jesus 4 legendaries in 21 packs, that is good right? Volgin, Illidian, the dragon that put a 15 secs time limit to turns and Neptuno(?) are those any good?
How exactly? All 3 options are good. It's not like other RNG cards that can backfire or give you a lower value than their mana cost. With animal companion, every minion you can get gives you a huge value for its mana cost.
Scrub rank priests try to do the high hp inner fire bullshit all the time.Is there a reason for every priest having a lightwell in their decks in EU? Or just scrub ranks being scrubs?
Scrub rank priests try to do the high hp inner fire bullshit all the time.
Been having fun with this mech-based warlock that I kinda put together on a whim:
Played 8 games with it and lost 2. (went from R14 (??) to R12 5stars)
Fel Cannon:
>wrecks Paladins/Zoo/Face Hunters quite a bit since it gets a free kill vs any 1-2 health minions and can be ramped up with Mechwarpers, for which paladins don't really have a 1-3 mana answer to besides a minion + Seal of Light or Coghammer. You can usually throw out 1-2 other mechs for the ramp value before they get to kill it off as well.
>Belchers either die with 1 hit (Dark Bomb/Attack + end-turn ping) or gets their slime deathrattle pinged to death for free, assuming it gets played alone vs the cannon.
Power Overwhelming:
>Great finisher, can also be combo'ed with Shadowflame for a full Boardclear vs Deathrattle Minions, or to set up next turn lethal along with a board clear.
>A gimmicky one-of tech card for your 6x 1 attack minions (Annoy-o-tron/Micro Machine/Demolisher). It does hinder your Fel Cannons so you generally don't want to play it until you get 1+ 1 attack minion to combo with.
>Still, a 4/4 Micro Machine (that can still grow), 3/4 Annoy-o-Tron and 3/6 Demolisher makes for really crazy board presence.
Arcane Nullifier X-21:
>Really bad against priest for obvious reasons (well, just Cabal Shadow Priest and Vol'jin). Pretty good against most other classes however:
-Mill Druid can't Naturalize/Swipe/Wrath
-Rogues can't Sap/Backstack/Evicerate
-Mages can't Fireball/Polymorph, and they can't Ping after Flamestrike
-Warlocks can't Siphon Soul/Dark Bomb/Implosion
-Hunters can't Hunter's Mark/Kill Command
-Shaman can't use any of their spells, even the famed Earth Shock that can deal with Twilight Drakes/Divine Shield minions.
-Warriors can't Shield Slam/Execute
-5HP means it doesn't auto die to Drakes/Truesilver/first charge of Death's Bite)
>Obvious Mech Synergy
>Only problem: Can't be used for PO or SF.
Dr. Boom:
>Probably the most-used Legendary in GvG, but still a really good one in this deck. While he technically hinders Fel Cannon's end-turn effect, you probably won't see him survive for one turn anyway, considering all the BGH and removals being run these days.
>Can be combo'ed with Hellfire the following turn (or same turn if you still have the coin) for a finisher, wiping most boards (aside from Handlock) while allowing you to potentially push for Leathal.
>The Bombs can also be used for the PO+SF combo for board wipe and are Mechs (synergy with Fel Cannon)
If you don't like the Hobgoblin/Demolisher stuff, you can probably take them out and replace them with something like 2x Spider Tank and 1x Mechanical Yeti/Enhance-o Mechano. Even KT could work if you think you can consistently set up a board for him.
Disclaimer: Probably not legend-worthy, but still very fun.
So I'm thinking of dusting 2 of my 3 legendaries from GvG. One is Mogor the Ogre which is pretty self explanatory... I'll never use it. Trash card.
The other I'm considering is Troggzor. The card itself actually seems pretty good but I haven't tried it out yet. Everytime I need a powerful minion for 7 mana I always go with Dr Boom instead so not really seeing the point in keeping it around at the moment. What do you guys think. Dust or keep? Why?
Also if I dust these what legendary should I craft? Any other good/versatile ones in GvG? I'm still not caught up entirely. Classes I play the most are Paladin, Warlock and Mage. Least played classes are Shaman and Rogue. If none of the GvG cards will be worth it think I will just go with Sylvanas.
Don't dust troggzor, one of the best gvg legendaries currently being overshadowed by boom which is only slightly better and might get nerfed.
I think it's bad practice to DE legendaries that you aren't currently using unless they are utter garbage tier. They're so expensive to craft and you never know when one might get useful. I never thought I'd use greenskin, almost DEed him a few months ago, but now he's doing work in my paladin deck.
