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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I don't keep track of it but i'm fairly sure my average is below 4, i'm really inconsistent in arena and i'm also kinda bad


I've only done a few arena runs so far, but reading up on strategies and consulting a card value spreadsheet has helped me improve.

I only got 1 win in my first two arena runs but 12 combined in the three after doing some studying.


i've played like 500 arena game and I spend a lot of time watching streamers and looking up stuff

I'm just not good/I don't really care


I'm pretty bad at arena (my average is 4-5 wins), never got post 8 wins. But I'm getting more consistent and my draft are starting to get a bit better.


I was struggling to break through lvl 12/13 in ranked due to my deck getting crushed when the game got to 3/4 tuns past the 10 mana mark

I didnt have enough lategame to deal with all the p2w kids with Rags and Sylvanas

So I dropped my two Feral Spirits for two Stormwind Champs, seeing as I have more than enough taunt with 2 DoAs and a Sunfury Protector

This was my 1st game with it

Seems legit


Also I have a question

If you use Reincarnate on Kel do you get 2 of him at the end of the turn?


Gold Member
it is what I use in my shaman deck :p

It's such a great finisher. Even cheaper than Savage Roar, as they could still be at 30 life, and if they don't have two removals, a lot of the time they just instantly concede, because it doesn't get any better... 2 becomes 3 becomes 4, etc.

My favorite is having Sylvanas on the board, trading her and getting a minion, then playing KT and seeing Sylvanas return back. :)
I got pretty lucky with a Cairne/Kel'Thuzad board the other day. I had Cairne on the field and played KT and then traded Cairne for some minion and wound up with KT, Baine, and Cairne. The other guy then played Sylvanas. I didn't have a silence, so I just hit Syl with Cairne, he died and summoned a Baine, then finished Syl with Inner Rage. I got lucky and he stole a Baine (a 1 in 3 chance since I now had two of them) and I got Cairne back at the end of the turn. It could've gone really badly for me if he'd gotten KT and resummoned his Sylvanas, though. I expect KT to get nerfed before too long. You can pull off some ridiculous stuff with him, especially if you can get two of them on at once. It's like having a Duplicate secret protecting all of your minions, but you don't even have to replay them because they spawn on the board and it will trigger every turn, not just on the enemy's.


When the cards come out in a good order for priests it is absolutely devastating isn't it? I know it's similar for all classes but I feel like it's even more crazy for priests.


Neo Member
Grom is far and away the best class specific card. He just fits so well in the warrior deck.

The rest of the good class legendaries are Cenarius, Van Cleef, and Tirion even then those decks can run fine without them.

Cenarius? That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say Cenarius was a good class legendary. Seems pretty mediocre to me. I think you meant Antonidas.

Never drafting deathlord in arena again unless I'm playing priest. I don't care if my other choice is goldshire footman.

I said this a few pages back. My least favorite card from naxx. It seems to swing games in the opposite direction whenever I've seen it played. Not worth it IMO.


Cenarius? That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say Cenarius was a good class legendary. Seems pretty mediocre to me. I think you meant Antonidas.

Antonidas is iffy since he only fits in some mage decks and in the current meta mage decks have lost some favor. Cenarius fits into ramp druid nicely. It isn't nearly as good as other class legendaries but it gets the job done.

King Krush is by far the worst.
What does everyone think of changing hunter's mark? It's pretty broken imo
It is but hunter has such shit cards it gets a pass for now. Hunters mark should read 'deal 4-9 damage to an enemy minion for 0 mana' though. LOL.


All these people posting their 12-X runs as if it were no big deal.


If it makes you feel better, I went something bad like 3-3 and 5-3 for my next two runs. First was a warrior who got just a bad draft and on the second.. I got 0-2 the nightmare from the start with the opponents just drawing better than I did (the 2nd pumped a questing adventurer fucking high on the turn he dropped it and I just couldn't kill it for example)


It is but hunter has such shit cards it gets a pass for now. Hunters mark should read 'deal 4-9 damage to an enemy minion for 0 mana' though. LOL.
If you phrase it that way, most of the Hunter removal is ridiculous. 2 mana consecration, 3 mana 5 damage, 0 mana 1-11 damage etc
Just finished up a Warlock quest for 60 gold and this is my reward. This is by far the best pack I've ever opened.


So, I just disenchanted that golden Sunwalker, Lorewalker Cho, and a bunch of other junk and made this:



Gold Member
Damn if it doesn't feel so cheap losing 15 life to Alexstrasza, removing her from the board, getting hit with 2 fireballs to the face and still having 10 life thanks to armor, then doing lethal but denied because of iceblock... then getting hit with a pyroblast to the face.

