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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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He just has more utility. Same reason Azure Drake is such a popular card. Thalnos does 3 things. He puts a body on the board, gives spell damage, and draws a card. 3 abilities for a single card.

Yeah that combination of abilities is really strong for the classes that can use it. Thalnos is pretty much a mini azure drake that you combo spells off of. Drake's a little harder to combo with. Double Thalnos would be pretty crazy in rogue if that was a thing.


Thalnos is a beast in my spell Druid. Or was until Auctioneer was nerfed. MVP in plenty of matches.

A Loot Hoarder wouldn't bring half of that utility to my deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Thalnos is so good in Shaman. Throwing down a Thalnos and a Lightning Storm on a board full of 3-4 health minions feels so good.

Yeah Shaman and Rogue are where he shines. Rogue you can easily combo with backstab or eviscerate, even fan of knives in a pinch. Some freeze type mages use him but I think he's fallen out of favor with the new echo freeze mage?

Loot hoarder just has a completely different purpose. He's just card draw for aggro.
So I've been playing the game a bit again... why does no one run Scarlet Purifier? Seriously, everyone I've asked has said it's not a very good card... but it all seems to stem from what one or two pros have said who haven't apparently even tried the card themselves. Zoo is still fairly common, but even non-zoo run a death rattle or two, and even if just played vanilla it's still a 4/3 body for 3 mana.

Heck, even in mirror versus mirror it won me a game since my opponent dropped a tirion expecting I had nothing to pop the shield with.


So I've been playing the game a bit again... why does no one run Scarlet Purifier? Seriously, everyone I've asked has said it's not a very good card... but it all seems to stem from what one or two pros have said who haven't apparently even tried the card themselves. Zoo is still fairly common, but even non-zoo run a death rattle or two, and even if just played vanilla it's still a 4/3 body for 3 mana.

Heck, even in mirror versus mirror it won me a game since my opponent dropped a tirion expecting I had nothing to pop the shield with.
It can be decent vs Hunter (Webspinner, Scientist) but an early Zoo board mainly consists of deathrattles you don't want to proc (Egg, Spiders). The 4/3 body isn't all that hot since it still dies to Flame Imp / any leftover 2-drop. It's not a bad card per se but too situational to warrant a slot for most, especially when Mustard for Battle offers similar early control options while synergizing with Quartermaster.


So I've been playing the game a bit again... why does no one run Scarlet Purifier? Seriously, everyone I've asked has said it's not a very good card... but it all seems to stem from what one or two pros have said who haven't apparently even tried the card themselves. Zoo is still fairly common, but even non-zoo run a death rattle or two, and even if just played vanilla it's still a 4/3 body for 3 mana.

Heck, even in mirror versus mirror it won me a game since my opponent dropped a tirion expecting I had nothing to pop the shield with.

I think 4/3 is not a super great place to be stat wise, since tons of 2 drops have the 3 attack needed to take him out. Unlike something such as shredder you don't get anything extra sticking around afterward.

Also when you think about what he's actually hitting it's not quite as amazing as it first looks IMO. Kills gnomes, creepers, scientist, and webspinners, but doesn't quite finish off undertaker, harvest golem, or shredder. And you probably don't want to kill eggs most of the time.

He doesn't seem to do quite enough when you're getting the effect, and I don't think his stats carry super well when you don't get the effect. I haven't played with the card much but those are my impressions of it.

If you're having success though, then I'd say keep running them. Could always swap them out later.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He's probably better than Lil Exorcist, though, even though I used to think the opposite was true. Even if a 4/3 isn't fantastic stats its still a bit above average for a 3 drop. Even if all you kill is a leper gnome thats still pretty good. I'd trade 3 mana and a card to kill a 2/1 and a 3/2 as two cards.


I think 4/3 is not a super great place to be stat wise, since tons of 2 drops have the 3 attack needed to take him out. Unlike something such as shredder you don't get anything extra sticking around afterward.

