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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Opps- meant to edit post above.

This is the 5th edition of my rogue deck. Each version has had big changes. This has changed a lot since I last posted it.

Double preparation makes its first appearance in one of my midrange decks. This is because I need a cheat factor in the deck. Plus, prep+sprint with such high value cards turns out to be very nice. And I can prep + swordoil on a turn I otherwise could not. This just let me clear sylvanas due to the cold blood affect on the minion I had on board, then I cleared his other remaining minion and played one of my own. A very strong swing turn imo.

Later on I prepped sprint, assassinate on his ragnaros. So I had a huge hand and dealt with one of his big threats in the same turn.

In a previous match against an aggro mech rogue I managed to pull off a blade flurry and play a harvest golem on a turn I would not have been able to otherwise, knowing that I would win in the long run due to having higher impact cards and having board control against an aggro deck. Worked like a charm.

Additionally, if I ever get good spells off gallywix, preparation will have additional and yet unknown value!


On the right is the old list
It's hard to fully explain just how much I just terrorized a Paladin in Arena, so lemme do my best. First, here's me winning on turn 5 as a Shaman:

Turn 1 we both passed (I'm going first by the way).
Turn 2 I play Micromachine, he uses his Hero Power.
Turn 3 I kill his 1/1 with the Micromachine and play a Master Swordsmith, he summons another 1/1.
Turn 4 my Micromachine is now a 5/1 (thanks to Master Swordsmith and the Micromachine's own text) which I hit his face with and clear his 1/1 with the Master Swordsmith. I play a Manatide Totem (my MSwordsmith's buff went to the Micromachine, not the Manatide Totem) and he coins out an Abomination.
Turn 5 my Micromachine is now a 9/1... I play Windfury on the Micromachine, drop a Flametongue totem, and Earth Shock his Abomination. I hit his face for 22 with the Micromachine and 3 with the Master Swordsmith for the win.

In Arena. I mean, the guy wasn't really putting up much of a fight with nothing but Hero Power through turn 3, but damn. I felt dirty.


Ooh another control warrior with T2 axe, T3 slam, T4 Death Bite, T5 Belcher, T6 Maidenzzzzz

EDIT: no this actually casted T6 Sylvanas, which then i killed with 4 2/1 on board and a blastmage, and she take the blastmage. Nice $$$$$$$ skillz


It's hard to fully explain just how much I just terrorized a Paladin in Arena, so lemme do my best. First, here's me winning on turn 5 as a Shaman:

Turn 1 we both passed (I'm going first by the way).
Turn 2 I play Micromachine, he uses his Hero Power.
Turn 3 I kill his 1/1 with the Micromachine and play a Master Swordsmith, he summons another 1/1.
Turn 4 my Micromachine is now a 5/1 (thanks to Master Swordsmith and the Micromachine's own text) which I hit his face with and clear his 1/1 with the Master Swordsmith. I play a Manatide Totem (my MSwordsmith's buff went to the Micromachine, not the Manatide Totem) and he coins out an Abomination.
Turn 5 my Micromachine is now a 9/1... I play Windfury on the Micromachine, drop a Flametongue totem, and Earth Shock his Abomination. I hit his face for 22 with the Micromachine and 3 with the Master Swordsmith for the win.

In Arena. I mean, the guy wasn't really putting up much of a fight with nothing but Hero Power through turn 3, but damn. I felt dirty.

*Squeaky voice* "For a little guy, I pack a biig punch"


I played a controlish kinda hunter and I wrecked him.

I still haven't even gotten to play gallywix which has been a huge bummer though. Some reason he is shying from my hand.

Control hunter simply doesn't work at all, the pre-GVG hunter decks are still the strongest. The only consideration is whether to add in a Feign Death.


Gold Member
It's not my morning for Arena.

First I play some super lucky zoo-worth mage deck full of 1-2 drops and he floods the board with tons of minions, has like 1 card left in hand on turn 4, and of course it's a cult master. But he only trades a single of his minions for card draw, like he's playing with me and knows I have no spells to take out the cult master, puts down an annoy-o-tron, and none of my 3 consecrates are anywhere to be seen. Needless to say, lost.

Next up, a game I had lethal on board, in the form of 7 minions and only needing like 2 to survive, and we were both top decking, his last turn, and he top decks a Rag. Goes to the face with all his minions bringing me to 7, then hits end turn and Rag takes the 1:8 shot to the face successfully winning him the game.

Good stuff, some days you just aren't meant to win.
The game is trolling me right now. When I need healbots and have 1 in the deck, I never pull it. When I switch to 2, I get 2 when I don't need them.

