I wonder when blizzard will add a fun mode that allows you to use any classes cards.
Although I mostly play Zoolock or Freezie Mage, I played as a Warrior to get some dailies finished, ended up making this deck. It brought me from 20 to 18. It feels good to play, but any tips on how to improve it? I don't have Armorsmith, any vanilla legendaries, or Naxx cards past 2nd wing.
I'd try to get a couple of Arcanite Reapers instead of the Kodo and something else. Not a fan of the 2 Whirlwinds and 2 Ghouls with so situational things to activate, as it seems you have a weird mix of early reactive gameplay, then control. You don't have Cruel Taskmasters? Not saying you should cut them all, but 2 and 2 doesn't convince me. I'm assuming you are using the Berserkers and KorKrons as your win conditions, but I feel again that the Arcanite Reapers would be a more solid choice on top pf those. (I'm not sure if you got the Naxx weapon, that is why I didn't recommend it. I forgot which wing gives it, but I assume you'd use it if you had it).
You seem to have OK draw, but I'd even recommend a Gnomish Inventor, or you could consider Senjin Shieldmastas instead of Argus if you are really feeling the need for taunts, and Sunfury protectors if you go with the Gnomish Inventors instead, with the added benefit of an early 2/3 body if needed.
Piloted Shredder could go if you got a couple of early bodies too (ooze maybe) as I feel you are depending too much on you Fiery War Axes early on, and if they don't come you might be screwed. But it's a sweet card to use, so I understand. How are you dealing with no silences? I feel like there's so much stuff to silence nowadays that having one in there at least is almost never wasted.
Obviously take my advice with a pinch of salt. I have never tried getting one deck beyond rank 5 and I am certainly no Warrior expert, but that's how I see it. Cheers =)
By "sucks" I assume you mean "great"
Thanks for all the advice! I do have Taskmasters, but I'm experimenting right now; I'll probably replace the Ghouls with them. Whirlwind + Sheep have been great at shutting down aggro decks so far.
I think I have Arcanite Reaper, I'll have to double check. And maybe I will throw in a Silence into the deck.
Arcanite Reaper is a basic card so you should have it. It's gone out of fashion because there are more diverse options out there, but for a deck with a lower curve like yours I feel it is very solid still.
I barely play Warrior; before today I think I just played 3-4 matches in ranked with it. Still have a lot to learn with this class. Dunno if I'll stick with it, though.
I barely play Warrior; before today I think I just played 3-4 matches in ranked with it. Still have a lot to learn with this class. Dunno if I'll stick with it, though.
Looks like you already got most of the best legendaries,
Bolvar is pretty good I belive,so if you want to play paladin,which is not a bad idea at all,go for it.
Demon-locks play Malganis,but I have no idea how good that deck is.
Some decks are also playing Troggzor,so that's worth considering.
The paladin epics are good.
Recomboulator is awesome in priest and handlock.
Some rush decks play Enchance o Mechanx.
Piloted sky golem is pretty good,because he is more or less a mech cairne
I posted earlier... warrior IMHO is the hardest class to play free. the big problem is that the free cards give you great control/removal.. I mean using a lot of commons, a few rares, and free cards you can really create a deck that will control nicely up to end game.
and that's the problem with free warrior.. once you get to the end game there are really not many solid free finishers. as you've exhausted a huge chunk of your cards during the control phase and are likely close to if not actually top decking.. you need strong top deck cards that are going to cause pressure and give you a win. most people complain about most warrior decks being pay-2-win, (aka costly) but a lot of that comes because warrior control needs those finishers.. those minions who, with your opponent near full health, can still end the game in a few turns.
I love control warrior. It's my most played class (as apparent by level.. though wins I got screwed because a huge chunk of them came before the 500 wins were tracked).. but at the same time I can't see how playable it would be without at the very least grom and one other finisher (another leg, gore howl used to work though lots of slimes before and more Harrisons now)
Is there a deck where Gnomish Experimenter isn't trash?
Not sure how fun that would be, as decks would be completely broken if you were able to combine cards from different classes.
Is there a deck where Gnomish Experimenter isn't trash?
By "sucks" I assume you mean "great"
I've not been impressed by Demonlock so far, so I'm not sure I want to commit any dust to it. Enhance-o Mechano and Recombobulator are two good ones. I think I might use Enhance-o in a Shaman Bloodlust type of deck. He'd probably also fit in well in a Zoo deck. I pulled a Piloted Sky Golem today, but I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with him. The Paladin decks I've played against lately were pretty strong, but I'm also missing Tirion. I'd probably craft him before Bolvar. Troggzor might be a good pick. He's kind of weird to play around since you can't use spells to remove him without helping the opponent.
