Geeze, Magicamy has burst onto the scene
She has.
What is even better is she won without choosing Handlock, which was my only problem with her so far.
(Not that she isn't very good at it, just fuck Handlock).
Geeze, Magicamy has burst onto the scene
She has.
What is even better is she won without choosing Handlock, which was my only problem with her so far.
(Not that she isn't very good at it, just fuck Handlock).
She did play handlock. She beat hyped's rogue deck, which had proven very strong against handlock and hadn't lost a match up til that point, with handlock. She got a little bit lucky though with rag hitting his rag in a 25% chance to win or lose roll.
Also, even though rogue has proven itself again, people will still cry about rogue being weak.
Am I just bad or is this deck not good:
Al'Akir is often not played until turn 10 or 11 or even later. That's slow. I don't think GvG shaman can afford that.
Am I just bad or is this deck not good:
I do all the time. If I'm not making a run for legend I'm not gonna bother with a clunky hand.
I hate mechs.
jesus even this game has botters? why... I understand diablo3 at least when you could cash for items, but this one.I see the botters who got banned are now back in the game, met a zoolock with golden portrait but was absolutely terrible at the game and had a bad zoo deck.
edit: oh wait Blizzard stripped botters of their golden portraits, that's weird then
jesus even this game has botters? why... I understand diablo3 at least when you could cash for items, but this one.
Poison Seeds + Starfall + other AoEs are how you destroy their minions.What's the purpose of the mill druid deck? I can understand mill working with Rogue because of things like vanish or sap that can kill a unit (without triggering deathrattles) when the card gets burned, but mill druid makes no sense to me.
You're giving me a ton of cards, and I burn some, but unless my deck is totally dependent on one card for its win condition (which it shouldn't) and I get it burned (which is a low percentage option since it's 1 card), you're still giving me more cards and my cards are better than yours since they aren't there to mill stuff.
Am I just bad or is this deck not good:
Didn't people say Mekgineer Thermaplugg sucks?
I've been trying him out, and it may be my luck of opponents, but I found that it's a good way to assert your board control and they don't seem to know quite how to deal with him.
What's the purpose of the mill druid deck? I can understand mill working with Rogue because of things like vanish or sap that can kill a unit (without triggering deathrattles) when the card gets burned, but mill druid makes no sense to me.
You're giving me a ton of cards, and I burn some, but unless my deck is totally dependent on one card for its win condition (which it shouldn't) and I get it burned (which is a low percentage option since it's 1 card), you're still giving me more cards and my cards are better than yours since they aren't there to mill stuff.
What's the purpose of the mill druid deck? I can understand mill working with Rogue because of things like vanish or sap that can kill a unit (without triggering deathrattles) when the card gets burned, but mill druid makes no sense to me.
You're giving me a ton of cards, and I burn some, but unless my deck is totally dependent on one card for its win condition (which it shouldn't) and I get it burned (which is a low percentage option since it's 1 card), you're still giving me more cards and my cards are better than yours since they aren't there to mill stuff.
People are still running Sen'jin?
The name is something of a misnomer as the overarching purpose isn't to try to burn cards - that's just an occasional, sometimes-possible bonus of the deck - the real idea is to win in fatigue.
I just added you. You should see requests both ingame and in the client. It's Marialtha#2530 right?
Request sent
Can you add me too? I could use more friends. My BN name is kobrazer0#1646 Also i just learned that the number you get is part of your name, weird.
That's sad.
Uh, no, that means the name is still accurate. The original purpose of millstone in Magic was to get your opponent to draw through their whole deck so that you win that way. If somebody went through their whole deck in Magic, they just lost. There was no "fatigue". If you didn't get your opponent to draw through their whole deck, then millstone effectively did nothing.
Now that I've ranted, I do want to make a point. Everyone complains that everyone plays zoo and hunter, but 80% of midrange/control decks require 2+ legendaries and 2+ epics, so cheap aggro decks are the best to play if you don't have a full collection.
Exactly. Why waste the time, especially it's likely the zoo will bm and burn rope while spamming your soul shall suffer.Why? Explain to me why I should bother against zoo if I got screwed with nothing but 4+ drops in my hand? I obviously lost already.
Do you guys think something with just the card text "can't be silenced" would be op? Like a 2 mana 3/2, and then you can toss a ton of buffs on it.
Give or take a card or two, it's pretty much the standard agro Hunter post GvG, and it's very strong
The deck is strong.
I'd take out a bow for a hyena or knife juggler to go with the snakes.
Given that, also a houndmaster for the sludge.
ohhh it's everywhere. Just at higher ranks though.
Hunter dailies today and I feel really dirty running this, I just noticed I'm not running any 5 drops, lol. Actually have no idea why Bloodmage is in there but for undertaker buff and card cycling. 1 extra dmg for kill command hasn't meant much. Thinking about it, out of 4 games I've won, I haven't even used a kill command. Kind of weird, actually.
Control is nearly always more expensive in CCGs, that's just the name of the game.
The hyper-aggro meta is just more obvious in an online game, especially one with as many players as Hearthstone. Most of the time if you play a physical game you'll only be playing people you know or players at your FLGS, you'll all be around the same income/dedication level so the playing field is roughly the same. In this game, you're competing against everyone. Hearthstone is still cheaper than most other CCGs though.
And you don't need a full collection, my collection has some pretty big gaps but I'm able to play most decks. I generally dust crap rares and epics though.
Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler made a point that what makes HS expensive is that you need several decks to compete at the highest level because of the prevalence of Last Hero Standing rules. I'm looking forward to the tourney he's going to run because it's going to be single decks.
Any tips? Our decks are somewhat similar... I just cant win games.
Any tips? Our decks are somewhat similar... I just cant win games.
When I played M:tG, I could trade for/buy singles.
Take out Snake Trap if you're not using Jugglers. Replace Bloodmage with a Loot Hoarder or something. Also maybe put in Jeeves? I'm not sure why you're running Deadly Shot and Boom with no card draw to survive that late in the game.
In hearthstone you buy singles with dust.