First post here, so Hi I guess?
After watching Kripp's stream last night where he made a Hobgoblin-MechWarrior deck as a joke, I decided to give it a whirl. Holy crap, it almost felt like I was playing a zoo deck or something. Out of the 15-20 ish matches I had last night, I think I won about 70% of them, granted this is at low ranks.
I did lose one to a misplay tho, I threw down my second Hobgolin after a warsong before playing Microbot, not realizing that the Hobgoblin's effect happens before the check from Warsong is done, leaving the opponent at 1 health.
Jeeves and Acolyte of pain really put in work in helping to draw cards while you keep spamming the board with 1-2 drops, and the occassional double Hobgolin gets pretty insane too. Add in Warsong Commanders and the deck gets nice and rushy.
I am considering swapping something out for 1-2 Mortal Strikes in the event that I don't draw into silence and I just need to finish the opponent off. Any comments on the deck?