Control hunter simply doesn't work at all, the pre-GVG hunter decks are still the strongest. The only consideration is whether to add in a Feign Death.

To be fair it probably still hasn't been figured out quite yet. It was also more of a midrange control by all appearances.


To be fair it probably still hasn't been figured out quite yet. It was also more of a midrange control by all appearances.

Control hunter is so much worse compared to other control class, especially with the Flare nerf. It's like trying to play Aggro Priest with Shadowbomber, the class cards and hero power is inherently bad for that so you're trying to play a control deck with an aggro class or an aggro deck with a control class.

edit: and....Gaara's control hunter with Feign Death just failed hard vs Druid in the Kinguin tourney. This is a match that's favorable towards Hunter if it wasn't trying to be control.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Never Hunter's Mark a Floating Watcher and then play Explosive Trap.

Things will go badly for you.



Ooh another control warrior with T2 axe, T3 slam, T4 Death Bite, T5 Belcher, T6 Maidenzzzzz

EDIT: no this actually casted T6 Sylvanas, which then i killed with 4 2/1 on board and a blastmage, and she take the blastmage. Nice $$$$$$$ skillz
Copper Mage is mad
Wow, someone actually used ancestor's call on me. His tactics were stupid. Turn 2 coin feral spirits... the fuck? I play a si7 agent (figuring he would make a play that stupid only if he has rockbiter). He rockbiters it. Turn 4, feral spirits again. I blade flurry 2 turns later...

Then he uses ancestors call... and gets a force tank max... the fuck. I get an alexstrasza, 1 damage off lethal, sprint and pick up a deadly poison - gg.


Updated the deck, as in swapped out a lot of cards, Spare Parts are ofcourse cards so it works perfectly with the Mountains and I get to add Gazlowe again. Not really know if I like Zap-O-Matic so far but it does a great job of attracting removal.

This is the list atm:



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
mage arena with no fireballs, flamestrikes, that random 4 dmg one, no freezes, no blizzard, nothing

why do I play arena again? >_>
So is control warrior at the top of the meta again? Ran into nothing but warriors when I went into unranked to finish a daily.

Dr Boom seems really good (0/1 bombs nerf incoming?).
This ending cracked me up.

The mage is done for. We both know it. I'm at 20+ hp, he is at 8.

I have gallywix on the board.

he uses unstable portal, jeeves, and like 3 spare parts all in a row... I was laughing hard cause he just couldn't managed to empty his hand for jeeves since he got so many coins. I think then he realized he lost for good. Jeeves was from unstable portal I am pretty sure too.

This was also ranked.


Dr Doom is ridiculous. The value in terms of stats is insane. Nerf incoming for sure though that can be said for many cards.

Fel Reaver is only usable in an ultra aggressive deck with two Owls where the game is usually over by turn 6-7. Fel Reaver is basically a finisher because 5 mana 8/8 is absurd. You can also Silence it yourself and basically get a giant out of it.


needs to show more effort.
ding, legend

Not my first time getting legend, but certainly my proudest for two reasons
1. It's quite early in a season where an expansion was dropped so everyone has to think of new decks and probably less than 100 people have made legend NA yet.
2. It is a paladin deck of entirely my own design. I didn't take any ideas or basic framework from anyone else and I haven't seen anyone else running a deck like this yet. 1/3 of the deck is built with gvg cards.

The deck:

It is an aggressive midrange deck that seeks to steal board control on turns 3-5 and then be unrelenting in board control while using buffs to push a lot of damage in to close out the game quickly. Though it has openings that can kill by turn 6, those are rare and this isn't a hyper aggro deck like shockadin or hunter. It seeks to be highly threatening but contain enough mid and late game power to continue fighting in a long control game unlike hyper aggro decks that just run out of steam.

Because this deck aggressively controls the board, the paladin buffs become playable. Normally the problem with blessings is that they are dead cards if you don't have any creatures on board and before gvg that was simply just too likely of situation. But now because paladin has shielded mini-bot, muster for battle, and coghammer, the odds of sticking creatures to the board has sky-rocketed.

And because the buffs are playable, nerubian egg is playable. The egg is one of the most powerful 2 drops in the game but most decks can't play it because it requires activators that you just can't afford to put in your deck. Zoo can run it because it runs around 10 activators without comprising its overall strategy. This decks runs 8 activators (blessing of might, kings, coghammer, purifier). And like zoo, the egg's uses as an anti-aoe card are very strong as well.

