Next time I see someone with a animated hero portrait and golden ability token, I'm conceding immediatly, not gonna touch that shit.
7 losses in a row and counting. Following guides. Trying pre-built decks. Everything I play gets wrecked anyway. Just had a match against a hunter that ended 30 - 0 to him. Didnt get a single hit in.
Since the game has a spectator mode,maybe someone can watch you and give you advice.7 losses in a row and counting. Following guides. Trying pre-built decks. Everything I play gets wrecked anyway. Just had a match against a hunter that ended 30 - 0 to him. Didnt get a single hit in.
There haven't been any major tournaments since Blizzcon and Dreamhack. I'm sure the excitement comes back when the production is there and the stakes are higher than random weekly cup #49.The added RNG has actually made watching tourneys more boring than it was. The complete opposite effect what Blizz wanted.
There haven't been any major tournaments since Blizzcon and Dreamhack. I'm sure the excitement comes back when the production is there and the stakes are higher than random weekly cup #49.
I see what you're saying. Since I haven't really followed the new pro decks (been on a blackout to make my own decks without influence, watching fun semi-pros like Trump and Day9 instead), I haven't really seen the upper echelon of play with the new meta.It's just that the boards get filled with efficient deathrattles in every match and there's not much wiggleroom in the strategies. Yay a 4-drop that trades and summons a 2 drop that fights a 3-drop that summons a 1 drop... oh Dr Value and his random bomb bots! zzzzzzz
I love Day9, but I don't know if you can use his name and pro in the same sentence.watching fun semi-pro Day9
Well, the Amazon App Store thinks Hearthstone isn't compatible with my Nook HD+, but the Google Play Store installed it fine. When I ran it, they did give me a warning that my device was below the recommended requirements and might run slow, I wish more games would do that instead of just the binary "compatible/not compatible" check.
Takes a really long time to start up for the first time (and is a way bigger install than it really should be)... and it sat forever at the startup screen. But eventually it did get running. Everything definitely runs a bit slow, but the game part itself seems to move well enough to be playable.
Edit: Animated cards don't seem to show, and there's some text display glitches. But definitely playable.
Hearthstone is really unfriendly to new players.
The negative externalitiy of your opponent playing ledgendaries makes this worse. Feels like pay to win (or grind gold to win).
I love Day9, but I don't know if you can use his name and pro in the same sentence.
Lol my friend just started playing and he is already playing vs legend in arena.
fucking shitty blizzard matchmaking.
Lol my friend just started playing and he is already playing vs legend in arena.
fucking shitty blizzard matchmaking.
Arena ranking is based on number of wins with your current deck. Ranked rank or history is irrelevant.
Well, that happened. Tried another Arena run due to a friend saying "just keep trying! You will learn!"
Run ended with 0 wins, 3 losses straight where I barely poked my opponents.
For all the cheery attitude in a game, I think this is most horrible feeling worthlessness I have felt in a long time.
Can I have your battletag? Let's go. I'll shadow you.
So Trade Prince Gallywix skills activates when you play a secret, i wish i fucking knew that before hand because i got rekt because of it, damn.
A secret is a spell. So a secret will trigger any ability that works based off of spells, like Mana Wyrm or Troggs.
So if you drop a Troggzor into a mirror entity, you'd get the 3/5 guy right away? Never really thought about that.
A secret is a spell. So a secret will trigger any ability that works based off of spells, like Mana Wyrm or Troggs.
1 Legendary, 1 Epic, 2 Rares.
It's been too long, Blizz. Thanks for the gift to keep my addiction strong.
That's more than I got out of 25 packs the other day. Wish I was joking![]()
I'm still hoping I pull out a cogmaster's wrench or two soon. Been fiending for a new rogue weapon for quite a while. I wish it was a rare not epic.
Hunter plays feign death with a Malorn on his board (who hadn't attacked yet). It pulled the minion and shuffled it back into his deck. Easily cost him the game.
"Sorry that happened."
I kinda feel like Soot Spewer should be a 4/3 or a 3/4. Its stats are pretty much in line with neutral minions (subpar neutrals at that) even though it's a class card. I can only guess the reason that it isn't is because it just proved to be too strong in Mech Mage with 7 stats. Now I don't think anybody is going to run the card, kind of a shame.
Oh god. That's one of those things you might not guess would happen until it happens.
Mech aggro rogue is ridiculous.
Muligan into mechwarper, mechwarper, iron sensei.
Turn one: pass, draw other sensei.
Turn two: I drop mechwarper, he frostbolts my face for some reason. Draw micromachine.
Turn three: Draw other micromachine, drop the other mechwarper, both iron senseis and both micromachines. Both iron senseis go off on the same warper. He concedes.
Phenomenally lucky, but still absurd that its possible at turn 3.
The mech spam decks do really work out when you get mechwarper. I crushed a rogue with a shaman deck doing dailies, then queued into him again and he got a double mechwarper opening... even with a board clear I was already down to like 10hp by turn 5. That said, they are easily the least inspired and least interesting decks in the expansion and almost wholly rely on the same set of neutrals and strategy with a slight twist to each one.
Good riddance to auctioneer.
7 losses in a row and counting. Following guides. Trying pre-built decks. Everything I play gets wrecked anyway. Just had a match against a hunter that ended 30 - 0 to him. Didnt get a single hit in.
the 3/3 for 3cc with spell power... compare that to neutrals in the 3 slot. There is only dalaran mage which has 5 stats.
johnsmith is full of so much hate