Speaking of Priest, could use a hand tweaking this if anyone has any ideas;
Basically it's
this deck but modified for Gazlowe. I'd say it's not too radically different, but it might just be enough to make it not work too right. I'd say it works rather decently but the biggest issue is running into other Control, especially Handlock. Makes me want to run Light Bomb but no idea what to take out for it. I'll probably just have to fiddle around with it as things change. Best part though is when people exhaust themselves and I use Gazlow to refill my hand / board. I think one of the best cards to get is Cobalt Guardian since you usually get more Mechs to keep him alive.
Things I'm think about is dropping Mind Control for another power card to eat some removal, but the idea is that the MC'd minion would do that for me. I kind of feel like I want to trade out Dark Cultist and Shredders for other stuff, but they're probably too integral to the deck since they help you keep a board presence.
I'm not sure about anything, just have to keep messing around.