So, I've got enough dust for a legendary and it's down to Illidan Stormfrage, Sylvanas Windrunner, or Dr. Boom.
I know Illidan is the worst one, but I wanted opinions on how useful he is in a demon deck. I have one that I have a lot of fun playing and if he's good in it I'll take him despite being a worse card than the others.
Otherwise it's down to Sylvanas or Doctor Boom and I'm leaning towards the doc. Thoughts?
Mill druid looks funny as hell, but I imagine it has a lot of flaws.
So, I've got enough dust for a legendary and it's down to Illidan Stormfrage, Sylvanas Windrunner, or Dr. Boom.
I know Illidan is the worst one, but I wanted opinions on how useful he is in a demon deck. I have one that I have a lot of fun playing and if he's good in it I'll take him despite being a worse card than the others.
Otherwise it's down to Sylvanas or Doctor Boom and I'm leaning towards the doc. Thoughts?
Dr. Boom, they'll nerf it and you'll get your dust back
I'd go Sylvanas. Just too much fun, especially in a re-incarnate Shaman or feign death Hunter deck. I get the feeling Dr Boom will end up dropping out of decks as people introduce cards to counter it.
I am lolling my way in the handlock meta with a mill rogue! "Sorry about that".
Also Piloted Shredder is bad card design and makes HS ten times worse of a game.
They'll never nerf it. Blizzard has no problems with too strong legendaries and too much value in one card in general. What they don't want is combos and efficient, fat, value legendaries are the opposite of that.
Have they talked about that anywhere specific? Do they think that combos are "unfun" for the defender or something like that? (just guessing)
I know they don't like the singular big turns for some reason.
They basically consider everything that isn't minions fighting non-interactive.My guess is that there are way too many babies crying if the opponent "bends the rules" with weird combos like milling, shadowstepping etc. HS is surely becoming just a playground for super efficient minions bashing into each other and exploding into random effects!
Any guides for arena? tried a mage twice, not even one win, choose only cheap cards, but nothing.
GvG arena is the dumbest shit.
I think I just played ZealousD in arena just now. He had 5-6 Water Eles, hahaha.
PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGAMESMAN SEAN DAY9 PLOTTI love Day9, but I don't know if you can use his name and pro in the same sentence.
Yeah, it was my first game. I was a Shaman. It came down to topdecking, but you threw down like 3 Water Eles turn after turn. The 1-2 trades for me were brutal. Scumbag draft, haha!Yep. 6 of them. lol. I went 10 wins with the deck. Lost final match to a mage that had like 3 fireballs and 3 flamestrikes.
Did I beat you? Sorry I don't pay attention to names when I'm playing really. =X
GvG arena is the dumbest shit.
Yeah, it was my first game. I was a Shaman. It came down to topdecking, but you threw down like 3 Water Eles turn after turn. The 1-2 trades for me were brutal. Scumbag draft, haha!
Mech mage is the new cancer
Mech mage is the new cancer
Blastmage is a ridiculous card. But yea, I'm sure Mage needed the help.
Meanwhile at Druid =(
There's no cure for cancer.
Druids are just throwing out every taunt they have and stalling for force/roar. So pretty much unchanged then.
Miracle wasn't cancer. Noobs just couldn't play it themselves
Just had something really weird happen. Probably lagged out since I'm pretty my net here is terrible, but it's never happened like this before.
Right after my turn it looked like my opponent wasn't going to play anything, just kept going over cards until one was floating like he was going to play it. Then he played Loatheb and right after that, my next turn just ended abruptly and he moved to his next turn. Like I said, it was probably from bag lag, but I've never seen it like that before. Normally I get the pop up or HearthStone just closes.
Anyone else experience that before?
Yup! My draft started pretty solid with 2x crackle and 2x hex. Then too many lackluster minions. I kept having to choose between loads of secret related minions.Oh yeah, was that the game where it got down to like 6 or 7 cards in our decks? Long game?
My draft was so weird, like I had three 2 drops in my first four cards and then a bunch of 4s, I was 15 cards in my draft and all I had were 2s and 4s, lol. I was begging for solid 3s.
Anything is fine as long as Druid stays dead :b I'd rather play any cancer than braindead ramp druid decks.
Miracle very much did work in hearthstone. The same lack of interrupt argument you can make for miracle works for aggro. .
You just hate the class. Doesnt mean every druid is brain dead. And its most certainly no more brain dead then any other class. The closes to shut your brain off while playing is hunter rush.
I'm okay with ramp. I just don't like that ramp has access to FON+SR. Savage roar should be 4 mana. The combo is just too accessible in ramp, especially with being able to innervate it out, you can potentially die on turn 6 to a 9 mana combo with nothing on the board.
I'd like to note ramp requires some board presence in order to even the play the miracle which (at worst) does 14 damage. There were much much much worse combos in the game where players could easily do 20 damage with as much mana.
Remember 0 mana charge? LOL
Sad part is the old charge combo was worse than the current charge combo. It's just that Warrior was such an underdeveloped class back then, strategically speaking, and lacked certain cards from Naxx/GvG.