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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Pretty sure I got dos's for real this time. Everything else that uses internet was working fine but Battle.Net said I was offline. Then I had to resign in, authentication and all. Pretty lame but oh well. At least I know my deck is decent enough to warrant that. Bummer though since I only need three more wins.


ding, legend

Sweet deck man! I have been wanting to try something similar but I am missing a lot of cards that I would want to play in this deck, like Tirion, Quartermaster and Coghammer. I am digging the egg synergy and stuff too, nice job.

I have been trying really hard to make a Spare Part deck with Gazlowe work but haven't found one that is consistent. I have tried with Druid, Rouge and Mage, but in games where you don't draw Gazlowe the decks feel weak. Priest in the only class I have been doing well with the season and it makes me sad because I only use 3 GvG cards :p.

Congrats on legend tho, hope I can face you again in the next tourney :)


mage arena with no fireballs, flamestrikes, that random 4 dmg one, no freezes, no blizzard, nothing

why do I play arena again? >_>

I had a no flamestrike, no fireball arena that went 9 wins last night. Just depends on how good your minions are I suppose. Flame cannon and explosive sheep helped.


Haven't played too much of Hearthstone recently really want them to release it for Mobile. Feel like Im enjoying watching it more rather then playing, all the random RNG makes from some really fun Matches and Reactions.
Priest is fucking unbeatable with Control Warrior now, what a gigantic waste of time

In my experience it really depends on what he gets with his thoughtsteals.
Last Priest got 2 Groms, a Harrison and a Shieldmaiden from me. Can't beat that.

Priest after that only drew one Thoughtsteal and got Shieldslam and Acolyte. Easy win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I gotta make sure I always pick paladin from now on in arena. I'm averaging 8.75 wins with it! (sample size of 4)

Shielded Minibot so stronk. I wonder if it might singlehandedly start making 2/3's more popular in arena.


OK GAF, I'm buying 20 classic packs with gold, before going back to playing arena. Wish me luck.

Got 2 epics and Cenarius. And lots of dust. Not the greatest. ;) I could disenchant Millhouse and craft some legendary. Not sure what... I don't really have any useful ones. I was thinking of Ragnaros or something, since it's probably useful in all decks. I mainly would be playing Warrior though. Any suggestions?


remember me
Shielded Minibot so stronk. I wonder if it might singlehandedly start making 2/3's more popular in arena.

Yeah 3/2s suck now. Nobody plays them it seems. Can never get value out of worgen infiltrator anymore. Zombie Chow is god though. Every draft that gets at least 1 seems to end in 7 wins.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Got 2 epics and Cenarius. And lots of dust. Not the greatest. ;) I could disenchant Millhouse and craft some legendary. Not sure what... I don't really have any useful ones. I was thinking of Ragnaros or something, since it's probably useful in all decks. I mainly would be playing Warrior though. Any suggestions?

There's what I consider the Holy Trinity of the 6-Drop. Sylvanas, Cairne, and Black Knight.

If you hate Sludge Belchers, go with Black Knight.

If you want a minion that's super sticky, get Cairne.

If you are up against a lot of control decks and you want to make them squirm, go with Sylvanas.

Personally I prefer Black Knight. There are so many Sludge Belchers around that I almost always find a use for him, so he's guaranteed value, and he can't get silenced like Cairne or Sylvanas. Almost every deck runs taunts, even aggro hunters, so I never find him to be a bad inclusion in any midrange or control deck.
Well, finally got my first legendary (Velen) from card packs. Got a Cabal Shadow Priest in the same pack so I guess they're trying to tell me to go play Priest.
Really wish it was Vol'jin instead though.



Well, somebody finally tested the scenario of the Thoughtstolen Iron Juggernaut Mine (except for Spell Power question)

Priest draws Mine.
Warrior has Thoughtstolen Mine in hand.
Warrior takes 10 dmg and draws a card for each Thoughtstolen Mine in his hand.

I knew it was going to be strange, but this isn't logical.

Well, somebody finally tested the scenario of the Thoughtstolen Iron Juggernaut Mine (except for Spell Power question)

Priest draws Mine.
Warrior has Thoughtstolen Mine in hand.
Warrior takes 10 dmg and draws a card for each Thoughtstolen Mine in his hand.

I knew it was going to be strange, but this isn't logical.

It's as if all the Mines are linked, so once the original Mine is drawn, all the copies also explode. That's super bizarre and I agree that it isn't logical at all.


I can hit rank five pretty easily every season but I can never go all the way. The highest I've hit is rank 3. =/

Probably lots of people see something like that. Because you stop getting bonus stars for win streaks at rank 5, there's a big jump in how well you have to be doing to keep ranking up on-average. If you play enough games you'll random walk up a couple more ranks, but you probably need to be playing bot numbers of games to get up to Legend that way.


Probably lots of people see something like that. Because you stop getting bonus stars for win streaks at rank 5, there's a big jump in how well you have to be doing to keep ranking up on-average. If you play enough games you'll random walk up a couple more ranks, but you probably need to be playing bot numbers of games to get up to Legend that way.

Yeah generally I hit 5 without even trying by just doing my daily quests each season. To get Legend you need to play a deck that counters the meta-game in order to get an above 50% win rate.


remember me
Madder Bomber is seriously legit in arena. Amazing come from behind card vs lots of damaged minions. It's almost like an avenging wrath with a body attached.



