Ok I edited some comments in.This isn't my only deck, but it's just the one I was using in the above situation.
As dumb as this sounds, I like the idea of getting suggestions here and there on stuff, but I don't want to straight up go "Google what everyone else is building, build a carbon copy of that" in this game. Sure, it won't get me into the "pro leagues" or whatever, but I want to make these things on my own.
It's a Hunter deck. Something else to note is the reason I only have two silences in it is because those are literally all the silences I have.
2 Hunter's Mark - A useable card and fits in deck.
2 Shieldbearer - This can't kill anything take it out. You are hunter.
2 Timber Wolf - Again I dont think this fits, if you draw it when you have nothing in hand its a dead card.
1 Explosive Trap - Sure why not.
1 Snipe - Freezing trap is better.
2 Frostwolf Grunt - 2 mana for a 2/2 taunt is straight up bad.
2 Scavenging Hyena - Its okay but again its a card thats better when you're ahead.
2 Animal Companion - An excellent card for various reasons.
1 Unleash the Hounds - Good to have, you may want to consider Knife Juggler if you are using these and timber wolf.
2 Ironfur Grizzly - This costs 1 mana less than senjin, its a beast but not worth.
2 Multi-Shot - This isn't good when there are so many deathrattles about.
2 Houndmaster - Yeah okay.
2 Spellbreaker - Use owl.
2 Cobra Shot - This should be Kill Command.
1 Fen Creeper - 5 taunts?
2 Starving Buzzard - This card is too expensive for what it does.
2 Tundra Rhino - Savannah Highmane
It seems like you are trying to play around everything, which won't get you anywhere. You want to just play a deck that is solid regardless. Hunter benefitted the most out of everyone from Naxx so I recommend that like everyone else.
Other than that cards like Eaglehorn Bow, Kill Command and Savannah Highmane will wreck house.