Hurray to losing to a 22-22 Lightspawn in Arena.
Only fucking Hearthstone.
Only fucking Hearthstone.
Trump's reaction to drawing flame leviathon is worth checking this video out for:
also 5/6 undertaker on turn 3 #balanced
It's always amazimg / awesome when you build a deck with a plan and then get it work out just as you hoped. Of course, sometimes that'll sadly not always mean you'll win.Hah, that was great! Awesome to see someone that plays the game this much can still get so giddy over it.
Auctioneer digs for win conditions.
Antonidas creates win conditions.
Gazlowe creates mediocre minions that are too low impact and too late in the game. Also only works with 1-mana spells.
I'm doing the recommended expert practice play to get all my classes to level 10. Is it normal to lose about 75% of the time? Am I just that bad? I've read about tempo and have been concentrating on that the most.
8-3, played fucking constructed quality decks rofl
Hunter is definitely in the top tier of arena now. Behind paladin and mage obviously, but up there with priest.
Uh, almost nothing changed for hunter. How are they top tier now? I don't think Glaivezooka does enough to call them top tier now...
Hunter. I've been on the Hunter bandwagon since the early days of GvG, after seeing the effects of the GvG meta. The ability to end the game is exponentially greater for the Hunter than any other class. As a class that's always just needed one good turn to win the game, the added consistency of the early game and the ability to come back onto the board with sticky minions, and the propensity for opponents to overextend (in need of those extra attacks) all play perfectly into the Hunter's trap (figuratively speaking, Rexxar's actual traps still suck besides Freezing). The fact that all beasts are must-removes further solidifies the Hunter's advantages in a meta that's short on attacks. When people think of the Hunter, they often think of a mindless face-Hunter, but that's only one way to play this flexible class. You can watch our triple-commentary 12-win mid-ranged low-value Hunter run from two nights back here: A ton of decisions here, anticipation, and generally outplaying the opponent. As a Hunter, you hit your opponent where it hurts the most, his options. By limiting your opponent's options, even skilled players have no room to move. I've been a part of more 12-win runs with Hunter in the GvG meta (after first week of release) than any other class, by a longshot. While the Mage has the flexibility with its hero power, the Hunter has flexibility with its draft. The aggro-Hunter bailout is one of the most powerful drafting options. Finally, Glaivezooka. It is the best common card released in GvG. We had it top tier since before the release, and it's more than lived up to expectations. Not a huge surprise. Give a weapon-less class in need of early game consistency a top-tier-earlygame weapon, while doubling as reach in the class with the most reach... a gamechanger.
Because they can put you on a clock in a way no other class can. If you don't control the board early and keep control you'll get wrecked as they wear down your life total torn by turn. As you contest the board they'll keep pinging you in the face every turn.
Or as the guy behind hearth arena puts it
The stats on Arena Mastery tell a different story. They show that the placement of hunters is unchanged since GvG.
The average player can't unlock it's true potential. That's all.
Wow, Warlock seems OP......or I've just been playing scrubs lately
Because they can put you on a clock in a way no other class can. If you don't control the board early and keep control you'll get wrecked as they wear down your life total torn by turn. As you contest the board they'll keep pinging you in the face every turn.
Or as the guy behind hearth arena puts it
This makes no sense, how is Hunter a weapon-less class? Eaglehorn is godlike and is used in every fucking Hunter deck.Give a weapon-less class in need of early game consistency a top-tier-earlygame weapon, while doubling as reach in the class with the most reach... a gamechanger.
This makes no sense, how is Hunter a weapon-less class? Eaglehorn is godlike and is used in every fucking Hunter deck.
In Arena I would rank the classes as : Mage > Paladin > Priest > Hunter > Shaman > Druid > Rogue > Warlock > Warrior
I think Hunter and Shaman are fairly close actually. Fire Elemental is still godlike and the hero power is also very good in the Arena format. A lot of Shaman cards can finish the match really quickly.
Ah I see that makes more sense. Still the way he stated it was just factually incorrect.Eaglehorn bow is rare, and gladiator's longbow is epic. It wasn't uncommon for them to have weaponless drafts before gvg. Glaivezooka is common. I don't know the exact percentages, but it's gotta be at least 50% chance to draft 1.
I haaaaaaate this card
I would love it if Blizz made this card only work on minions.
Not only do I hate it, but the art on it sucks.
And 2 cards.Think about it. A hunter can play a one mana creature, then pyroblast for six mana. Six mana!
It was drawn by Penny-Arcade's Gabe.
Boom is the best legendary you can craft right now, fits almost anywhere and in the somewhat likely case of a nerf you'll just get your dust back.
You can either craft a legendary or look online at some 1000-2000 cost decks for your favourite class. In my opinion it's best to try and make a deck that can carry you to rank 5 because it'll learn you the game alot quicker than crafting a single legendary, unless you've got a nice deck already and you want to enhance it.
Keep the black knight. He's too good too de and is a staple legendary everybody needs.
Fatigue Mage is the most cowardly piece of shit deck.
I'm salty because the guy maneuvered a Doomsayer into being stolen by a Kel'Thuzad rezzed Sylvanas wiping my board when I had one card left in deck.
Did you know Mage can cast SUPER PYROBLAST, for only 8 Mana! Thats right, more damage then normal Pyroblast, Super Pyroblast does 12 damage! All you have to do is Fireball the face twice.
In hearthstone jargon, does Face just mean aggro/rush? Like going for the face?
In hearthstone jargon, does Face just mean aggro/rush? Like going for the face?
Wow, Warlock seems OP......or I've just been playing scrubs lately
Warlock is still my favorite class, both in Hearthstone and in WoW. I don't always win with warlock but I almost always have fun playing it win or lose.
On another note, I bought the last four wings of Naxx Friday night and then blasted my way through all of it over the weekend, both the normal matches and the class challenges. That was damn fun, I hope they release more content like that. I've tried a few of the heroics but haven't won even one of them yet. I may need some better cards to bolster my decks for the heroics.
On that topic, I really wish there were more ways to earn gold in Hearthstone. I'm sitting now with zero daily quests, and since I only get one per day it just seems like the gold earning rate is sooo slloooowwwwww. I need to earn card packs, both classic and GvsG. I should have never stopped playing for that half a year, lol.