Nobody here wanna be my friend.
I wonder if I would be getting the requests in-game or on
I just added you. You should see requests both ingame and in the client. It's Marialtha#2530 right?
Coghammer is too good, and the new rogue weapon is too trash.
It always hits for 7 because I always roll the 25% chance spell power totem before casting Crackle.
What's with people that just concede as soon as the match starts?
What's with people that just concede as soon as the match starts?
Yes it is.It's Marialtha#2530 right?
Request sent
Can you add me too? I could use more friends. My BN name is kobrazer0#1646 Also i just learned that the number you get is part of your name, weird.
Farming for wins and want to stay at a low rank, or don't feel like wasting time on a bad match up/bad mulligan.
I've never once conceded due to a bad mulligan. I recently opened against an aggro hunter who got double undertaker and I had double sprint and I somehow managed to win. That was nuts.
I do all the time. If I'm not making a run for legend I'm not gonna bother with a clunky hand.
Yes it is.
I've added you and some other guy requesting to be added but it looks like none of you have accepted my invite.
Might as well play out the first couple turns though, base your decision on how well your opponent starts.
Ugh. That's that. Been running this deck with 82% win rate all of last season. Hit Legend 200, and now I can't get past Rank 15 because the RNG gods have decided to fist me for the last 6 matches. Opponents with near perfect curves, and I've went second every game.
How much of it did you run last season cause 82% winrate seems like top 20 material.
Yep, I've been doing as well as ever by sticking to Mage whenever possible. Flamecannon and Snowchugger have given the class an even better opening and an early answer to stealthed minions. Been getting offered less AoE though, so drafts have been dependent on getting ahead turns 1-5.
I've been getting a ton of value out of Ice Lance lately after deciding to try prioritising it more highly on a whim. I think with the addition of Snowchugger, having three "instapick" commons with freeze text - along with Water Ele and Frostbolt -, one decent common, Cone of Cold, and one excellent rare, Blizzard, it can be worth taking a punt on early in a draft. Also potential for Clockwork Gnomes and Mech Yetis to cough up an Emergency Coolant.
Can anyone point me to a cheap warrior deck that I can use to grind quests?
Here's my list, I switched Harrison to Loatheb to make it cheaper for you
edit: or here's another cheaper one that's fun
Control Warrior decklists depress me. I have a pretty good collection of classic commons and rares, but only a handful of epics and 1 legendary. I feel like buying packs in hopes of getting those is a bad idea since most of the packs are just going to be dust fodder, but I don't know how I'm ever getting the dust to craft legendaries.
Look at the bottom of my post for a cheaper deck though it takes a bit of skill to play.
I know, I saw it. It was just general commentary
I'll try that other deck out, but I don't know if it's a good quest grinding deck. It seems like the boom or bust type that'll make me stop playing for a week after losing 8 straight :lol
So what does standard Shaman even look like these days? This is what I"m running right now but I feel like I've got a gaping hole on 4 mana. Maybe I should be cutting the Unbounds and a Feral Spirit or something? Put in Argus or a Tazdingo?
So what does standard Shaman even look like these days? This is what I"m running right now but I feel like I've got a gaping hole on 4 mana. Maybe I should be cutting the Unbounds and a Feral Spirit or something? Put in Argus or a Tazdingo?
Dropping down to rank 24 on my NA-alt. every new season is so much fun. The turn 1 Claws to face really make for a nice change of pace from rank 18-10 Zoo/Hunter.
Al'Akir is fine but I don't really like him. He's too slow.
Uh, Al'Akir is anything but slow. He's a win condition with Rockbiter or Flametongue Totem. If he doesn't do anything magical the moment I play him then I don't throw him down.
So whatever happened to that RDU guy that was accused of cheating? Whenever I browse twitch I never see him stream or competing in the tournaments.
Geeze, Magicamy has burst onto the scene
Did she win the whole thing? I had to stop watching after the second round of the guy she played after she beat trump.