These cards are all bad.
Shieldbearer heals you maybe 4-6 health for 1 mana. It doesn't kill anything. All you're doing with the card is stalling and your opponent basically gets to kill it for free. It doesn't really fit into a hunter deck at all either.
Frostwolf Grunt is far too easy for your opponent to kill and doesn't really guarantee any kills, and at best it's a 1 for 1 on a 3/2 or something. Ironfur Grizzly is in a similarly bad spot, at 3 health for 3 mana it's too easy for your opponent to have a 2 mana 3/2 and trade up or something.
Snipe is bad because you have no idea what it's going to hit. If it hits something that costs 2 mana or less, your opponent came out ahead. If it hits something with 5 or more health, your opponent also came out ahead, because you didn't kill whatever they played, and now you have to spend another card to kill that thing. So the only time YOU come out ahead with that card is when it kills some kind of 4 health minion that costs 4 mana, Like a Tallstrider or Azure Drake or something. Which is super rare.
Cobra Shot costs way, way too much for what it does. Consider that Arcane Shot does only 1 less damage to a minion and costs 4 whole mana less. The 3 damage to the other hero is nothing. It's honestly one of the worst cards introduced into Goblins vs Gnomes.
Fen Creeper only gives you 1 extra health over Senjin Shieldmaster, even though it costs a full extra mana. Senjin is much better.
Starving Buzzard use to be good. It's not anymore, because they nerfed the crap out of it. You probably like the Buzzard + Unleash combo but that costs a whole 8 mana. Even Cult Master + Unleash is better, and it's still not the preferred way for hunter to draw cards these days.
Overall, I can tell from looking at your deck that you're probably too focused on your hero's life totals and you aren't properly controlling the board. Your opponents can get easy trades with your minions and conquer the board and they're easily overwhelming you because your crummy taunts aren't doing enough.
Go onto Youtube and watch the "
Trump's Teachings" videos to get a better idea of how to play the game.