Also when you think about what he's actually hitting it's not quite as amazing as it first looks IMO. Kills gnomes, creepers, scientist, and webspinners, but doesn't quite finish off undertaker, harvest golem, or shredder. And you probably don't want to kill eggs most of the time.

He doesn't seem to do quite enough when you're getting the effect, and I don't think his stats carry super well when you don't get the effect. I haven't played with the card much but those are my impressions of it.

If you're having success though, then I'd say keep running them. Could always swap them out later.
This is not the first time I read it being not effective against Undertaker. Obviously coming from someone who has never tried the card at all, since Undertaker is not a deathrattle card at all. Purifier removes the nonsense next to an Undertaker and faces that Undertaker as a 4/3. The Undertaker needs to be buffed three times or get help from another card to not die to the 4/3, which only costs 3 mana in the first place.


You clap your hands three times together and shout "thank you blizzard for this fun RNG!".

Same guy used thoughtsteal for equality/consecration combo and a Tirion. That game was rough.



Been playing Arena because I don't really have the cards for the new Meta. At the pace I play games it's been slow going getting new packs, but at least I have a ton of gold now.

Really wanting to get back into constructed though. I've been getting better at Arena but I'm no superstar. Usually I can manage 5 wins and call it good enough.
This is not the first time I read it being not effective against Undertaker. Obviously coming from someone who has never tried the card at all, since Undertaker is not a deathrattle card at all. Purifier removes the nonsense next to an Undertaker and faces that Undertaker as a 4/3. The Undertaker needs to be buffed three times or get help from another card to not die to the 4/3, which only costs 3 mana in the first place.

But you've now you've also added a 4/4 or two 1/1s on the board, and best case scenario you trade with a 2-drop (egg) but chances are he can dwarf/abusive to remove your 4/3 with one of the 1/1s from the spider, or use a darkbomb. If he had an imp on the board you're going to end up trading it for a 1 drop, and it doesn't remove meatier deathrattles like voidcaller or shredder. Maybe it's ok if you have consecration to use the next turn, but it seems like a really iffy thing against zoo (it counters leper gnome and loot hoarder, sorta)

Actually, I think the card would be really good if it did 3 damage to deathrattles instead of 2, because then you can proc harvest golem or unstable ghoul or shredder or chow
RNG definitely makes the game tougher though. The most RNG card I am running is ninja ogre, which has less RNG than rag believe it or not but still creates tense situations. It has less RNG than rag because it always have a 50/50 chance to hit your target regardless of the amount of extra targets on the board.

I also run swordoil but 9/10 times that is very manageable.

I wanna paint the situation I was just against.

2/3 taunt, 1/1 boombot, 7/7 dr. boom, 1/1 boombot, 2/3 taunt

vs my.

3/1, 6/6 ninja ogre, 3/3

I had to hit for 12 lethal and ninja ogre had to hit face to get lethal. I did the math multiple ways and could not figure out how to avoid requiring ninja ogre.

I ran the 3/1 into the taunt, backstabbed the second taunt, sword oil, which hit the si7 agent, giving me 12 damage on the board with ninja ogre working right. So I already factored out the RNG of swordoil. Then I killed the damaged taunt with my dagger which was far overkill but the backstab was to combo sword oil anyway, then ogre hit face and at that point I already won.

RNG successfully navigated... with a bit of luck.

Just had a 9/6 ninja ogre hit face instead of trading into highmane. I guess it would have worked out either way but hitting face let me hit him for 15 damage that turn. Turns out he was playing a hipster hunter control deck and he used feign death on highmane and a sludge belcher. Then the turd goes all face like he is a face hunter... lol. Then he drops rag and I knock him to 6 hp, sprint into blade flurry and win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
RNG is fine when you can play around it or it opens up interesting situations. 95% of the time piloted shredder is fine because most 2 drops don't do anything bonkers, only doomsayer, pagle, and cho can screw with any plans.

