If I stopped playing right before Naxx came out, what's the most efficient way for me to get caught up? I'm guessing doing all of Naxx is worth it for the cards? Are there any good summaries of the new cards and how they've affected the meta so far?
I don't know how accurate it is to say it's silly people only play one class if they have a golden portrait. I mostly play Shaman because it was the class I felt I had the strongest cards in from when I started, but I play everything except Warrior and Paladin mainly, as I'm missing the class legendaries for those two.
Still, I have 300+ ranked wins on my Shaman, and I only play at most a couple of ranked games a day. It's inevitable that in another 6-12 months (or a little longer), basically everyone will have golden portraits without even trying for them, because even I will have them and I don't play all that much.
People stick to a couple classes because they tend to have the best set of epic/legendaries for a couple classes I think, and the golden portraits just come on their own naturally.
I want that Iron Juggernaut so bad.good old 1-3 arena run
I've been playing arena exclusively since GvG came out but I had to play some constructed today for a quest. Played vanilla zoo with no GvG and won all 6 of my games. Granted this is at lower ranks bit still....
huh? arena is the one place where that matchup IS even. Think you may be confused on how matchmaking is supposed to work.Fuck.
How was a goddamn player with Legend-rank cardbback a "worthy opponent"? And in Arena of all goddamn places?
Fuck you blizzard and your shitty matchmaking.
How was a goddamn player with Legend-rank cardbback a "worthy opponent"? And in Arena of all goddamn places?
Fuck you blizzard and your shitty matchmaking.
How was a goddamn player with Legend-rank cardbback a "worthy opponent"? And in Arena of all goddamn places?
Fuck you blizzard and your shitty matchmaking.
How was a goddamn player with Legend-rank cardbback a "worthy opponent"? And in Arena of all goddamn places?
Fuck you blizzard and your shitty matchmaking.
He was loads better than me and I had been fighting already tooth and nail to just get 2 wins against opponents who at least I seemed like a bit of a challenge to for once.
Then he rolled in, roflestomped me and moved on. Should have just conceded and denied him the pleasure of grinding my face in the dirt.
Are you on eu?
He was loads better than me and I had been fighting already tooth and nail to just get 2 wins against opponents who at least I seemed like a bit of a challenge to for once.
Then he rolled in, roflestomped me and moved on. Should have just conceded and denied him the pleasure of grinding my face in the dirt.
I'm getting pretty frustrated with how often I am getting completely steam rolledwith every match, regardless of deck, I either:
- start topdecking/running out of cards
- opponent completely wipes my board
- opponent establishes too much of an early lead for me to ever catch up
I'm still super new to the game and haven't gotten all the cards, but winning seems like an increasing rarity
I'm getting pretty frustrated with how often I am getting completely steam rolledwith every match, regardless of deck, I either:
- start topdecking/running out of cards
- opponent completely wipes my board
- opponent establishes too much of an early lead for me to ever catch up
I'm still super new to the game and haven't gotten all the cards, but winning seems like an increasing rarity
I'm getting pretty frustrated with how often I am getting completely steam rolledwith every match, regardless of deck, I either:
- start topdecking/running out of cards
- opponent completely wipes my board
- opponent establishes too much of an early lead for me to ever catch up
I'm still super new to the game and haven't gotten all the cards, but winning seems like an increasing rarity
thanks for all the postsmy main gripe has been the shaman class and how to utilize the totems because at the moment they seem extremely dead weight and situational, or at least for the cards I have available at the moment, rarely worth the 2 mana.
I'm getting pretty frustrated with how often I am getting completely steam rolledwith every match, regardless of deck, I either:
- start topdecking/running out of cards
- opponent completely wipes my board
- opponent establishes too much of an early lead for me to ever catch up
I'm still super new to the game and haven't gotten all the cards, but winning seems like an increasing rarity
thanks for all the postsmy main gripe has been the shaman class and how to utilize the totems because at the moment they seem extremely dead weight and situational, or at least for the cards I have available at the moment, rarely worth the 2 mana.
thanks for all the postsmy main gripe has been the shaman class and how to utilize the totems because at the moment they seem extremely dead weight and situational, or at least for the cards I have available at the moment, rarely worth the 2 mana.
oooh, I was (somehow) under the impression that if I wasn't using shaman's ability at every sensible opportunity I was downplaying their strengths, so I guess I just need to be aware of more synergy.
I also got a legendary in my last pack *.*
I honestly don't see the point of Arena. Its all completely random luck and unless you are lucky with the drafts it feels like its a comlete waste of gold. Out of 6 tries so far i have managed to get one above 2 wins which became 4 wins until I got completely rolled over. Rest have been 0 or 1 wins.
And the boosters have been pretty crappy as well as extra salt in the wound.
I honestly don't see the point of Arena. Its all completely random luck and unless you are lucky with the drafts it feels like its a comlete waste of gold. Out of 6 tries so far i have managed to get one above 2 wins which became 4 wins until I got completely rolled over. Rest have been 0 or 1 wins.
And the boosters have been pretty crappy as well as extra salt in the wound.
no.. aside from warrior and warlock, each class' ability is utility "as needed", not an "every possible opportunity". Even warrior and warlock aren't hard/fast rules.. just that as those two classes you use their abilities typically way more than all other classes.
I'd say
Used a LOT
Used Frequently
Used As Needed
Rogue (actually probably somewhere between 'As Needed' and 'Frequently')
Used because you have mana left over
haha im playing with a new deck, and i just realized ive had lethal for like the past 3 turns
Nothing worse than missing lethal, realizing it too late, then having the opponent make a comeback through taunts and heals.
How was a goddamn player with Legend-rank cardbback a "worthy opponent"? And in Arena of all goddamn places?
Fuck you blizzard and your shitty matchmaking.