All the Naxxramas Legendaries are OP pay-to-win bullshit.
In before "u salty", "git gud", or whatever other cancerous bullshit memes you want to throw at me after this rant.
Every other goddamn game I see Stalagg and Feugen. Okay, great, two legendaries, bring a silence and it shouldn't be that bad, okay.
Silence, do other shit, aaaaaand RETURN TO HAND AND PLAY IT AGAIN. Great, now I don't have anything to deal with these two fucks now. And I see these like every goddamn game. I don't feel like paying for Naxxramas, otherwise I would love to have these cards for myself, but it's going to take me months to even do one wing of it at this rate.
That fucking spider one (I forget it's name) that kills anything it damages. I swear to deal with any of these fuckers you have to have a deck full of 30 silences or 15 silences and 15 draw cards or something like that.
Just a few minutes ago, I was in a game where things were going alirght. I had his HP pretty low, he had me down to 8 exactly, but things were still looking up for me. Then OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE HERE IS THAT BLUE DINOSAUR FUCKER (I also forget his name) THAT'S 8/8 AND HAS CHARGE. ATTACK, GG, WELL PLAYED WELL PLAYED WELL PLAYED WELL PLAYED.
Don't even get me started on that fucking legendary that limits turn time to 15 seconds. That fucking thing is completely unfair to anyone not on a super stable internet connection, because if shit isn't firing immediately as you use it, you are screwed. On top of that if shit has a long animation (like Druid heals, stuff like that), you're also fucked. Why is this fucking allowed? Why is this pay to win bullshit even in the game?!