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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I've already been using it to great effect in constructed. Only played around 3 hours total but I'm at rank 10 already. Hoping to make legend this month...We'll see how much time I can put into Hearth.

Some better uses that I've come across already:

1) Feigned Slyvannas to steal a Sludge Belcher in one occasion, stole an enemy Highmane in another.

2) Feigned Webspinner, Loot Hoarder, and Haunted Creeper all at once for (excellent) card draw and solid early board control (Hunter's Mark x2 helps)

3) Feigned Explosive Sheep on multiple occasions for board wipe. This has been one of the best additions to my control deck so far. Zoo was stomping me early on, but this definitely helps. A lot. Much more effective than Explosive Trap, albeit two more mana and one more card. Still, you get to control exactly when it happens, which is a plus.

4) Feigned single Highmane for two 2/2s that were used to hit face while the opponent dealt with the Highmane itself. Brought down their HP to 15 before they were removed, after which point I was able to Kill Command face and win with hero power a couple turns later.

5) Feigned Malorne! LOL! Never drew him again that game but I thought that was interesting to say the least.

Are you running 2x Feign Deaths and do you feel like both are necessary? And are you getting value out of Steamwheedle Sniper? Was watching Nox play Control Hunter and he struggled to find uses for the Sniper.



:p That's my motto. Like you said, you'll be playing the game for years and opening hundreds of packs. And out of all of those packs MAYBE the only golds you will ever craft are naxx, and even then doubtful.

I never have and never will blow up a golden. And my legs are Baron Geddon and Thermaplug.. uggh.. although a thermaplug from a sneed did cement the game for me last night.

Disenchanted my golden Nozdormu after the expansion. Don't regret it at all. Got myself King Mukla to go in with my Control Hunter and Mill Druid deck. I'll also disenchant golden epics that are not useful to me, like Stealth Assassin. 400 dust...why not? That's 1/4 a legendary or an entirely separate, much more practical epic haha.

I'll worry about golden cards after the collection itself is complete. And when I say complete, I don't necessarily mean have ALL the cards... In the end, I don't care about having Nozdorumu or Nate Pagel (the only reason I haven't disenchanted the latter one just yet is because I think he's hilarious). Just all the cards applicable to my decks.

Golden Velen I kept though. AWESOME card.
I have Malygos too. I played a gimmicky deck where Malygos survived turn 9. Turn 10 came, I played Velen, Mind Blast, and Holy Smite to face. They BLEW UP and it was so, so satisfying. But I really need to work on my Control Priest. I have 2 Cabals, so I think I'll just be using the Shrinkmeisters out of the expansions.


Yeah I'm not sure about the Sniper, it's just a way easier removable Auchenai. Unless you're really ahead in board it's a 4 mana Arcane Shot, definitely a win more card. Yeah it lets you ping Gahz'Rilla but if that fucker lives for a turn the game's over anyway.


Are you running 2x Feign Deaths and do you feel like both are necessary? And are you getting value out of Steamwheedle Sniper? Was watching Nox play Control Hunter and he struggled to find uses for the Sniper.

I'm running x2 Feign Deaths, yeah. I feel it is necessary only because I have so much Deathrattle in my particular deck.

x2 Webspinner
x2 Haunted Creeper
x2 Explosive Sheep
(x1 Loot Hoarder) -- Been swapping this one in and out
x2 Highmane
x2 Sludge Belcher
x1 Sylvannas Windrunner

To me, the combination of Webspinners, Loot Hoarders, and Feign Death makes up for Hunter's severe lack of card draw. But its synergy goes beyond that purpose, justifying the second addition. Today I planned to test with only x1 Feign to see if the second isn't totally necessary, but just based on the games I've played so far, I was sure glad to have both.

As for Sniper, I've learned to save him for turn 4 at the earliest. If I can use my hero power to snipe off at least one minion, I get value. (-1 of their minions, -1 of their spells to remove the sniper.) In many cases so far, I've had Steamwheedle on board together with bigger threats (Highmane, Sludge, etc.), which usually get prioritized over the sniper. In that event, I'm free to continually use the hero power for at least one to two more turns. So I think he has to be played wisely to get good value. I'll wait to use him to until I can guarantee that I get 1 snipe off with him. If that much happens, I'm satisfied. In fact, I'm kind of glad to see them use removal on a 2 cost minion. Gives my bigger threats (Highmanes, Krush, Gahz, Sylv, etc.) a better chance at lasting.