In addition, everyone is really hesitant to silence eggs because unlike zoo, they know they have to deal with Tirion at some point. And silencing the egg doesn't even achieve that much because the deck still runs 4 buff cards that you can use the body for and then they have silence it again.

The MVP of the deck is coghammer. You use it primarily for the bubble to make just insane trades. The way to really read this card is: 3 mana: deal 3-7 damage to an enemy minion and give one of your minions taunt. And equip a 2/3 weapon I guess because why not.

When gvg was first previewed I was luke warm on coghammer. It seemed good, but clunky given the amount of weapons that paladin now has access to and because it doesn't curve into truesilver. But have now played with it a ton it is my favorite new paladin card and is the strongest card in the deck because of how much surprise board presence it gives you. Your opponent is going to play minions onto the board that they feel trades in their favor and then coghammer just ruins all their dreams one divine shield at a time.

In fact you'll notice I run only 1 truesilver. Originally I ran two but was running into 'weapon clunk' where between coghammer, truesilver, and muster I just had too many weapons but because coghammer was simply too good to cut, I cut a truesilver and never regretted it.

Scarlet Purifier is fairly good 3-drop that can really help steal board control in the early game. A lot of people only play deathrattle minions in the early game either because they play undertaker or because they want annoying resilient minions. I have destroyed so many hunters with this card where it kills a leper gnome and mad scientiest and then gets turned into a sunwalker via coghammer.

Bomb Lobber is in because he is just an extremely strong board control minion. And because this deck expects to maintain board presence, the random bomb is highly controllable. This guy is basically a better argent commander with a 1 mana discount. A very strong card.

Quartermaster represents a late game threat and comeback mechanic. Due to the aggressive nature of this deck, you often get your opponent to under 15 health in the early/mid-game. And if the game goes long, your opponent is forced to expend resources clearing 1/1 recruits or this guy just kills them. In games where you do lose board presence, I hold him until I can play muster + hero power + quarter master to just instantly storm back onto the field.

Avenging wrath is in the deck to help close out the games. I found against handlock, control warrior, and priest I was struggling to get just that last little bit of damage. For example when playing against handlock I was originally losing to Jaraxxus. Now I hold this until they slam Jaraxxus and avenging wrath just kills them.

Like most paladin decks, I started out with 1 lay on hands. But over time I bumped it up to 2. The reason I feel this works is because this deck's aggression comes in waves. If you lose board control in the late game you really, really want a lay on hands to play so that you can refuel on all your resources and then equality combo away whatever tempo your opponent was gaining. You can then play down eggs, muster for battle, and shielded mini-bots that your opponent's late game cards aren't going to be able to efficiently handle and then use blessings, quarter master, and weapons to re-take board control.

I don't stream or record my matches but you can get a brief glimpse of the deck in action in this vod: http://www.twitch.tv/strifecro/v/3603559 starting at 1:51:00 where I played a match against StrifeCro. Unfortunately he got disconnected so we didn't get to finish our game but it demonstrates the power of Purifier and Coghammer. Especially noteworthy is that I fight through triple water elemental without losing card advantage.

Anyway. I hope this helps inspire people to experiment and innovate with aggressive board control paladin instead of just falling back to the old hyper-aggro shockadin or slow ass fatigue control pally.


ding, legend

I was actually wanting to try something like this with the new set, but I still don't have Tirion. Would you say the deck is viable without him? Are there any neutral cards you'd suggest in his place? I have around 2500 dust to craft with, but I'd rather not make another legendary yet when I still don't have many GvG staples.

Maybe felreaver + wailing soul type of deck would work. Ancient watchers + other things you'd want to silence yourself. Anima golem for example.

I've wondered if/when this'll become viable. If you went pally, Equality + Wailing Soul makes it one-sided, but I'm not sure how viable of a combo that is.
I was actually wanting to try something like this with the new set, but I still don't have Tirion. Would you say the deck is viable without him? Are there any neutral cards you'd suggest in his place? I have around 2500 dust to craft with, but I'd rather not make another legendary yet when I still don't have many GvG staples.

I've wondered if/when this'll become viable. If you went pally, Equality + Wailing Soul makes it one-sided, but I'm not sure how viable of a combo that is.

That is the kind of combo that is good in theory, but way too situational I suspect plus it is more of a winmore combo than a swing combo and not as desirable because of that. Equality is best for swinging board states, even though it occasionally helps seal a win.


needs to show more effort.
I was actually wanting to try something like this with the new set, but I still don't have Tirion. Would you say the deck is viable without him? Are there any neutral cards you'd suggest in his place? I have around 2500 dust to craft with, but I'd rather not make another legendary yet when I still don't have many GvG staples.
I would probably replace him with ragnaros if you have that. If not, then probably guardian of kings #2.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Anyway. I hope this helps inspire people to experiment and innovate with aggressive board control paladin instead of just falling back to the old hyper-aggro shockadin or slow ass fatigue control pally.

