Nice pack to start the morning with:
It is ridiculous I can go 50 packs without a legendary or epic (which I did) and you get this pack... =(
Nice pack to start the morning with:
Well, THAT was fucking fortuitous. The poster above inspired me to try my luck, so I just bought 15 original packs.
Cenarius, Ragnaros, and Jaraxxus!!!
As well as a Brawl, and some golden rares and commons.
I'm very happy.
Forgot to take screenshots, lol. I was just like, WHA, when I saw the orange glow in packs 2 and 3 out of 15. Was crazy. And then again in pack 13.
Damn, you guys are lucky lol.
I bought 15 classic packs a week ago and I think the best thing I got out of all of them was a Hungry Crab...
This just inspired me to drop $10 on packs. Got this:
Who wants to continue the legendary chain?
It is ridiculous I can go 50 packs without a legendary or epic (which I did) and you get this pack... =(
I know the pain, dude. I went ages with nothing.
I think I'm through buying GvG packs now since they're arena rewards. Rounded my collection out a lot more with these originals, whereas 90% of my GvG packs seem to get dusted these days.
But damn do I want some of the new
Guys. Someone stop me from buying more.....I should quit while I'm ahead, I know. I just feel like there might be a Velen, or an Antonidas, or something waiting for me in another set of packs....
I should have quit while I was ahead. Bought another round because I'm crazy. One legendary did pay me a visit, but not quite what I
On the plus side, by DE'ing him and a couple of goldens, I'm close to another legendary craft. What should it be? Got Dr. Boom, Sylvanas and Rag now (can't even believe it), as well as Millhouse below, Jaraxxus, Blingtron, Leeroy, and Al'akir. I feel like I should finally craft a legendary for my favourite class, Priest. Velen or Vol'jin, or maybe Archmage Antonidas because it's the crown jewel in a Mech Mage deck and he's just so cool.
IUNNO. Help.
I did...with Millhouse. lol. Someone else keep it going!
Hosty man... Just give up. Internet has totally branded you a cheater, no one will respect you now
What happened with rdu?
With how many zoo decks are out there, I'm surprised MC Tech isn't even more popular.How sad is it that Dr. Boom is singlehandedly turning BGH from tech to stable and MCT from arena trash to tech?
So sad.
What a skilled MCT play. Deserved that win so much.
The feeling when you are opening packs, you see the orange glow for the first time in a long time, the voice yells "LEGENDARY", the card slowly turns around...
...and then it's Hogger.
Brutal. Does anyone ekes mouse over for glows before actually turning cards around? I have some weird habits when opening packs, I guess. I like to ritualize it, lol
I do that heh.
Also, keeping the legendary train going! First one in a while
That was also my 3rd golden Jeeves somehow.
Brutal. Does anyone ekes mouse over for glows before actually turning cards around? I have some weird habits when opening packs, I guess. I like to ritualize it, lol
I do this too. I check the glow of every card first, then I turn them in order of rarity, ending with useless commons.
I do that heh.
Also, keeping the legendary train going! First one in a while
That was also my 3rd golden Jeeves somehow.
I draw a pentagram across the cards in the hopes that our dark lord satan would grace me with the legendaries.
I do that heh.
Also, keeping the legendary train going! First one in a while
That was also my 3rd golden Jeeves somehow.
Have around 2k dust and looking to expand my legendary list.
My current inventory: Dr. Boom, Sylvanas, Grommash, Velen, Mimiron's Head
Not really sure what I'm wanting to ladder with next season, but leaning towards priest or druid.
Help me choose HSGAF!
I check the glow first as well but reveal the cards in the opposite order. commons first... legendaries last.
Have around 2k dust and looking to expand my legendary list.
My current inventory: Dr. Boom, Sylvanas, Grommash, Velen, Mimiron's Head
Not really sure what I'm wanting to ladder with next season, but leaning towards priest or druid.
Help me choose HSGAF!
I hate the use of outside tools in draft (arena). It just takes out half of the skill needed to compete, but this is played on the internet and people will use whatever to gain an edge.
Its the nature of the beast.
True... Blizzard always takes their sweet time nerfing Legendaries. Took them forever to nerf Pagle, Tinkmaster and Sylvanas even though everyone was telling Blizzard they were OP as hell. Pagle in fact was about to be banned from tournaments.
I think I would be fine if Doom was changed to a 7/6 or a 7/5 with the Boombots hitting for 2 damage instead of 1-4. There is already a lot of RNG in play in terms of where the explosions will land, having them either do shit damage or a considerable amount of damage is outrageous. Like Kripparian says, Boom Bots are 1 drops that people would actually play in Arena due to their potential ability to trade up.
"I hate useful educational tools that literally impart no additional advantage except what the player can do by applying what they've learned"
Did you play Hunter or something? : p