Even without ysera, double headcrack =/
I'm going to blame the small image and the fact that my rogue deck doesn't run headcrack, and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Even without ysera, double headcrack =/
Well deserved for picking mage in Arena.[/IMG[/QUOTE]
Only a fool wouldn't pick Mage when it comes up unless you are doing quests.
I wouldn't skip a Mage pick for quests except for MAYBE PaladinOnly a fool wouldn't pick Mage when it comes up unless you are doing quests.
Anyone able to log in?
I just logged in and got 3 GvG packs!
Reward for getting into the Heroes of the Storm beta maybe?
Unless EU beta isn't up yet, I didn't get in. =(
Heroes of the who?
I just logged in, was greeted with "GvG is now available!"
And had 3 packs to open. 2 rares, 1 epic.
Maybe you logged into the wrong region.
Although I guess you would be forced to play the tutorial again, unless you did already for that region.
If you like the game, the most efficient thing you can buy is Naxxramas and just use gold on card packs or arena.Im on a roll!! After two days of frustration, I am 17 Ranked, currently on a win streak
Got 300 gold for winning 100 matches.
Got 3 packs of GvG cards
Should I be saving up for the SP content or go to Arena again?
If you like the game, the most efficient thing you can buy is Naxxramas and just use gold on card packs or arena.
The Naxxramas cards are pretty valuable, no? Especially for Hunter?
More fools destroyed by flame Leviathan. We going to legend boys
I always play as a Mage and use unstable portal. Last night I used the unstable portal and got a LEGENDARY card. when I used the card I put a bomb on opponent hand which damage him badly (10 damage) but unfortunately I forgot the name of the card
What is the name of that card?
Yes. Naxx has a lot of good cards.
Webspinner is a good class card for Hunters and comes with Naxx. Mad Scientist, Undertaker and Haunted Creepers are also really common in Hunter decks.
I always play as a Mage and use unstable portal. Last night I used the unstable portal and got a LEGENDARY card. when I used the card I put a bomb on opponent hand which damage him badly (10 damage) but unfortunately I forgot the name of the card
What is the name of that card?
Got into Arena... Warlock is weakest?
I have choice between Warrior, Priest, and Warlock
Warrior and Warlock are the worst for arena. Priest is the choice here.
Meh,shrinkmeister + cabal is better.When you have Vol'jin and Holy Smite in your hand and your opponent plays Ysera
Warlock the worst? I'd say Warlock is one of the better classes, on par with Priest.
But yeah, Warrior is the worst.
Meh,shrinkmeister + cabal is better.
Got my first legendary card...or crafted it rather. Went for Archmage Antonidas. I was already quite happy with my deck and did alright but replaced some basic monsters for mech ones for the spare parts cards.
It's rather enjoyable to play Archmage Antonidas+ Sorcerer's apprentice and then spam 4 - 5 spare parts cards for fireball cards.
That would be Iron Juggernaut. I got it from an unstable portal too early on in the game. Was kinda fun to see the mine go off late in the game when I had already forgotten about it.
YupWarlock used to be bad before GvG release in Arena, but with the addition of the new cards, I think it's a stealth top tier.
I completely agree with this. Warlocks have been performing pretty well for me and I'm not a regular player of the class.Warlock used to be bad before GvG release in Arena, but with the addition of the new cards, I think it's a stealth top tier.
When you have Vol'jin and Holy Smite in your hand and your opponent plays Ysera
Deathrattle Face/Rush Hunter is so wrong, if you get the correct cards at the start it's all over by round 6/7, Incoming Undertaker nerf.
Leviathan sucks. SUCKS
Welp, lost all my Arena games again.
Not that I don't appreciate free wins, but if you can't win a single game its better to stay out of arena. If you get less than 3 wins its worse than just buying packs. Stay in constructed until you can consistently get to rank 15 at least.
I wonder if they'll make a rule where certain cards have abilities that only allow them to be used within a certain number of turns.
Do you guys think that the crystal system is flawed compared to Magic Mana?
I read that Hearthstone is more difficult to balance because of their currency system, but it seems there are ways to work with it (like overload).
Welp, lost all my Arena games again.
One more time:
So, Druid or Warrior?
Also thanks for guiding my noob ass. Hopefully I get better enough to contribute on here![]()