Meanwhile crackle, unstable portal, and the boom bots are just dumb. You can't play around those cards and you can't manipulate the RNG to give you better odds. They just randomly screw your opponent or they don't.


Gold Member
Speaking of RNG, let's discuss this again:

Brawl. Destroy all minions except one (chosen randomly).

Does it do a 50/50 first to determine which side of the board? That is, if you have 1 minion, cast it, and they have 7... does your 1 minion have a 1/8 shot of living, or a 1/2 shot? I feel like I've read people say it is 50/50 your side vs theirs... but I'd like to believe it's just all the minions lumped together. What makes me wonder is because I see warriors play a minion on an empty board vs a full one, cast brawl, then their minion lives, and sometimes I wonder if it's extremely lucky or a smart play to bring the odds of your minions down to 50%.


RNG is fine when you can play around it or it opens up interesting situations. 95% of the time piloted shredder is fine because most 2 drops don't do anything bonkers, only doomsayer, pagle, and cho can screw with any plans.

Meanwhile crackle, unstable portal, and the boom bots are just dumb. You can't play around those cards and you can't manipulate the RNG to give you better odds. They just randomly screw your opponent or they don't.
Mana Wraith, Weblord and Ghoul can fuck you over good and a Millhouse roll while not the end of the world is still dumb as hell.
Speaking of RNG, let's discuss this again:

Brawl. Destroy all minions except one (chosen randomly).

Does it do a 50/50 first to determine which side of the board? That is, if you have 1 minion, cast it, and they have 7... does your 1 minion have a 1/8 shot of living, or a 1/2 shot? I feel like I've read people say it is 50/50 your side vs theirs... but I'd like to believe it's just all the minions lumped together. What makes me wonder is because I see warriors play a minion on an empty board vs a full one, cast brawl, then their minion lives, and sometimes I wonder if it's extremely lucky or a smart play to bring the odds of your minions down to 50%.

It randomly chooses a minion regardless of the side of the board it is on. I've seen people test this out and confirm it is true. The whole "kitkatz lied/told the truth" thing about armorsmith always winning is just a running joke.

Mana Wraith, Weblord and Ghoul can fuck you over good and a Millhouse roll while not the end of the world is still dumb as hell.

I've been screwed by piloted shredder enough that I can generally play around most of the oddball cards that come out. What sucks is that sometimes when you play around manawraith or weblord, you play into doomsayer, which is why I generally like to see the shredder die on my opponent's turn. They don't get to use the minion right away (I think there is only 1 charge possibility out of all 2 drops which is bluegill warrior) and if it is doomsayer, I get an entire turn to deal with it or not commit more to the board.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Does it do a 50/50 first to determine which side of the board? That is, if you have 1 minion, cast it, and they have 7... does your 1 minion have a 1/8 shot of living, or a 1/2 shot?

It has a 1/8 shot. I only toss in an extra minion whenever my opponent has 2 minions and I'm desperate to remove both of them.
RNG is fine when you can play around it or it opens up interesting situations. 95% of the time piloted shredder is fine because most 2 drops don't do anything bonkers, only doomsayer, pagle, and cho can screw with any plans.

Meanwhile crackle, unstable portal, and the boom bots are just dumb. You can't play around those cards and you can't manipulate the RNG to give you better odds. They just randomly screw your opponent or they don't.

Boom Bots are easy to solve when they patch it, just have them be able to target anything on the board. The good Doctor isn't the problem because he's just a War Golem if you take away the battlecry.

Unstable Portal is crazy good because it allows you to pull from the entire card pool, which makes it better in a lot of matchups than something like Thoughtsteal. I haven't experienced any major bullshit with it myself apart from pulling an Arcane Golem for lethal against a Control Warrior.

