Boom Bots are easy to solve when they patch it, just have them be able to target anything on the board. The good Doctor isn't the problem because he's just a War Golem if you take away the battlecry.
Unstable Portal is crazy good because it allows you to pull from the entire card pool, which makes it better in a lot of matchups than something like Thoughtsteal. I haven't experienced any major bullshit with it myself apart from pulling an Arcane Golem for lethal against a Control Warrior.
Crackle is ungodly amounts of bullshit. It's ridiculous that it's a common, it should be a rare at least since it's objectively better than Lightning Bolt. Getting hit for 14 damage with spell power totem is just bewildering. I've been running this Shaman for dailies, but don't know what to cut for it:
I love Powermace, it's been doing so much work for me. Was never a fan of the double Doomhammer that was all the rage a few months back.