Hooray for Alexstrasza I guess, there really needs to be a card that you can play that is:

2 mana. 2/3, set your life to the amount it was at on your last turn

Or something of that nature. Just so annoying getting a 8/8 and 15 points of damage for 8 mana.


Damn if it doesn't feel so cheap losing 15 life to Alexstrasza, removing her from the board, getting hit with 2 fireballs to the face and still having 10 life thanks to armor, then doing lethal but denied because of iceblock... then getting hit with a pyroblast to the face.

Hooray for Alexstrasza I guess, there really needs to be a card that you can play that is:

2 mana. 2/3, set your life to the amount it was at on your last turn

Or something of that nature. Just so annoying getting a 8/8 and 15 points of damage for 8 mana.

Maybe it should be changed to

Set your health to 15 OR at the start of your next turn set the enemy heroes heath to 15

Then at least you have a turn to deal with it


Maybe it should be changed to

Set your health to 15 OR at the start of your next turn set the enemy heroes heath to 15

Then at least you have a turn to deal with it

I don't know that this would change much. She costs 8. I mean, I guess it's possible that they also have a Water Elemental on the board, freeze you, and then hit you with two Icicles, but the usual play is Alex, end, then ice and fire next turn.


Im so sick of huntards

Such a brain dead class



Apart from this I just had to concede in a game where I drew 12 of my 13 spells in a row

Not my day :(


I'm not good enough for the NeoGAF HS tournament but I'd love to watch everyone here play!

Any chance it would get recorded somehow?
Hooray for Alexstrasza

You know, I'm surprised more people don't complain about Alexstrasza, but then again I don't think too many decks use her. I really don't like her because it's both unavoidable and it feels like you get punished more for playing better. Then again, if you know that the deck is using her, you can use that to your advantage.

Edit: Oh, so here is something else I was thinking about.

What if with Far Sight, you could make it where instead of drawing a card, you spent three mana to make a card cost less next turn, but only next turn. That way you have a bit more control over it. Maybe that would make it to strong, especially with current Shaman combos. Then again, if a shaman uses a Far Sight or two, you know you need to prepare, and it uses most of their turn.


At this point in the meta I have to get a real bad draw to lose to zoo.

Same with my current deck but it's still pretty awful coming up against so many zoo again (feels like there's been a resurgence over the past few days) and hunters. Like it doesn't feel like you've got outplayed when you lose to them, which is where peoples frustration comes from i think.
Hah, this zoobot doesn't understand how hard it just lost to my shaman deck. It played both doomguards before turn 6-7 and I was at 27 hp and dealt with both of them the turn played. And it just used a 6 mana soulfire lmao.

Same with my current deck but it's still pretty awful coming up against so many zoo again (feels like there's been a resurgence over the past few days) and hunters. Like it doesn't feel like you've got outplayed when you lose to them, which is where peoples frustration comes from i think.

My theory is that people are making small mistakes that they really can't afford to. Most of the time when I lose to zoo it is because I made a small mistake. The other times are because of bad draws I suppose, but the majority is on my end. Also deck composition is important of course.


Tinkmaster Overspark is so damn worthless. Squirrels for me and Devilsaurs for my opponents everytime. Zoolocks must be laughing their asses off when I play it.
Bah, just lost to a druid bot pulling out FON+potw+innervate+savage roar on like turn 9...

The part that sucked was I was 1 draw away from setting up a taunt. And it turned out I could set up two taunts but was 1 mana short for either.


I'm playing like an idiot tonight. I guess my brain is asleep though. (actually my decisions aren't bad, I am just taking forever to count among several decisions to calculate whether I am lethal or not).


Hoho miracle seems like a distand teddybear dream compared to secret hunter. Blizzard fucked up so bad... The meta is worse than it has ever been. There is literally one deck in the game that can compete with hunter... And it's another hunter :D

Wp blizz.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ask me if I give a crap that it was made with zoo. Go ahead.


Druid or paladin next.


Got my daily (5-0) with this experimental deck.

Hoho miracle seems like a distand teddybear dream compared to secret hunter. Blizzard fucked up so bad... The meta is worse than it has ever been. There is literally one deck in the game that can compete with hunter... And it's another hunter :D

Wp blizz.
Quite a coincidence that I posted before I read your post. Best of both worlds xD?

Using Redemption with Kelthuzad is so fun.

This is the kind of board that makes a Druid auto-concede. Because nobody runs Naturalize.
I actually faced a crazy Neutralize deck before. Unlike my Mill Druid deck, his was based on putting crazy value minions, even had things like Kel, Spectral Knight etc, while at the same time neutralizing my strong stuff and killing my weak stuff with strong cards. The turn 2 opening being Coldlight Oracle Innervate Coin Coldlight Oracle didn't go into my favor :<
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