:p That's my motto. Like you said, you'll be playing the game for years and opening hundreds of packs. And out of all of those packs MAYBE the only golds you will ever craft are naxx, and even then doubtful.

Disenchanted all my golden cards to craft Vol'jin. Golden cards have no value at all, but Vol'jin is cool.


Yeah I'm not sure about the Sniper, it's just a way easier removable Auchenai. Unless you're really ahead in board it's a 4 mana Arcane Shot, definitely a win more card. Yeah it lets you ping Gahz'Rilla but if that fucker lives for a turn the game's over anyway.

Yeah, I'm trying to think of a turn where it would be worth playing. Turn 4, I guess. But then it is basically just a slightly cheaper Stormpike Commando. Late game it's sort of worthless as that 2 damage likely isn't going to affect the board enough. 2x Pyros plus a lot of cheap spells like Hunter's Mark and Arcane Shot are better Gahz triggers that also bring a lot of value in the early game too.


I made a Rouge deck and it is kind of hilarious

Cold Blood x2
Deadly Poison x2
Blade Flurry x2
Eviscerate x2
Sap x1
Annoy-o-Tron x2
Bluegill Warrior x2
Goblin Auto-Barber x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Mechwarper x2
Cogmaster's Wrench x1
Harvest Golem x2
Wolfrider x2
Tinker's Sharpsword Oil x2
Mechanical Yeti x2
Sprint x2

It isn't very successful but so much burst damage.


Yeah I'm not sure about the Sniper, it's just a way easier removable Auchenai. Unless you're really ahead in board it's a 4 mana Arcane Shot, definitely a win more card. Yeah it lets you ping Gahz'Rilla but if that fucker lives for a turn the game's over anyway.

Remember that Sniper isn't about mana advantage, it's about card advantage. Hunter has trouble with card draw as it is. Using Arcane Shot to remove a Knife Juggler is a 1 for 1 trade, with slight mana advantage. Using Sniper is a 1 for 0 trade, with slight mana disadvantage. I believe for Hunters, the preservation of card usage is more important. It's also a minion, meaning it has the potential to last, or at least provides immediate threat for removal, usually forcing out a removal card itself. That's 2 for 1. I'll take it. :)


Remember that Sniper isn't about mana advantage, it's about card advantage. Hunter has trouble with card draw as it is. Using Arcane Shot to remove a Knife Juggler is a 1 for 1 trade, with slight mana advantage. Using Sniper is a 1 for 0 trade, with slight mana disadvantage. I believe for Hunters, the preservation of card usage is more important. It's also a minion, meaning it has the potential to last, or at least provides immediate threat for removal, usually forcing out a removal card itself. That's 2 for 1. I'll take it. :)

I see where you're coming from but when you have to answer a Knife Juggler with 4 mana you're usually in trouble.
Changing Ysera's mind is fun though :p

Some minds are not meant to be changed.

It seems like Blizzard took a wrong turn.



Gonna post my collection spreadsheet again, in case anyone wants to use it to track their GvG collection now that it's officially here.


I'm at 14.6% collected after 7 packs. Only 59,260 dust needed to craft the rest of GvG!

Thanks for this by the way it's pretty awesome. Some cards are still slotted at their old mana cost but it's just to let you know since you can still track them anyways.


Been playing arena all day to get some of the new packs, I got lucky and got Gazlowe from one of the packs as my first GvG legend, he seems pretty bad though.


The three free GvG packs gave me a Snowchugger and some stuff that suddenly meant I now have a competent frost mage deck. Stall people with the Snowchugger if possible, hit them with Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Fireball. It's a lot of fun!
How come that when you use Shadow Madness to get control of a minion,it can attack right away?
I realize that the card would have been completely useless otherwise,but there is nothing in the card's text that suggests it should happen.
When you use mind control or cabal shadow priest,you need to wait a turn in order to attack, so no reason for Shadow Madness to behave differently.


How come that when you use Shadow Madness to get control of a minion,it can attack right away?
I realize that the card would have been completely useless otherwise,but there is nothing in the card's text that suggests it should happen.
When you use mind control or cabal shadow priest,you need to wait a turn in order to attack, so no reason for Shadow Madness to behave differently.

"Gain control" seems to mean no rest, and "take control" seems to mean the minion has to sleep for a turn. It's stupid.
"Gain control" seems to mean no rest, and "take control" seems to mean the minion has to sleep for a turn. It's stupid.

