And fuck's velen's chosen.
Zombie Chow into turn-2 coin + Velens Chosen. Happened to me today among other retarded plays. Fuck arena, I used to get 12 wins regularly and now I'm a 7-3 peasant.
And fuck's velen's chosen.
I'm about to go 0-3 because of that shit, plus an obscene shaman opening with flametongue totem, hogboblin, and one of those shitty 1/4 mechs. Just conceded at almost full health on turn 4. I was facing a 5/6 taunt.
1-3. This game screws you so bad sometimes. All games were decided by turn 3. The only game I won was where i had the coin.
Sounds like your average Priest deck.
Sounds like your average Priest deck.
You get fucked so hard going first in arena. Everybody ALWAYS coins a 2 drop and you get screwed on board control from turn .1
Finally got one of those stupid owls!!! Now I don't have to blow 4 mana on a silence anymore.
Hyperbole much? When your opponent can't coin a 2 drop (which they don't always do, you're exaggerating), then that means you can always play your 2 drop before their 2 drop, and you have priority on dropping higher mana minions before they do. So your 3 drop will come before their 3 drop, and your 4 drop will come before their 4, etc etc.
Going second is only good whenever your curve is busted, like your hand is 2, 4, 4 or something. Or you're a rogue.
The real advantage isn't going first or 2nd but who plays their first minion since you get more options on when to trade and when to not, or when to use removal or when to not. And even if you do trade, you also get the opportunity to hit face more often. A small advantage usually steamrolls into a huge one, and games will end with one person near their max health. Evenly matched beatdowns are the minority in my games. It's usually a blow out for one person or the other.
Exactly. And when you go first, you are much more likely to drop the first minion. People don't even coin out a 2-drop as much as you think they do.
No. Most people don't draft a lot of 1 drops. Most people will draft tons of 2 drops, going 2nd lets you drop one first.
People generally won't coin out a 2 drop unless they have another 2 drop in their hand. I never coin out a 2 drop unless I have both another 2 drop AND a 3 drop. Coining out a 2 drop without a following play on Turn 2 or Turn 3 is generally bad because then you can't do something like coin out a 4 drop. 2 drops often end up trading with each other and being forced to hero power before Turn 5 is really bad.
Most people in my games do coin out a 2 drop turn 1, and they will have either removal or a 2nd 2 drop ready to go. Maybe you won't see this at games 1-3, but beyond that every opponent will have a perfect curve for turns 1-4. When they dont, it means I won.
Whoever designed this card needs to die in a fire. They've gotten legendaries the last 4 times this card's been played against me.
Whoever designed this card needs to die in a fire. They've gotten legendaries the last 4 times this card's been played against me.
You disconnected.So I have lethal next turn and this asshole has the game glitched so that the fuse can't count all the way down. Been sitting here for 20 minutes. Anyway around this? It's a matter of principal at this point.
I gave in and bought Naxx. This game will be the death of me like Dota. Yet I love it.
I gave in and bought Naxx. This game will be the death of me like Dota. Yet I love it.
I think the math works out to ~18% chance to get a legendary from it (according to a reddit thread I saw). Every time it has been used against me it has been a legendary.
So the only way to get naxx cards is by paying 30 bucks for it? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Is it just me, or is it impossible to win against Priest as control? This class is bullshit when I play my Paladin deck.
Pretty sure control warrior beats priest.
Pretty sure control warrior beats priest.
As Ashodin as my witness, my deck can be a makeshift rush deck that whoops Priest ass if I draw in the right order. lol
I dunno man. I see a lot of juicy Cabal Shadow Priest targets in this deck. Especially with Shrinkmeister.
You do? I don't recall.I didn't realized you get gold for some of the Naxx stuff. Purchase fucking validated.
Wow, Unstable Portal has given me an Illidan and a Neputolon in the 2 times I've used it this arena run.
Control warrior beats everything at the moment![]()
This is a new rogue deck going around it's basically miracle minus auctioneer. It's pretty fun.