Dreadlord, but that is minions from their own deck. You can put mind control tech in the same deck to exploit this, but its pretty meh as far as combos go.Question for you Magic the Gathering folks, is there a way to give your opponent minions? At the moment, HearthStone really only has Mukla and Iron Juggernaut, that I remember, which gives the other player cards. I just think it'd be cool if there was a way to give your opponent a 'bad' minion like Doomsayer or some such, since it would activate on their next turn the same way it would when it drops from a Shredder. However, outside of Doomsayer, I can't think of any other minion you'd actually want to give to your foe.
Just curious if it's been done before, chances look like probably so.
Don't dust troggzor, one of the best gvg legendaries currently being overshadowed by boom which is only slightly better and might get nerfed.
I think it's bad practice to DE legendaries that you aren't currently using unless they are utter garbage tier. They're so expensive to craft and you never know when one might get useful. I never thought I'd use greenskin, almost DEed him a few months ago, but now he's doing work in my paladin deck.
So did I make the right decision with the Beast?
So did I make the right decision with the Beast?
Yes, there are some cards that are likely to always be junk.
I just think the core principle though is the thing to keep in mind before deciding to junk something and also when deciding what to buy with it if you do.
I think the Beast is always going to be a bad card. I mean, is the extra 3 attack really worth the deathrattle? And it's extra level bad against BGH, which is a card that will ALWAYS exist in the meta. I think its worse than boulderfist ogre for sure, nevermind the better 6 drops like Sylvanas, Cairne, or Piloted Sky Golem. Not even in hunter.
Imagine if they had this card "destroy friendly beast, deal damage equal to its attack". Then you play something like "deal 2 damage for each enemy minion". Who knows what kinda cards they'll have over the next 5+ years.
That sounds gimmicky and wouldn't really work. Its the same reason Illidan doesnt find himself in demonlock decks despite the fact that voidcaller is a thing. On his own, he's a bad card, or at least below average.
That Piloted Shredder RNG lol. Armorsmith + Unstable Ghoul rescues me from defeat!
I think I got up to around 10 armor in that match haha, didn't get to play Boom before winning though.
How is the state of the game now? I quit before NAXX for the lack of deck diversity and the fact that the game felt more like poker and not magic the gathering. Also, with NAXX, do you to beat heroic to unlock all the cards? Or just the normal bosses? Been watching some streams and stuff and it looks more interesting but just wondering before i throw a ball of money at my bnet account.
I think SolForge takes that crown though as you discard your hand each turn making it notably harder to plan ahead.
You could get things to be more consistent, or even just make sure basically anything you pull will be at least somewhat useful, but I feel the big kicker was that you couldn't predict when the level 2s or level 3s would show up despite leveling up, since you could still draw a hand of all level 1s and then get devastated by someone pulling out two leveled up cards consistently.Sorta. But you also draw 5 cards every turn and you see like 2/3rds your deck every four turns. And since the cards you played level up, you can kinda predict what your opponent is going to play over the course of the game since you generally want to play higher level cards as the game progresses.
I think solforge seems very random on its surface because of that fact that you draw 5 random cards each turn and then the ones you don't play are set aside (isn't even technically accurate to say discarded). But the way the game plays out is perhaps even more consistent than hearthstone. Even deckbuilding you could limit yourself to 10 sets of 3 cards as opposed to 15 sets of 2 in hearthstone.
There are some RNG cards, where the cards have RNG built in, but really not as many as hearthstone by a mile I think.
I used to play solforge quite consistently before I got into the hearthstone beta. I never got good at the game though.
You could get things to be more consistent, or even just make sure basically anything you pull will be at least somewhat useful, but I feel the big kicker was that you couldn't predict when the level 2s or level 3s would show up despite leveling up, since you could still draw a hand of all level 1s and then get devastated by someone pulling out two leveled up cards consistently.
I mean you can definitely get card screwed in Hearthstone, but that always felt like a much more present threat when I was playing SolForge.
I don't know if they tweaked anything since then (I backed the project but I mainly played the beta and shortly after launch), but that seemed to make most of my games pretty lopsided if the opponents were relatively equal otherwise.
Zoo gonna ZooI have gotten to rank 14 with this cheap zoo deck:
I haven't beat patchwork yet ;-;Zoo gonna Zoo
Next up: replace Sunfury with Argus and the Infernals with Doomguards. The two Oozes and a single Annoy-o-tron are debatable as well, but that depends on your card situation. Since you have Naxx I'd consider Echoing Ooze.
I have gotten to rank 14 with this cheap zoo deck:[/img]
I just started a paladin arena draft and my first pick is a legendary. Toshley, Loatheb, or Deathwing.
Any ideas? I haven't really seen Toshley at all especially. Not sure how Loatheb is in arena either.