How come that when you use Shadow Madness to get control of a minion,it can attack right away?
I realize that the card would have been completely useless otherwise,but there is nothing in the card's text that suggests it should happen.
When you use mind control or cabal shadow priest,you need to wait a turn in order to attack, so no reason for Shadow Madness to behave differently.
Shadow Madness grants Charge, guys
Don't get your knickers in a bunch
Also, Shadow Madness is actually a buff on the card itself, so if you silence the minion you took, it goes right to your opponent's side again
Forgot to mention, while Doomsayer is hilarious to get from a Shredder, Patient Assassin is probably one of the best to get. I know there are better 2 drops out there, but it's nice to get that late game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
How come that when you use Shadow Madness to get control of a minion,it can attack right away?
I realize that the card would have been completely useless otherwise,but there is nothing in the card's text that suggests it should happen.
When you use mind control or cabal shadow priest,you need to wait a turn in order to attack, so no reason for Shadow Madness to behave differently.

Well, as you said, the card is completely useless if it didnt. That's the reason Shadow Madness behaves differently. With Shadow Madness you are taking control for just a turn. With Mind Control or Cabal Shadow Priest you get it for good. I don't think Blizzard should be writing encyclopedia entries on their cards.
Well, as you said, the card is completely useless if it didnt. That's the reason Shadow Madness behaves differently. With Shadow Madness you are taking control for just a turn. With Mind Control or Cabal Shadow Priest you get it for good. I don't think Blizzard should be writing encyclopedia entries on their cards.
Yeah, but the text on the card should leave no room for a doubt as to how it works.


Yeah, but the text on the card should leave no room for a doubt as to how it works.
There are way too many questionable card wordings in HS for a game that prides itself on its accessibility

The burden of knowledge is real

Well, it's 8 mana, which is around the cost of your Ysera or any other 4 health legendary, and it takes two minions. Seems fine to me right now.

When you compare it to Mind Control it's pretty fucking insane. 8 instead of 10 mana while you also get an additional 4/5 and 3/2. It's similar to Sylvanas + Reincarnate in that regard, which is absurdly powerful in a Vacuum but fine in regular play because Sylvanas and to a lesser extent Reincarnate don't fit into Shaman's game plan. The thing with Shrinkmeister and Cabal is that both cards are so versatile that most Priest variants would run them regardless, so we'll have to see if it becomes a problem. At the end of the day it's still a conditional play.
Well, as you said, the card is completely useless if it didnt. That's the reason Shadow Madness behaves differently. With Shadow Madness you are taking control for just a turn. With Mind Control or Cabal Shadow Priest you get it for good. I don't think Blizzard should be writing encyclopedia entries on their cards.

They just need to add "...and give it charge." and that'd solve it entirely.
Well, it's 8 mana, which is around the cost of your Ysera or any other 4 health legendary, and it takes two minions. Seems fine to me right now.

I find it somewhat hilarious that Mind Control was 8, which got switched to 10. Now Shamans and Hunters can trigger Sylvanas for a Mind Control for 8. Priests can now take a lot more with Shadow Priest for 8 mana too. Granted, it all takes two cards instead of just one, but in the long run it's funny to see it happen like that.


My haul from about 40 packs I bought with gold:

Malorne - Golden

Tree of Life
Feign Death
Echo of Medvih
Cogmasters Wrench
Ancestors Call
Anima Golem
Bouncing Blade

Shadowboxer - Golden
Implosion - Golden
Unstable Portal
2 Shieldmaiden

Can't say I'm disappointed :)


I'm really enjoying GvG. The new cards (although a couple of them screwed me over last night, lol) are great and offer lots of interesting combinations to the game.


Sounds cool, I'd definitely play and maybe cast although I've never done that before. I fear for your account though :V If everything else works out we could try asking Blizz for a few tournament accounts that have everything unlocked, I'm sure tournaments have used them before.

Awesome. That's a great idea! I really hope we can get atleast 8 people from here to get something of a group stage.

I'm happy to help in any way possible. Streaming, casting, playing, organizing whatever. Count me in.

That's great, thank you! So we're currently at three. And for everyone who might consider it's just about having fun and experience a tournament like setting. So if you want to compete/stream/cast please let me know :).


I placed two mines in an opponent's deck thanks to the spare part that pops a minion back to your hand and Iron Juggernaut. Rad.


