I feel that there are too many neutral (and class, for that matter) cards with inherent card advantage for arena. If you are unlucky enough to not have many, you are behind severely.
All I've been doing is ramping up power (er-"Attack") with a bunch of creatures (er-"minions") and going at that 30 health.
I'm not finding anything too "deep" about this compared to Magic. At least in Magic I had to kinda think of my next move. Here I can play semi-sloppy and still get out of most situations.
...Unless it's life-gain, seriously fuck that ability in any card game when I'm doing fast burn. Ugh.
Those are class cards, Vol'Jin and Shadowflame can only be used in Priest and Warlock decks respectively. Only neutral cards (purely minions) are shared between classes.
Oh. I just wonder if there's no description for each class, because nothing happens when I hover my mouse above each class or right click on them in Solo Adventures > Practice Normal.
Time or money basically.
You can get by without money, but it will take a really, really long time (4-6+ months), unless you get super good fast and start winning 5+ at arena consistently.
Best way is a little of both, spending $30-50 (Naxx + bunch of packs), to get a head-start, then cruising on the dailies for free arenas will be much simpler and less frustrating, since you'll have a decent set of cards to make decks for your dailies with. Also, the best time to spend money is earlier on since you end up not getting all worthless duplicates of cards you already have when purchasing packs.
You can. I put $20 dollars into it at the beginning and that's it. I now have almost all the cards. Of course, I play a lot (probably 2-3 hours a day) and I'm pretty fantastic.
My friends have been playing for about 3 months, and they all have at least one good deck so it's do able. Are you planning on playing competitively?
Thanks for the help! Would you say getting Curse of Naxxramas is worth the money in terms of entertainment value and quality of cards? Also, if I decide to buy card packs, should I buy the default ones or the GvG ones?
I'm not finding anything too "deep" about this compared to Magic. At least in Magic I had to kinda think of my next move. Here I can play semi-sloppy and still get out of most situations.
They show up under their respective class tabs in your Collection menu. You can also tell by the card's background as each class card has its own style.
I don't want to keep arguing this because obviously it's my opinion vs all of yours but if priest easily beat cw wouldn't you see a lot more at tournaments? Its actually one of the least played classes while warrior is one of the most played.Priest vs CW is mainly about draws, and with average ones Priest easily beats CW post-GvG
All I've been doing is ramping up power (er-"Attack") with a bunch of creatures (er-"minions") and going at that 30 health.
I'm not finding anything too "deep" about this compared to Magic. At least in Magic I had to kinda think of my next move. Here I can play semi-sloppy and still get out of most situations.
...Unless it's life-gain, seriously fuck that ability in any card game when I'm doing fast burn. Ugh.
All I've been doing is ramping up power (er-"Attack") with a bunch of creatures (er-"minions") and going at that 30 health.
I'm not finding anything too "deep" about this compared to Magic. At least in Magic I had to kinda think of my next move. Here I can play semi-sloppy and still get out of most situations.
...Unless it's life-gain, seriously fuck that ability in any card game when I'm doing fast burn. Ugh.
Hey folks, I decided to give this game a whirl since I got myself an ipad and this seems like a fun timewaster. I beat the ai on basic and expert, did some challenges and now I'm grinding all classes to lvl 10.
So far the most succes I've had (in my undoubtedly shit tier skill bracket) is with this priest deck I scraped together, based around using taunt minions/heals to keep my northshire clerics up early game, and my gurubashi berserkers safe lategame, while I manipulate their health for my benefit. I'll probably swap out holy smite with shadow word: death or mind control once I unlock those cards.
A question to this thread, how realistic is it to play this game without buying packs/arena tickets? Can you get by by playing the arena for packs and playing normal matches for gold? Or should I not even bother with that approach? Thanks!
PS: is there a way to 'share' decks instead of making a screenshot and putting it on imgur?
That deck can easily be improved with just basic cards. I would personally make these changes.
-2 voodoo doctor
-2 frostwolf grunt
-2 divine spirit
-2 gurubashi berserker
-2 lord of the arena
These cards are all unplayable, and you will never see them in constructed
+2 river crocolisk
+1 shadow word death
+1 gnomish inventor
+2 holy nova
+2 dark scale healer
+1 stormwind champion
+1 mind control
I'll have you know I've 10 out of my 13 games with this deck, clearly I have discovered the new meta and all you posers have to adapt.
