I love basically losing because I roll a 1/4 crackle. Fucking hate that card why do I keep using it.
lolll I get the 1/4 spell dmg totem, now I have 75% chance to kill his rhino and I still fucking fail. Fuuuuuuuuuuck.
But it's a 2 mana fireball!
Yeah I hate the shit too.
Ramp with 1x combo. They just have a lot of spam (that's usually just outside swipe range) combined with strong late game, heals and devastating board clears. Muster + Quartermaster is scarier than Tirion TBH, and you have to watch out for it. And they usually run Dr. Boom and/or Kel'Thuzad now too as another threat.
Yeah I'm thinking of going back to 1 combo for my ramp. Need that win condition when the other player has too many answers.