How much work does Guardian of Kings do in your deck? Since you're a more aggressive board control deck I wonder how much healing you really need?

Basically I'm trying to figure out why you only have 1 quartermaster, when it seems like 2 would help you close out your games faster.


needs to show more effort.
How much work does Guardian of Kings do in your deck? Since you're a more aggressive board control deck I wonder how much healing you really need?

Basically I'm trying to figure out why you only have 1 quartermaster, when it seems like 2 would help you close out your games faster.
Quartermaster is really powerful when he works but he also works very infrequently. I think if you play 2, the second one will almost always be dead.

Against other aggressive decks, guardian of kings allows me to win the damage race. Like if a hunter plays highmane while I have creatures on board I can drop guardian and just go face.

Turn 10 Guardian of Kings + Coghammer has closed out more games than quartermaster for sure.

edit: and finally just in general when it comes to 6+ mana cards, I like using mostly 1 ofs because if you get both in your hand at the same time having options in the late game is better than having consistency in my opinion.
I'm so tired of facing handlocks... I used to be decent at the match up but now it is one of my worst.

I'm so tempted to tech in bgh.

yep, fuck it... tired of losing to handlock.

:queues into hunter:


I would probably replace him with ragnaros if you have that. If not, then probably guardian of kings #2.

I have Rag. Thanks!

That is the kind of combo that is good in theory, but way too situational I suspect plus it is more of a winmore combo than a swing combo and not as desirable because of that. Equality is best for swinging board states, even though it occasionally helps seal a win.

Those are my thoughts as well. I feel like it's a good interaction to keep in mind as new cards appear and in case of a meta shift that supports it, but it'll likely remain just a quirky thing that doesn't have much of a use.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Maybe felreaver + wailing soul type of deck would work. Ancient watchers + other things you'd want to silence yourself. Anima golem for example.

The thing about Wailing Soul and wanting to silence your own cards is that most of the cards you want to silence are just independently bad cards. If there were cards that were independently good and had a negative drawback, the deck might work. You need the deck to work even if you don't draw the wailing souls. So you can't just run 6 or more bad cards just on the hope that you draw Wailing Soul at the correct time.


Lol RNGesus smiled upon me today. Had a Warlock Arena draft give me Ragnaros, Cairne AND Mal'Ganis. After the run was done, this happened:


I almost wish it wasn't golden so that I wouldn't be tempted to DE it for another legendary.


Yup, pretty sure the "ha-haa!" whenever Antonidas pulls a Fireball out of his ass came with GvG too

God, lightbomb is so fucking awful. Everybody already prefers minions with higher health than attack, so most of the time you end up with 1 hp left on the enemy's minions.
Lightbomb is amazing. Don't forget that you have Inner Fire and Abusive Sergeant for 1, Crazed Alchemist for 2, Voljin if you have him yet, and Spell Damage+ works with it, too. When you have 10 mana, Shadow Madness is a great way to finish off who's left with low attack but high health.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So, what I get from this is: The meta around Fel Reaver is hoping your opponent is either:

a) Stupid enough to play Fel Reaver
b) Stupid enough to mind control Fel Reaver

Well, if he hadn't Mind Controlled it, he probably would have also lost. A topdeck war is the best time to play a Fel Reaver. The reason things went well for Amaz here is because he topdecked that Sunwalker and the Gladiator's Longbow. Being forced to run an 8/8 into a Sunwalker's divine shield is so bad. That's even worse than running an 8/8 into a 1/2 slime. If it wasn't for that, it might not have been so easy for him to win.

That's the thing about Fel Reaver. When you play it, either things go very well for you or things go very bad for you. I've had arena matches where he straight up won me the game. And then I had runs where it backfired horribly. If your opponent has an answer, you're screwed. If they don't, you just win.

It's basically the very definition of a YOLO card. When you play it, things happen. And he'll either win you the game, or he'll lose you the game.
20 armor on a warrior and not even due to armorsmith shenanigans... its getting disgusting how much armor they can stack now. Blizzard should consider some kind of armor cap. It is pretty gross.


ding, legend

Not my first time getting legend, but certainly my proudest for two reasons
1. It's quite early in a season where an expansion was dropped so everyone has to think of new decks and probably less than 100 people have made legend NA yet.
2. It is a paladin deck of entirely my own design. I didn't take any ideas or basic framework from anyone else and I haven't seen anyone else running a deck like this yet. 1/3 of the deck is built with gvg cards.

