This is what HearthArena just built for me. Let's see how it goes.
Honestly, I learned so much just by watching it list all the synergies and reasonings for the good/bad picks. Great stuff.
edit- Getting rocked by a mage with absolute perfect top-decking. Can't wrest back board control. Awful.
Sometimes I think my biggest problem is not knowing what to mulligan for. I see a string of good 2 and 3 drops sometimes and think that's fine, but then an opponent drops something critical on turn 1 when I can't play anything, and the entire game is weighted in their favour and I'm screwed, haha.
edit2- Rocked my next opponent, also a mage. A handy ass-kicking. Most of the deck synergies HearthArena pointed out actually came to pass. lol
edit3- Absolutely decimating my next opponent, another priest, lol.
edit4- Wrecked by a Paladin with great cards and a Gruul. My Lightbomb had to be used the turn before it came out to deal with a massive wave of minions he'd put together. I had no other late game removal. Sigh. 2-2 now.
edit5- Melted another mage. Risked two Velens on one turn 1 Shadowboxer, given it'd be a few turns till a sheep or fireball. Neither came. Yay!
edit6- Melted a hunter. Velen on a Raging Worgen is insane. I'm gratified that it was probably my drafting all along that sucked and not my ability to play with cards in a game. I recognize that drafting really is half of the arena game, though. 4-2 now.
edit7- Hunter with Gladiator's Longbow, which is basically just ridiculous, stomped me.