchup. I was even considering cutting the one I have.

It's actually been a dead card in my hand more often than it's helped.
I could never play RNGstone for money... I would turn into Yoshimode most likely and destroy my screen.

I'm keeping track of my average gold from wins so I know when it's more cost effective to just buy packs instead. It helps me get through the times I get back to back bad runs.

What's the current consensus on Mogor the Ogre and Hemit Nessengwary? I feel like both of those cards have interesting possibilities, but at the same time they both seem a little too situational to commonly see use in decks. I opened 40 packs last night and those were the two legs I got. A little disappointing to be honest, I was at least hoping for a top-tier seeming legendary like Vol'Gin or Mal'Ganis, but hey, at least I got something.

I think Mogor is like Lotheb for minions, he can change the game if played at the right time. I lost a game to him last night. I had fatal on the board and he gets dropped and instead of my guys going for face for the win they just crash themselves into Mogor, he stays alive and kills me next turn.
I still need a name for this deck. Something ninja cause of iron senseis being so cool in this deck.


I also will try replacing sylvanas with gallwix once I get around to crafting him or getting him from a pack.


Annoy-o-Tron is the best possible card to go with Iron-sensei. Sticky as hell and 2 drop to go with the Iron sensei ability.
87 packs opened, 3 free, 44 with gold, 40 bought. Opened:

Golden Sneed's Old Shredder
Golden Dr. Boom
Iron Juggernaut
Blingtron 3000

I feel extremely fortunate.
87 packs opened, 3 free, 44 with gold, 40 bought. Opened:

Golden Sneed's Old Shredder
Golden Dr. Boom
Iron Juggernaut
Blingtron 3000

I feel extremely fortunate.

Yeah that's really good gz. No dupes,good legendaries except maybe blingtron(dont liek giving my opponent things) and gold legendaries.
Annoy-o-Tron is the best possible card to go with Iron-sensei. Sticky as hell and 2 drop to go with the Iron sensei ability.

I just wonder whether or not annoy-o-tron is worth running if you don't get iron sensei to go along with him.

He is a taunt though and could help me survive a round to then heal up and stablize... so maybe worth running 1 of.

Yeah that's really good gz. No dupes,good legendaries except maybe blingtron(dont liek giving my opponent things) and gold legendaries.

Blingtron might be good in my deck since I have so many ways to buff weapons and then I just buff blingtron with iron sensei to make him good too.

Something to note on these cards that give both players benefits, is that you can set it up to give you the most benefit. You swing first with your weapon, remove their weapon (maybe via sabotage - the DREAM value), or buff your weapon. I can't imagine the salt blingtron will provide when a rogue gets a doomhammer then buffs it with sharpsword oil, giving him a 5 attack windfury weapon and the blingtron becomes a 6/6 due to the sword oil combo bonus.


MechaRexar that I made with gvg cards and deadly shot is pretty fun.

Only running it in casual for now while I tweak it, but so far it's pretty fun/successful.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Got a golden Bolvar (Sp?)

New Paladin Legendary, worth it or dust?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Oh sweet, id heard a few pros really bad mouth hit but tbh given how new the set is its hard to know whats good and not, I heard loads of talk about bomb lobber being bad when it was announced but its my favourite card in Arena, so rediculous.


Oh man...last game against a rogue. Her piloted shredders spawned a lightwell, which sucked for me, and then her next shredder spawned a auchnei soulpriest.

"I am sorry"



Yes, Mal'ganis! The demon deck is going to be built.

Had a guy drop him and I had no answer at that point. Next turn he faceless'd it. gg

I wonder what happens if you try to play Jarraxus when you have Mal on board. Hero immune and he just becomes a minion?

Sacrificial Pact might start seeing play.


That's better than... you know, no legendaries :/

Yes, certainly. I actually got no legendaries from my 20 gold packs + free 3 packs, and then I caved in and bought 60 packs. In the first three packs I got those two legendaries and then I got kicked out. It felt rigged.


Had a guy drop him and I had no answer at that point. Next turn he faceless'd it. gg

I wonder what happens if you try to play Jarraxus when you have Mal on board. Hero immune and he just becomes a minion?

Jarraxus at 17 HP and immune? I'm def gonna play them both.


I can't go online now. ;/

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I'm sorry you went more than 3 wins in arena, let's match you up with a mage that has onyxia and 2 pyroblasts.

Today has seen 4 true silvers in the first 15 and 3 flame strikes in the first 15

Sometimes you cant win :(


I'm sorry you went more than 3 wins in arena, let's match you up with a mage that has onyxia and 2 pyroblasts.
Those you can at least beat with a good curve, it's the ones that Fireball any 4-drop, Poly anything better and Flamestrike two minions because they know they have four more copies left while playing Water Eles in between that aren't even worth playing against. 7+ is Mage City and I feel like they've gotten even stronger with GvG. Pick every mech you can get your hands on to break the curve with Mechwarper, securing the board early and then just play solitaire with your basic/common op removal cards. Don't even get me started on Blastmage.

This shit will never change until Blizzard adjusts the rarities of the core Mage arena cards.
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