Crackle is ungodly amounts of bullshit. It's ridiculous that it's a common, it should be a rare at least since it's objectively better than Lightning Bolt. Getting hit for 14 damage with spell power totem is just bewildering. I've been running this Shaman for dailies, but don't know what to cut for it:


I love Powermace, it's been doing so much work for me. Was never a fan of the double Doomhammer that was all the rage a few months back.
Boom Bots are easy to solve when they patch it, just have them be able to target anything on the board. The good Doctor isn't the problem because he's just a War Golem if you take away the battlecry.

Unstable Portal is crazy good because it allows you to pull from the entire card pool, which makes it better in a lot of matchups than something like Thoughtsteal. I haven't experienced any major bullshit with it myself apart from pulling an Arcane Golem for lethal against a Control Warrior.

Crackle is ungodly amounts of bullshit. It's ridiculous that it's a common, it should be a rare at least since it's objectively better than Lightning Bolt. Getting hit for 14 damage with spell power totem is just bewildering. I've been running this Shaman for dailies, but don't know what to cut for it:


I love Powermace, it's been doing so much work for me. Was never a fan of the double Doomhammer that was all the rage a few months back.

I liked doomhammerx2 because the idea behind it basically that alakir is often a dead card in your hand, as often as a second doomhammer is if not more. Harrison jones hard counters a doomhammer and alakir is hard countered by black knight. If you ran 2x hammers, you could still win if harrison jones was played, but if you run 1 and harrison jones is played, you probably don't have enough ways to deal enough damage with alakir alone, but with a second hammer that can't be countered, you can win.

Dunno how it is now. Shaman seems pretty weak overall due to the increase in resiliency in early game minions played.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Boom Bots are easy to solve when they patch it, just have them be able to target anything on the board. The good Doctor isn't the problem because he's just a War Golem if you take away the battlecry.

I feel like the only time Dr. Boom is overpowered is when a Boom Bot just kills a 3 or 4 HP minion. That's bonkers. I think the bots should just do a simple 2 damage on a random target. At least then you can sort of play around them and you don't get a potentially huge swing from one. The double random is just so stupid.


Gold Member
It's nice to see Savage Roar + Force of Nature is alive and strong... in Arena. :(

What an amazing draft they had too. Going to go 12-0 probably.


Ok I figured out how to nerf dr boom. New big game text "kills creature and its summons".

Alternatively big game cannot be killed by mechs :).

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
It's nice to see Savage Roar + Force of Nature is alive and strong... in Arena. :(

What an amazing draft they had too. Going to go 12-0 probably.

It's an amazing combo if you can pull it off but it's hard to have the right cards in hand to make it work, i should know :( The good thing is that you don't even need to use the combo that often if you have two copies of each card, you can use them to clear board so that makes them pretty useful even when not paired up. It's gonna take something really wild to make me get rid of Savage Roar + Force of Nature in my druid decks.
In other news i think this guy is the saltiest hearthstone player i have ever seen, i admit get pissed too but damn, Reynard has nothing on this dude.
It's an amazing combo if you can pull it off but it's hard to have the right cards in hand to make it work, i should know :( The good thing is that you don't even need to use the combo that often if you have two copies of each card, you can use them to clear board so that makes them pretty useful even when not paired up. It's gonna take something really wild to make me get rid of Savage Roar + Force of Nature in my druid decks.
In other news i think this guy is the saltiest hearthstone player i have ever seen, i admit get pissed too but damn, Reynard has nothing on this dude.

If you kill someone who beats you with double Kill Command to the face, no jury will convict you.
I'm curious if ramp druid fares better than token druid right now. Classic ramp doesn't typically have room for 2x combo, though having 2 copies can be useful for clearing if you get in some sticky situations swipe can't solve since you're not going to be running starfalls or starfires.