Those you can at least beat with a good curve, it's the ones that Fireball any 4-drop, Poly anything better and Flamestrike two minions because they know they have four more copies left while playing Water Eles in between that aren't even worth playing against. 7+ is Mage City and I feel like they've gotten even stronger with GvG. Pick every mech you can get your hands on to break the curve with Mechwarper, securing the board early and then just play solitaire with your basic/common op removal cards. Don't even get me started on Blastmage.

This shit will never change until Blizzard adjusts the rarities of the core Mage arena cards.

I went 5 wins three times and 6 wins once out of my four arenas, and all of them were halted by an endless torrent of mages with a gazillion removal cards at the end since apparently once you get to 5-6 wins the only people left to match against are mages.


Mech-warrior built around keeping mechs alive and sticky. Win conditions are Juggernaut or Voltron.


It hasn't lost yet (though I am low-rank after a long Hearthstone hiatus).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Disenchanted all my golden cards to craft Vol'jin. Golden cards have no value at all, but Vol'jin is cool.

I suppose.. I approach this game as a CCG though and not as F2P. Just like I'd go out and by the physical CCG card I needed/wanted, I'll buy it here also.

For those curious, once you have a complete common/rare/near-epic collection (assuming standard ratio of legs in there also), a $70 bundle will get you ~3600 dust. So around 1.9¢ per dust. $50 bundle is ~2.0¢ per dust. So crafting a legendary will run you ~$30-32 depending on what bundle you buy (of course getting the leg in that bundle changes that dynamic greatly also)


Was finally able to craft Sylvanas this morning with the 1450 dust I had saved plus DE two gold GvG cards that I wasn't going to use. Gold cards are cool but I rather have a card that I'll actually use.

The inconsistency in the card text is silly, but it doesn't bother me. Just something to keep in mind of.

Going to plop another $60 into this game and craft whichever cards I'm missing. All I need now is the Android release and I'm set.


I went 5 wins three times and 6 wins once out of my four arenas, and all of them were halted by an endless torrent of mages with a gazillion removal cards at the end since apparently once you get to 5-6 wins the only people left to match against are mages.

The Mage will always be solid. The easy access to removal, when other classes rarely have any will always keep them up in Arena. The common cards are too good in an arena setting.

I ran Warlock twice and went out 0-3 both times. I couldn't get a board advantage for anything despite playing on curve perfectly a few games.

Priest in Arena is rocking right now. I went 8-3 with a deck that had no card draw and only no solid late game. It was all about smart trades and healing up the board.
Light Bomb is a fun card, it's a cheap Twisting Nether when you're behind.
Shrinker is awesome for making great trades and making use of your hero ability. It allows for some cards to go 3 to 1 easily.
Valen's Choosen... I didn't get to play it, but I got rocked by it several times. A Valen's Choosen Light Well is a game I will never forget. Fuck that.


When you compare it to Mind Control it's pretty fucking insane. 8 instead of 10 mana while you also get an additional 4/5 and 3/2. It's similar to Sylvanas + Reincarnate in that regard, which is absurdly powerful in a Vacuum but fine in regular play because Sylvanas and to a lesser extent Reincarnate don't fit into Shaman's game plan. The thing with Shrinkmeister and Cabal is that both cards are so versatile that most Priest variants would run them regardless, so we'll have to see if it becomes a problem. At the end of the day it's still a conditional play.

It's worth mentioning the Reincarnate combo requires a card you will only have one copy of in your deck, whereas Cabal+Let'sgetphysical can be used in more opportunities. I think it's time to make "Control" effects silenceable.


It's worth mentioning the Reincarnate combo requires a card you will only have one copy of in your deck, whereas Cabal+Let'sgetphysical can be used in more opportunities. I think it's time to make "Control" effects silenceable.
Absolutely, the Priest combo is strictly better for a variety of reasons, even if the Shaman one leaves you with a second Sylvanas which is arguably stronger - in a vacuum. I definitely wouldn't say it's time for any nerfs yet though, the expansion just released yesterday. If everyone starts playing Priest I'm sure Blizzard will address the issue
by buffing Hunter.


Mech Rogue sure is fun so far. Mechwarper is insane. And an uncontested Micromachine/Iron Sensei combo spirals out of control ridiculous fast.
Got a Voltron up too. People probably think you are cheating with Mega Windfury.
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