Kidding aside, thanks for the input. The last 3 cards you mentioned for removal have all served me really well so far though, many of my games were won by my gurabashi berserkers after having set up under the protection of divine spirit, heals and beefy minions with taunt. Could I get an explanation why this will stop working as I'll play against more competent people?
Man I wish my opponents played Gurubashi and Lord of the Arena and River Crocolisk...
Thanks for the help! Would you say getting Curse of Naxxramas is worth the money in terms of entertainment value and quality of cards? Also, if I decide to buy card packs, should I buy the default ones or the GvG ones?
Seriously though I'm only seeing netdecks at ranks 20 to 18. I thought farming noobs for my golden portrait was supposed to be easy breezy. Now I actually have to think!Soon enough he'll hit rank 20 and get to face all gold control warriors like the rest of us.
I've been honing this deck since the release of GvG and now it's pretty much viable against everything else but Zoo and aggro Hunter (and Murloc decks). Especially those Zoo bastards, I've never won them even with perfect draws. So any advises how to make this deck work against those (without destroying the mech synergy)?
I've been honing this deck since the release of GvG and now it's pretty much viable against everything else but Zoo and aggro Hunter (and Murloc decks). Especially those Zoo bastards, I've never won them even with perfect draws. So any advises how to make this deck work against those (without destroying the mech synergy)?
I've been honing this deck since the release of GvG and now it's pretty much viable against everything else but Zoo and aggro Hunter (and Murloc decks). Especially those Zoo bastards, I've never won them even with perfect draws. So any advises how to make this deck work against those (without destroying the mech synergy)?
Why Gazlowe when the only 1 mana spell you have is Blessing of Wisdom, and even then only 1 copy of it.
But he has 2 clockwork gnomes and 2 tinkertown technicians. I think it is fine. Trying to get too much value out of gazlowe tends to be counter-productive anyway in my experience with him.
I'll have you know I've 10 out of my 13 games with this deck, clearly I have discovered the new meta and all you posers have to adapt.
Kidding aside, thanks for the input. The last 3 cards you mentioned for removal have all served me really well so far though, many of my games were won by my gurabashi berserkers after having set up under the protection of divine spirit, heals and beefy minions with taunt. Could I get an explanation why this will stop working as I'll play against more competent people?
I've been honing this deck since the release of GvG and now it's pretty much viable against everything else but Zoo and aggro Hunter (and Murloc decks). Especially those Zoo bastards, I've never won them even with perfect draws. So any advises how to make this deck work against those (without destroying the mech synergy)?
Replace Aldor Peacekeepers with something more aggro-stopping... Harvest Golems are mechs and are more effort for a Zoo deck to deal with. Not great but should do more than the Aldors.
Cut Gazlowe and Antique Healbot for a couple Sludge Belchers. I don't know how much work Gazlowe is really putting in your deck as you aren't loaded with 1 mana spells so you're relying on spare parts. Antique Healbot does much the same thing as Sludge Belcher except Sludge Belcher might actually kill some things.
Consider cutting Alexstrasza. If you're using her purely as healing she's not great. Putting in a solid 6/7 drop like Piloted Sky Golem or Dr. Boom is probably better.
You seem like you don't have very many 2 drops, which means you're hero powering a lot on Turn 2. I'd consider cutting Hammer of Wrath, 1x Guardian of Kings, and the 2 Clockwork Gnomes for 2xMechwarper and 2xShielded Minibots. Not having Shielded Minibot in a Paladin Mech deck feels like a mistake to me.
Enhance-o and Sword of Justice could probably be swapped for something else, maybe another mid-range mech threat. You have a mech deck but you don't have Piloted Shredder or Mechanical Yeti, that doesn't feel right to me. Especially if you stick in Mechwarper, having 2 sets of 4 drops you can drop on Turn 3 is pretty strong.
His vanilla stats put him at a 4 drop, So you need to get at least 2 mana worth of value off of him to be worth including. I don't think you get that off a single spell, I think you need at least 2. And with only 5 potential spells, that's not guaranteed. Unless you can consistently get 2 draws off of him, he's not worth including.
I play a ton of Zoo. I hate Explosive Sheep, especially in Mech decks.
install the shitty client
: ( I work on that.
Crackle is great card design.
You mean it always hits for 6?
If it makes you feel better, I like the client more than the League client.
: ( I work on that.
You mean it always hits for 6?
Nobody here wanna be my friend.
I wonder if I would be getting the requests in-game or on