The gap between War Golem (never used) and Dr. Boom (fits in nearly any deck), speaks to its imbalance at 7 mana. Make it 8 and I think it'd be a better compromise for the card.
There is basically no correct response to it, other then finish the game on your turn after it is played. Near every play against it results in a poor trade.
If Blizzard nerfs it, they'll probably just make the bombs target anything at random rather than any enemy at random. Which would be fine imo. After Boom gets blown up by his own bombs a couple times, he'd start coming out of a couple decks.
Hell, make it so the Bombs can target any character except for Dr. Boom. It opens up the chance to hit yourself if you play it on an empty board or hit your other minions if you have others out, but doesn't risk you blowing up your own 7 drop. I think that right there would be a perfectly acceptable nerf.
EDIT: thinking more, I'm worried that if the bots can hit your own hero or minions is maybe too much of a nerf.