Is iceblock not supposed to trigger on hunter shot?
The bombs should be random and deal their damage in ones, like Mad Bomber or Madder Bomber.
Ben Brode disapproves of your deterministic gaming.
Staments like this only come from people who will never make it very far.
It's not just about winning,it's about winning as often as possible.Every percent of winrate matters.
Orginal deck are not getting you anyway,unless you are really,really good,but chances aren't good enough.
You will either have to switch to something else or your deck will look more and more like the netdecks you apperenly dislike so much.
Belcher isn't broken it's just one of the best cards at slowing down face aggro decks. A 3/7 with taunt at 5 cost would be balanced and even better.
Is iceblock not supposed to trigger on hunter shot?
What if Dr. Boom was nerfed to a 7/6? Seems still totally playable but a tad more balanced. Or nerf the Boom Bots to 0/1 so you have to activate them in some manner... Quite a bigger nerf there though.
That sounds terrible. Guaranteed 6 damage split to 3 against their board is...
Something else.
Basically it's free Multishot, sometimes with a bonus.
It's pretty pointless to discuss nerfing or whatever of Dr Boom when there are much bigger nerf targets still around since Naxx and Blizz is obviously not doing anything about them. They're not going to do anything until it's affecting 90% of the games and Boom has nowhere near that impact.
Even that isn't the best metric. Sometimes they change for even less, it seems. I can't imagine Pagle was that high.
Belcher is in every deck so I don't know how that is not an op card.
It's in every deck because all the aggro is out of control. Not saying it isn't a great card, but I don't think it is op.
Belcher is so efficient that it's just bad to not play it. Same goes for Dr. Boom. He's probably the most efficient 7-drop in the game. If something is too efficient, everyone plays it and then those cards should be looked at.
I don't think Belcher is any more efficient than something like Harvest Golem. There are just more good 3 drops than 5 drops.
I wouldn't mind seeing sludge belcher and UT being nerfed. But I think belcher at least is more of a liability in some match ups and pretty mediocre vs control in general.
You can just ignore harvest golem.
Honestly I'm never sad dropping belcher turn 5. There just isn't a punish for it beyond shadow madness and you having a 5 attack minion...
I want mad scientist to be a 2/1 and mechwarper to be a 2/2.
Cairne still isn't that bad. I'd rather keep him for gold shinies and not regret dusting later.
Of course I might be insane, I've been holding on to a golden Velen.
I am often against control warrior since they often (like almost always) have a death's bite out.
Once you get to the point you have a good collection you regret dusting your golds. Trust me.
Hold on to the Cairne. He isn't popular now but he is still really good.
Out of the legendaries you are missing the best ones in the current meta are Dr. Boom, Rag, Sylvanis and Bloodmage Thalnos. Around that order. Gromm is up there if you want to make a warrior deck but you need a WHOLE lot of neutral legendaries to make it viable.
Dr. Boom gonna be nerfed for sure.
Has Blizzard nerfed a card changing its functionality since the beta? If i remember correctly so far they've only used mana cost as nerf bat.
Dr. Boom gonna be nerfed for sure.
Has Blizzard nerfed a card changing its functionality since the beta? If i remember correctly so far they've only used mana cost as nerf bat.
Once you get to the point you have a good collection you regret dusting your golds. Trust me.
Eaglehorn Bow's text was changed.