I'm curious if ramp druid fares better than token druid right now. Classic ramp doesn't typically have room for 2x combo, though having 2 copies can be useful for clearing if you get in some sticky situations swipe can't solve since you're not going to be running starfalls or starfires.
I haven't seen much Token Druid in tournaments post-GvG, what seems to the most successful is classic babby mode ramp focused on holding the board with the stickiest of minions (but not necessarily big minions like War etc.) and 2x combo. I'd run double combo even in taunt Druid, its flexibility combined with the constant pressure on the opponent to clear absolutely everything is simply unmatched.
I haven't seen much Token Druid in tournaments post-GvG, what seems to the most successful is classic babby mode ramp focused on holding the board with the stickiest of minions (but not necessarily big minions like War etc.) and 2x combo. I'd run double combo even in taunt Druid, its flexibility combined with the constant pressure on the opponent to clear absolutely everything is simply unmatched.

I'll have to toy around with my build and see if I can free up some room for double combo then. Missing a couple big things I'd want like Cenarius and Dr. Boom, but not having them isn't too much of a detriment to Druid compared to other decks that simply don't function without all the big hitting legendaries.
So why do people hate Crackle so much? It doesn't seem too broken to me. Outside of last ditch efforts, I always plan on Crackle not killing my target and normally have a minion or another spell ready to trade up just in case. Don't get me wrong, I always hate moments with Lightning Storm doesn't deal that one damage I need to clear a board but I guess in my mind that's way more important than single minion removal.

Maybe I'm just playing Shaman wrong if people are complaining about face damage though.


remember me
So why do people hate Crackle so much? It doesn't seem too broken to me. Outside of last ditch efforts, I always plan on Crackle not killing my target and normally have a minion or another spell ready to trade up just in case. Don't get me wrong, I always hate moments with Lightning Storm doesn't deal that one damage I need to clear a board but I guess in my mind that's way more important than single minion removal.

Maybe I'm just playing Shaman wrong if people are complaining about face damage though.

Because rng. My opponent will always roll a spellpower totem and take out a boulderfist ogre when it rolls for 7 damage. But when I try to use it to take out an azure drake or dark iron dwarf it will always hit for 3.

The spread is just too damn big.
Because rng. My opponent will always roll a spellpower totem and take out a boulderfist ogre when it rolls for 7 damage. But when I try to use it to take out an azure drake or dark iron dwarf it will always hit for 3.

The spread is just too damn big.

It only hit for 3 because you didn't roll the spell power totem. The text on the spell power totem actually reads "Spell damage +1; Crackle always deals 7 damage."

Crackle is shit until you roll that 1-in-4 spell power totem.
I don't mind crackle although it is one of the heavier RNG cards. Against a 4hp minion you'll 3/4 chance to kill it for 2 mana.

That is a higher chance than rolling a spellpower totem + lightning bolt, unless you have the 3 other totems out already in which case the last will be spellpower totem. If that isn't the case, you have at best a 50/50 chance to roll spellpower.

If you think of it that way, crackle has better odds than rolling a spellpower + lightning bolt to hit for four. And since it only costs 1 more than lightning bolt, there are few turns and situations where bolt is flat out better.

That said, the shaman deck I am messing around with runs lightning bolt over crackle because of gazlowe... heheh. Maybe I should still run crackle though.

I've only beaten a shitty mill druid hipster though so far.


That said, the shaman deck I am messing around with runs lightning bolt over crackle because of gazlowe... heheh. Maybe I should still run crackle though.

I've only beaten a shitty mill druid hipster though so far.
Funny,I have beaten a mill druid with my Gazlow Shaman today.
Although I think Gazlow Priest is better.

Btw,mill druid,the one that runs nothing but removal,healing and card draw, is actually pretty damn good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So why do people hate Crackle so much?

Its the worst kind of RNG in Hearthstone. You count on it dealing 3 damage but sometimes you get a high roll and you don't have to spend another card. You can't play around it. You can't plan for it. There is no strategy to the card. You just get lucky sometimes or you don't. Its not overpowered, just bad design.
Funny,I have beaten a mill druid with my Gazlow Shaman today.
Although I think Gazlow Priest is better.

Btw,mill druid,the one that runs nothing but removal,healing and card draw, is actually pretty damn good.

