Alright who started the mech mage trend
I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly
I'm crying
Hearthstone |OT| Undertaker nerf? Oh, goodie!
Hearthstone |OT| Undertaker nerf? Oh, goodie!
Winner. So good(ie)
I took the suggestions here and got the Pyros, Cultists back in, and crafted a Light of the Naaru. Great success. Three (close) wins so far. Games are fun as fuck at Rank 11 and up.
A Lightwarden can get so out of control so fast.
One COH with that and a Cleric up with 3 or more injured minions = GG.
Only if you're an awful human being.Now that Hunter is... less viable, is Freeze Mage an option?
Now that Hunter is... less viable, is Freeze Mage an option?
Nerfing undertaker and leaving mech mage alone makes little sense to me beyond millking gvg packs.
I think it makes thing worse. More mech mage or more fatigue and stall decks. Yipee
Hit my goal, I think imma try to make a real attempt at the blizzard regional qualifiers.
Is that a demon list? I want someone to finally figure out Demonlock so I have an excuse to craft Mal'Ganis
Ah crap, I have to update hearthstone manually on my phone every time there's a patch?
Here's a question for anyone who's bored, which card do you think is the coolest in terms of sound / voice? There are some pretty sweet ones out there. After using it for a few times, I've really like attacking with Foe Reaper 4000, just sounds so cool. Most m=Mech cards do. Also a huge fan of Kel'Thuzard's attack, was always great when you used him to revive a full board. And my personal classic favorite, the Venture Co. Mercenary.
If anyone else wants to look up / link something, you can go here and search. Once you find a card and go to it's page, there are buttons for the sounds. Also a good way to see what some zero attack minions sound like as well, some which are amazing.
I just drafted a Paladin deck with 3 Muster for Battle, 3 Truesilver, 3 Consecration, and 2 Hammer of Justice. No Equality, no Quartermaster, and no Wild Pyromancer. I feel like mistakes were made in this drafting process.
EDIT: I made a cameo in Jail's post.
Always go for the dragon.![]()
Well fuck.
No flamestrike, trash deck.Nozdormu easily out of those three. I know it would panic the shit out of me in an Arena game.
That's looking like an excellent deck BTW. 2 Fireball, 2 Poly, 2 Chugga, a Portal and 3 Girls? Awesome.
Warbot is my favorite.Here's a question for anyone who's bored, which card do you think is the coolest in terms of sound / voice?
SPECIAL DELIVERYYYYYYYYYYYHere's a question for anyone who's bored, which card do you think is the coolest in terms of sound / voice? There are some pretty sweet ones out there. After using it for a few times, I've really like attacking with Foe Reaper 4000, just sounds so cool. Most m=Mech cards do. Also a huge fan of Kel'Thuzard's attack, was always great when you used him to revive a full board. And my personal classic favorite, the Venture Co. Mercenary.
If anyone else wants to look up / link something, you can go here and search. Once you find a card and go to it's page, there are buttons for the sounds. Also a good way to see what some zero attack minions sound like as well, some which are amazing.
Yeah, probably too late but I'd take Feugen there. A turn 9 vanilla 8/8 isn't that exciting in current 6pool arena. Like, a game getting to 9+ mana nowadays is usually a topdicking contest where the effect doesn't matter anyway.Really? A 4/7 for 5 is pretty solid.
Yeah, probably too late but I'd take Feugen there. A turn 9 vanilla 8/8 isn't that exciting in current 6pool arena. Like, a game getting to 9+ mana nowadays is usually a topdicking contest where the effect doesn't matter anyway.
So, have they changed how secrets trigger?
Faced Handlock, he had two giants, a BGH, and a Healbot on board. I play both Explosive and Freezing, in that order, for the Explosive to trigger first and kill the BGH if he tests with that, which I know is how it used to work.
He attacks face with the BGH, and the Freezing triggers, sending it back, but not the Explosive?!
Twist: He gets to 11-2 and the other guy has Stalagg.
That's absurd.
No deck with Stalagg will EVER hit 11 wins.
But he trades with boulderfist ogre, and BGH is an epic.
What the fuck, explosive trap killed my minion. Avenge didn't trigger. What!?
Secrets don't trigger on your turn.
DustJust unpacked Tinkmaster Overspark, good or free 400 dust?
Kripparian popping off about Dr Balanced.
People who are new should watch it and then be educated on why this card is FAIR AND BALANCED.
Welcome to my last Arena match.
My opponent had a Antonidas into that stealth spare part on turn 8. Turn 9 Flamestrike of course, for a board clear too, just to be sure I had no hope of rushing him down. Yeah, this is Arena for you. And this is on top of a turn 2 Mad Scientist (that pulls duplicate) to a turn 3 Acolyte of Pain. Hope they enjoy their 12 wins.
Secrets don't trigger on your turn.