Hm, what's wrong with Dr. Boom? Is it his ability?
Also, I figured new classes and card expansions are coming, but what will they possibly do differently?
How can they add new characters that are distinguished/special enough considering that the 9 existing characters all seem to be pretty unique? Is there discussion on what people want to see?
Do you guys think new mechanics will be introduced? A rock-paper-scissor elemental damage maybe? I'm curious as to what could be added, because everything seems "finished" with the game mechanics to me. New characters and cards would need new abilities, but everything seems already done so far.
I'm just curious as to what people are expecting/planning in their head
1) Dr Doom is way too good of a 7 drop when you just look at the stats. Even if the minions he summoned did nothing it would still be a 7/7 with 2 1/1 drops which is pretty good by itself. Then you add the fact that:
*The Bombs he drops are considered mechs so they have mech synergy (means Doom gets played in mech decks)
*The Bombs have an annoying RNG based deathrattle that helps you clear out smaller minions.
Dr Doom is a card that even though gets killed by BGH can still kill BGH and at times still have a 1/1 on the board.
It's the best 7 drop in the game and gets played in 90% of the decks that I have seen online. It will get nerfed to 8 drop almost guaranteed. It's not going to get changed from a 7/7 to a 6/6 because that would actually be a BUFF for him (he would dodge BGH). Another good change would be that the bomb explosions do less maximum damage because if those bombs hit for 4 that is just simply unfair.
2) Warcraft has many characters and abilities so there is no lack of stuff they can add to the game if they wanted in terms of classes.
3) New mechanics will definitely be added, they added new mechanics with Naxx and a ton of new mechanics with GvG. Like for example they added the on draw mechanic like the Flame Leviathan which deals damage as soon as it draws.
As far as what mechanics they can add, they can just look at other TCGs to get an idea:
*I would love to have cards that allow you to see other person's hands or even discard a card by choice from it. This is definitely something I miss from other card games.
*Some sort of resurrection card that summons your creature that died (randomly).
*Magic cards that have a lingering effect on the battlefield (like Sword of Justice but not a weapon).
As far as tier lists go here is my opinion for constructed:
Top Tier:
Warlock (has 3 decks that are strong)
Warrior (control warrior is strong against a lot of stuff but loses hard to Mill)
Druid Mill (beats all the control, kinda loses to aggro and combo decks) and Druid Combo
Mage Mech
Mid Tier:
Low tier
For Arena it's pretty simple... it's Mage #1 by a mile then Paladin and then Priest. Mage beats Paladin, Paladin beats Priest and Priest beats Mage. The new cards that Priest got are really good for Arena and fill some nice holes in their play. If they can survive the early game rush they can usually win in Arena.
I would put Shaman as 4th, then maybe Hunter or Warrior.
^ What's a non-cheap, challenging but fun character then?
I want to use the cheap hunter to get far, but then play something more challenging if it's considered too easy
Do you think there should be more nerfs for Hunter? What should it be?
Mage and Hunter are easiest to play. Face Warrior is also pretty easy to play. Warlock Zoo is also not that hard to play but the added risk of Tapping for cards makes him a bit harder to play (plus knowing when to use his cards that discard). Paladin is also decent to play.
Hard classes are Rogue, Druid and Priest. Very combo heavy, have lots of choices to make and usually use unorthodox playstyles.
The rule of thumb is that aggro decks are easy to play and control decks are harder to play. Aggro decks you basically play cards on their curve and then go for face (or the occasional monster kills on the boards if it threatens you in a meaningful way). With control decks you have to be a lot more patient and have to think a few turns ahead and be wary of what they could have. With aggro decks it usually doesn't matter if you think they have an answer to your board, it's not like you are going to stop pumping damage on the board.
Even a control Hunter or a control Mage ends up being hard to play if you use that deck. Not to say that aggro decks are brain dead, they certainly require skill and some choices need to be made but some of the matches they win it's just completely roll where as almost all control vs control matches have moves where you need to make a lot of choices.