Mill druid doesn't have to be all removal and healing. I think the better mill decks are running clockwork giant, sapper, etc., whereas the ones with heavy healing just can be overcome by solid board presence.

It is, imo, the true definition of a hipster deck that only has a few okay match ups (maybe even better than okay in some cases), but loses to almost everything else that curves out decently.

If a druid uses grove tender to draw cards early over gaining a mana crystal, it is mill and at that point you should know how to play against it. I think I've lost to mill druid on ladder... once and that was like the real early days of GVG when I was heavily experimenting myself with a high curve rogue deck.


Mill druid doesn't have to be all removal and healing. I think the better mill decks are running clockwork giant, sapper, etc., whereas the ones with heavy healing just can be overcome by solid board presence.

It is, imo, the true definition of a hipster deck that only has a few okay match ups (maybe even better than okay in some cases), but loses to almost everything else that curves out decently.

If a druid uses grove tender to draw cards early over gaining a mana crystal, it is mill and at that point you should know how to play against it. I think I've lost to mill druid on ladder... once and that was like the real early days of GVG when I was heavily experimenting myself with a high curve rogue deck.

I've played a Grove Tender for the mana crystal while playing mill. You want to have the opponent dump more stuff on the board and more mana gets you closer to your 9 mana board clear. In general, it's a pretty good tell if they use that card. I haven't seem a bonafide ramp druid in months.
Did someone popularize piloted shredder in control warrior? Just seems odd to face 2 back to back running it.

Also, I love it when control warriors thinking they're getting value out of harrison on a plain old dagger... when I run 2 assassin's blades. I just won a match because of that. Assassin's blade the turn after I clear, hit face for 6 due to deadly, got a second deadly, blade flurry, hit with shade, eviscerate = dead on turn 7.

I've played a Grove Tender for the mana crystal while playing mill. You want to have the opponent dump more stuff on the board and more mana gets you closer to your 9 mana board clear. In general, it's a pretty good tell if they use that card. I haven't seem a bonafide ramp druid in months.

I've seen a lot of ramp druids... they mostly use wild growth for ramping though and I think that is because of being used to that style of deck.


I'm already sick of the "mech mages". They are everywhere!

The shame is there is no reward to trying to experiment with a new deck. You might as well just play the current meta. But, it's just mindless. I think they need to find a solution to this in the long-run, because it's killing my motivation to play it. I don't just want to play the current deck of the month but if I try anything new I just get hammered by the meta horde. I've been playing since the Beta almost daily and it's just killing me lately.
I'm already sick of the "mech mages". They are everywhere!

The shame is there is no reward to trying to experiment with a new deck. You might as well just play the current meta. But, it's just mindless. I think they need to find a solution to this in the long-run, because it's killing my motivation to play it. I don't just want to play the current deck of the month but if I try anything new I just get hammered by the meta horde. I've been playing since the Beta almost daily and it's just killing me lately.

My rogue deck is currently 6-1 vs mech mage and 16-6 overall this season. So I dsagree with the "no reward" for experimentation with a new deck... cause that is pretty much what I did most of last season. I still am experimenting with other decks as well.

The time I lost against mech mage was due to incredible luck for the mage. He got 2 coolants as was then able to lock down my ogre ninja for 2 turns in a row and I lost by 7 hp meaning 1 extra hit would have been a win.

I'll admit that making a deck and deck building in general is very difficult and time consuming. I had like 10 different versions of this deck, and many very bad ones, before I settled on a midrange deck I both liked and felt was good enough to ladder with.


I'm already sick of the "mech mages". They are everywhere!

The shame is there is no reward to trying to experiment with a new deck. You might as well just play the current meta. But, it's just mindless. I think they need to find a solution to this in the long-run, because it's killing my motivation to play it. I don't just want to play the current deck of the month but if I try anything new I just get hammered by the meta horde. I've been playing since the Beta almost daily and it's just killing me lately.
Welcome to every TCG ever.
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