The deck:

It is an aggressive midrange deck that seeks to steal board control on turns 3-5 and then be unrelenting in board control while using buffs to push a lot of damage in to close out the game quickly. Though it has openings that can kill by turn 6, those are rare and this isn't a hyper aggro deck like shockadin or hunter. It seeks to be highly threatening but contain enough mid and late game power to continue fighting in a long control game unlike hyper aggro decks that just run out of steam.

Because this deck aggressively controls the board, the paladin buffs become playable. Normally the problem with blessings is that they are dead cards if you don't have any creatures on board and before gvg that was simply just too likely of situation. But now because paladin has shielded mini-bot, muster for battle, and coghammer, the odds of sticking creatures to the board has sky-rocketed.

And because the buffs are playable, nerubian egg is playable. The egg is one of the most powerful 2 drops in the game but most decks can't play it because it requires activators that you just can't afford to put in your deck. Zoo can run it because it runs around 10 activators without comprising its overall strategy. This decks runs 8 activators (blessing of might, kings, coghammer, purifier). And like zoo, the egg's uses as an anti-aoe card are very strong as well.

In addition, everyone is really hesitant to silence eggs because unlike zoo, they know they have to deal with Tirion at some point. And silencing the egg doesn't even achieve that much because the deck still runs 4 buff cards that you can use the body for and then they have silence it again.

The MVP of the deck is coghammer. You use it primarily for the bubble to make just insane trades. The way to really read this card is: 3 mana: deal 3-7 damage to an enemy minion and give one of your minions taunt. And equip a 2/3 weapon I guess because why not.

When gvg was first previewed I was luke warm on coghammer. It seemed good, but clunky given the amount of weapons that paladin now has access to and because it doesn't curve into truesilver. But have now played with it a ton it is my favorite new paladin card and is the strongest card in the deck because of how much surprise board presence it gives you. Your opponent is going to play minions onto the board that they feel trades in their favor and then coghammer just ruins all their dreams one divine shield at a time.

In fact you'll notice I run only 1 truesilver. Originally I ran two but was running into 'weapon clunk' where between coghammer, truesilver, and muster I just had too many weapons but because coghammer was simply too good to cut, I cut a truesilver and never regretted it.

Scarlet Purifier is fairly good 3-drop that can really help steal board control in the early game. A lot of people only play deathrattle minions in the early game either because they play undertaker or because they want annoying resilient minions. I have destroyed so many hunters with this card where it kills a leper gnome and mad scientiest and then gets turned into a sunwalker via coghammer.

Bomb Lobber is in because he is just an extremely strong board control minion. And because this deck expects to maintain board presence, the random bomb is highly controllable. This guy is basically a better argent commander with a 1 mana discount. A very strong card.

Quartermaster represents a late game threat and comeback mechanic. Due to the aggressive nature of this deck, you often get your opponent to under 15 health in the early/mid-game. And if the game goes long, your opponent is forced to expend resources clearing 1/1 recruits or this guy just kills them. In games where you do lose board presence, I hold him until I can play muster + hero power + quarter master to just instantly storm back onto the field.

Avenging wrath is in the deck to help close out the games. I found against handlock, control warrior, and priest I was struggling to get just that last little bit of damage. For example when playing against handlock I was originally losing to Jaraxxus. Now I hold this until they slam Jaraxxus and avenging wrath just kills them.

Like most paladin decks, I started out with 1 lay on hands. But over time I bumped it up to 2. The reason I feel this works is because this deck's aggression comes in waves. If you lose board control in the late game you really, really want a lay on hands to play so that you can refuel on all your resources and then equality combo away whatever tempo your opponent was gaining. You can then play down eggs, muster for battle, and shielded mini-bots that your opponent's late game cards aren't going to be able to efficiently handle and then use blessings, quarter master, and weapons to re-take board control.

I don't stream or record my matches but you can get a brief glimpse of the deck in action in this vod: http://www.twitch.tv/strifecro/v/3603559 starting at 1:51:00 where I played a match against StrifeCro. Unfortunately he got disconnected so we didn't get to finish our game but it demonstrates the power of Purifier and Coghammer. Especially noteworthy is that I fight through triple water elemental without losing card advantage.

Anyway. I hope this helps inspire people to experiment and innovate with aggressive board control paladin instead of just falling back to the old hyper-aggro shockadin or slow ass fatigue control pally.

Now THIS is deckbuilding worth bragging about! Nice list, will steal. : D
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