Just beat Brian Kibler with my rogue
feels good bros
Loosing to a fatigue deck makes me pretty fucking angry, playing for more than 30 minutes just to have the game end by running out of cards is not a whole lot of fun, would rather get stomped by 8/9 UTs.
Lol so this happened in one of my games tonight.
Odds that happens are what... 1 in 256?
Problem is that Ice Block doesn't work when you are about to be damaged from Fatigue as it doesn't trigger on your turn.Pretty sure fatigue runs one ice block. Unless something changed in the past week.
Nah, Mad Scientist is #2. Double Mechwarper can spiral out of control hard but it's rare enough to be acceptable while you can deal with a single one most of the time. Sure you'll lose the odd game due to a bad mulligan but that's the nature of any control vs aggro matchup in HS.Really glad to see the Undertaker nerf.
Now nerf the second most broken card, Mech Warper please.
That Undertaker nerf is a bit harsh...but on the other hand, I can breathe easier now. They could have just made it a 1/1..or made it so it can only gain +1 only once a turn. Micromachine is better than UT now.
Micromachine is better than UT now.
An Undertaker dealing 6 points of damage has done its job. You'll be spending a turn to remove it while the board is already full of deathrattles and keeps growing each turn just like it was before. The only difference is that it doesn't force a turn 3 concede in dream situations anymore and becomes a slightly worse lategame topdick. The Hunter's game plan remains largely untouched, you'll still be clawing your way back into the game after being put at a disadvantage early.Yeah a 1/1 nerf would have done the job I think, the extra 1 hp is what made it a bitch to remove if you didn't have the right early counter. Now the card is going to kinda suck, even buffed to a 4 or 5 attack early, you'll remove it easily before it does major damage.
I don't mind the nerf since I'm rarely aggro but just seems a little extreme.
Yeah a 1/1 nerf would have done the job I think, the extra 1 hp is what made it a bitch to remove if you didn't have the right early counter. Now the card is going to kinda suck, even buffed to a 4 or 5 attack early, you'll remove it easily before it does major damage.
I don't mind the nerf since I'm rarely aggro but just seems a little extreme.
Turn 5 Loatheb
Turn 6 Gallywix
Turn 7 Troggzor
Turn 8 "You win this one friend..."
Feels good.
Troggzor seems like such an amazing card. I really need to craft him. I prioritized Dr. Boom though, which wasn't a bad decision by any means.
That order of plays in particular seems NASTY omg. That would make me rage.
Troggzor seems like such an amazing card. I really need to craft him. I prioritized Dr. Boom though, which wasn't a bad decision by any means.
That order of plays in particular seems NASTY omg. That would make me rage.
An Undertaker dealing 6 points of damage has done its job. You'll be spending a turn to remove it while the board is already full of deathrattles and keeps growing each turn just like it was before. The only difference is that it doesn't force a turn 3 concede in dream situations anymore and becomes a slightly worse lategame topdick. The Hunter's game plan remains largely untouched, you'll still be clawing your way back into the game after being put at a disadvantage early.
The best thing about the change is that it will finally enable experimentation with the full GvG set that simply wasn't worth it before because a perfect deck already existed.
It's a 1 drop. Talking about how it sucks because it's easy to remove before it wins the game is absurd considering that it comes out on Turn 1. It should be easy to kill, and it shouldn't automatically win games.
As it should be, because it costs 2 mana, not 1.
Rage quit last night while playing ladder. Back to back games with turn 2 highmane and ogre magi.
So sick.
Maybe I'm missing something, but how does a Hunter get a Highmane(6 mana right?) out on Turn 2?
turn 1 coin + call pet.
turn 1 coin + unstable portal
Nobody plays it anyway.Ah, never heard of call pet since I don't have it yet.
Nobody plays it anyway.
I see Hunters try to play Call Pet. And I'm always afraid they'll pump out a turn 3 Savannah.
It never happens, and they waste their turn.
Call Pet is kind of terrible. You have to build a beast deck for it to really be worth anything, and even then, it might just pull your Kill Command or Eaglehorn Bow. Good job, you just played a card and two mana to get a card. That's just a wasted turn. And there really aren't that many high cost beasts that are worth playing. Savannah Highmane is the only high cost beast that gets any real play. Maexxna, Gahz'rilla, and King Krush would be good cards to draw, but then you're still playing two cards to get them out. Also, those are all legendaries, so with 2X Highmane and those three, you have a total of 5 cards to pull that would significantly benefit. If Call Pet draws anything else, it's pretty much a wasted 2 mana. Call Pet falls into the same trap as Farsight, they're both just shitty versions of Preparation and Innervate.
LOL @ the Beast, the card might as well read "Gets killed on the opponent's turn and Summons a 3/3 for them". That card is unplayable because of BGH and even then its health is too crap to survive.Even if you draw a beast chances are it's an owl, dog or one of the spiders. It's a control card for a class that doesn't have the tools to play control, and a very narrow one at that. With the current beast selection you'd have to include shit cards like King of Beasts or The Beast to get an acceptable chance for a value play. Maybe after four more expansions it'll become more than a joke card.