Well, somebody finally tested the scenario of the Thoughtstolen Iron Juggernaut Mine (except for Spell Power question)

Priest draws Mine.
Warrior has Thoughtstolen Mine in hand.
Warrior takes 10 dmg and draws a card for each Thoughtstolen Mine in his hand.

I knew it was going to be strange, but this isn't logical.

It makes sense that the warrior is the one who takes damage. It's sort of a "no you don't, take your medicine" kind of thing.

All of them going off is goofy. Maybe it should just be immune to thoughtsteal, also. Avoid all the messy special case logic. Simple. I mean, Thoughtsteal will need some new code, but it's about as simple as "if Mine, draw again".
Savagery was a lot better when it was a full board clear, gave Bite and Claw some extra use too. Now it's pretty useless and dead. Would be nice if it allowed the Druid to use it against the other hero for a Windfury-ish effect but maybe that would be to much.


All these new cards and I get four games in a row against the most vanilla zoolock deck possible.


For people that didn't hold back gold and didn't buy loads of packs, zoo and aggro hunter are still decent against the players with new cards. Hopefully as they pick up more packs that'll change.


Rogue hasn't drawn any cards the whole game, cleared his board and I have 29 health (priest btw). His turn 10 play is malygos into conceal, and just so happens to have the exact cards to sap my belcher and deal 29 damage.

Time to take a break from this game.


ʀᴇxxᴀʀ ᴅɪᴀʀʏ ɢᴠɢ ᴅᴀʏ 1: ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴅᴇᴄᴋ ʀᴏʙᴏᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ᴀᴍ ᴄᴏɴғᴜsᴇ. ᴛʀᴀᴅᴇ ᴏʀ ʜɪᴛ ғᴀᴄᴇ? ɪ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴛ1 ᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴛᴀᴋᴇʀ ᴄᴏɪɴ ʟᴇᴘᴇʀ ɢɴᴏᴍᴇ? ɢᴠɢ ᴅᴀʏ 2: ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ, ʙʀᴀɪɴ ʜᴜʀᴛ. ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴜsᴇ ᴏʟᴅ ᴅᴇᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪᴛ ғᴀᴄᴇ. ᴀᴍ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ᴀᴅᴅ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜʀᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ ʀᴏʙᴏᴛ. ɢᴠɢ ᴅᴀʏ 3: ᴍᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴡɪɴɴɪɴɢ.


Firebat's Hunter just got destroyed twice (you can 'revive' a deck of your choice once in this Kinguin tournament) by Powder's Warrior, nice. Idiot casters keep talking up RNG when in reality the rolls were even for both players in the first game and Firebat showed terrible risk management in the second.


Injured blademaster in priest openings probably makes my top 5 things most annoying things in this game.

Other contenders are freeze mage, OTK mage, OTK warrior, and handlock.

Yep they really are. I was playing Handlock but it's more 50/50 than that I really get a good streak with it so now I switched to control hunter and damn that deck has been insane so far. Here is the full write-up:

[Spark] Explosive Snipe (GvG Top 20 EU)

I swapped out Gahz for Sneed (don't have Gahz yet). But you use spells/combo's for board control until you can finish them off. I really like the way the deck plays.


Another one for the 'opponentswithperfectdraws'-collection:


I thought well I just need a hunters mark to maybe have chance, ofc I did not draw it and put up Dr. Boom and ofc he has sylvanas reincarnate in hand, fuck this game sometimes.


There's what I consider the Holy Trinity of the 6-Drop. Sylvanas, Cairne, and Black Knight.

If you hate Sludge Belchers, go with Black Knight.

If you want a minion that's super sticky, get Cairne.

If you are up against a lot of control decks and you want to make them squirm, go with Sylvanas.

Personally I prefer Black Knight. There are so many Sludge Belchers around that I almost always find a use for him, so he's guaranteed value, and he can't get silenced like Cairne or Sylvanas. Almost every deck runs taunts, even aggro hunters, so I never find him to be a bad inclusion in any midrange or control deck.

Thanks. Although, I probably won't craft The Black Knight, I don't really ever have problem with taunts. I'll probably hold off crafting anything for now. Play some arena and buy maybe another 20 packs. I also will have to craft some epics, I'm missing quite a few. It could be a better use of the dust than 1 legendary.

I wish there were some rewards from playing ranked other than epeen. I would actually play some ranked, even with subpar decks. As it stands there's not a lot of point in playing ranked if you deck isn't built to deal with the meta. Something like, you get something at the end of the season for every 5 ranks.


Thanks. Although, I probably won't craft The Black Knight, I don't really ever have problem with taunts. I'll probably hold off crafting anything for now. Play some arena and buy maybe another 20 packs. I also will have to craft some epics, I'm missing quite a few. It could be a better use of the dust than 1 legendary.

I wish there were some rewards from playing ranked other than epeen. I would actually play some ranked, even with subpar decks. As it stands there's not a lot of point in playing ranked if you deck isn't built to deal with the meta. Something like, you get something at the end of the season for every 5 ranks.

Craft Sylvanas, you need it. Best card in the game.


I'd heavily advise against crafting Cairne right now. He's already been on his way out since shortly after Naxx, gloomily sitting on boards staring down Belchers and Loathebs. Now with all the new GvG cards it's not only become harder to justify the slot with 5 attack minions becoming even more standard in the mid game, but he will also constantly get stolen by Priests, the class he used to be strongest against.

Out of those it's easily Sylvanas. She's incredibly versatile in application and fits well in a lot of decks.


needs to show more effort.

Briefly made top 16 with my pally deck... then lost twice in a row to a low rank control warrior and tanked my rating :(
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