Rogue (me) vs paladin, 29-0 paladin - (from my phone too

). Could have been 30 damage if I played this slightly different.
This is my board:
Shade of naxxramas (4/4)
Assassin's blade (7/3 - 2 deadly poisons on it with 1 swing used)
I'm at 7 hp (dead probably next turn since he has ashbringer and a few minions)
I need blade flurry to survive or I need to sac the shade into the guardian or something.
This is my play:
azure drake (fishing for blade flurry)
tinkmaster sharpsword oil (omg the oil hit the shade, but I should have done this before azure drake for guaranteed hit)
attack w/ weapon - 10 damage
shade attack - 7 damage
Paladin hp = 12
Up til now I was just gonna blade flurry to clear board and hopefully win next turn. Then I noticed... autobarber will bring the blade flurry damage up to 11. And azure drake's spell power brings it up to 12!
If I played the autobarber before my weapon attack, that would have been a 30 damage finisher
So this works on a Galaxy S4?
I might have to try this then. I might just gift myself a tablet for Christmas anyway.
Working for me with no issues other than chat being difficult and the phone screen turns off.