I don't see how that card could ever be useful. They should change it to where if you draw a minion then you get a chicken either in hand or on the board. That would actually be a decent card, but transforming the minion it draws into a chicken is garbage. What's the point of paying one extra mana to draw a card only to have the card ruined?
Some cards are designed more arena in mind than constructed.
I played him arena and he did a great job.I played with Gnomish Experimenter once.
Just once.
Some cards are designed more arena in mind than constructed.
Just got beat by Ekop, another 'amazing' Arena draft by me now at 1-2
The card is a lot worse in arena where you're more likely to have minions than spells. It's only really playable in freeze mage which did use some of those draw cards, but the added cost for bigger body isn't worth it in that type of decks anyway, plus no one really plays freeze mage anymore.
Except it's a terrible Arena card. Only use for Gnomish Experimenter I can think of could be hobgoblin deck but I'm not sure if he's decent even there.
Demonlock is fun, but too inconsistent compared to the other lock decks. If you don't draw the Voidcallers early it's hard to win. When the pieces fall into place though, you crush the shit out of almost anyone.
If you want to spend money either get the 'adventure campaign' Naxxramas because its gold:real money price is heavily skewed towards real money compared to buying packs. The SP content is shit but it will net you a bunch of decent cards you can't acquire any other way. If you want some packs to get you started there's currently a promotion going on at the Amazon app store where you get half your Amazon coins back, it's explained one or two pages back (including an emulation method in case you don't own an Android tablet).So sorry for the complete newbie post here but I just picked up the game yesterday. I had a day off and needed something quick and easy and Hearthstone fit the bill.
Unlocked all the classes and won my first 5 casual matches then proceeded to lose like the next 10 lol. Apparently the 3-4 freebie packs I got were not nearly enough to craft a decent deck. I was getting smashed by some real strong cards.
What's the best way to go about putting together a decent deck? Just spam packs? Melt down all the cards from other classes I'm not going to play immediately and craft say rogue specific ones?
Gold doesn't exactly seem to flow freely though and I'm not too enthusiastic about spending a lot of real money. $20 or so wouldn't bother me but is it even worth spending that little?
I'll be digging through the OP and some of those resources but I figured a quick newbie post wouldn't hurt
If you want to spend money either get the 'adventure campaign' Naxxramas because its gold:real money price is heavily skewed towards real money compared to buying packs. The SP content is shit but it will net you a bunch of decent cards you can't acquire any other way. If you want some packs to get you started there's currently a promotion going on at the Amazon app store where you get half your Amazon coins back, it's explained one or two pages back (including an emulation method in case you don't own an Android tablet).
20 bucks won't get you far though, hell 50 probably won't. The best way to expand your collection over time is getting good at arena - although you'll only earn packs from the newly released GvG expansion there. Many cards from the classic set are still highly relevant, so maybe do something like buying one classic pack directly for every arena you play? This is possibly the worst time to start from scratch tbh. In terms of starter decks you'll want to build towards Hunter, Zoo Warlock or Mech Mage, those are the most effective cheap archetypes.
I just started and I'm surprised how super addictive and pretty it is on my phone... I've moderately dabbled in playing Magic so that sorta helped understand the mechanics a lot quicker. Although, reading about how skewed the game is towards using real money to build viable decks is kinda disheartening
Yeah,but only if you are the most unlucky person in the history of the universe.On the other hand buying packs for real money is a total crapshoot. You could spend 40 bucks, get lucky and pull a lot of good (not in terms of rarity) cards, or drop 200 and get a load of duds.
btw: i won that match.
this just happend:
btw: i won that match.
this just happend:
Kid probably got that from a streamer who often criticize their opponents for coining out a 2-drop - followed by hero power. Like, that's the whole point, it's a waste of the coin when you don't have a followup. Given you had turns 2 and 3 already laid out your play was 100% correct.
Just keep it until you draw a second x-drop out or a situation arises where coining out a card answers your opponent's board better than your on-curve drop. I know where you're coming from but for this to really be an issue your opponent has to curve out perfectly as well, which is pretty rare in the grand scheme of things.Having the coin without either two 2-drops and a 3-drop, or two 4-drops and a 2-drop in your starting hand is where things get tricky. It never feels great coining out a 3-drop on turn 2, when you have a 2-drop in hand, without another 3-drop to play.
So what do you coin when you have a 2,3,4,5,6 drop as your first 5 cards? Any turn you pick will leave your next turn weak; coin out the 4-drop turn 3, and you're left with a 3-drop and 5-drop turn 4, but no 4-drop. It's games like that going second really feels like an uphill battle.
of course you did, otherwise he would never be so saltybtw: i won that match.