Ah, shit. I must be looking at old Handlock strats and descriptions. Saw a couple describe her as a staple for the deck, lol. In truth, I haven't seen a warlock pull one out either.
That's a lot of mechwarpers for not a lot of mechs.
Well,depending on the meta you can run Alex over Jaxxarus,or both in a control meta,but right now you really don't need her.Ah, shit. I must be looking at old Handlock strats and descriptions. Saw a couple describe her as a staple for the deck, lol. In truth, I haven't seen a warlock pull one out either.
That's a lot of mechwarpers for not a lot of mechs.
If you're going Beast, I would recommend basing your deck off of Token druid instead of Ramp. Beast Druid leans towards a combos, so try to find advantages where other cards benefit from the same combo cards. Ramp beast just can't be done well yet.Beast-centric Malorne Rampdeck. I'm really fucking shit at deck building apparently because I'm not allowed to have fun in any meta without netdecking (oh, btw without any "good" legendaries in my collection). Maybe I'm just tired and salty because it's almost 6am and I'm slamming my fist on my desk for no reason. First night I finally give up on Casual mode forever and it fucking sucks donkey ass.
I'm just constantly shifting the deck around now. This image is now old as of 5 games ago.
If you're going Beast, I would recommend basing your deck off of Token druid instead of Ramp. Beast Druid leans towards a combos, so try to find advantages where other cards benefit from the same combo cards. Ramp beast just can't be done well yet.
-2 Wild Growth - We aren't going to ramp, we are going to battle for the board from the start
-2 Jungle Panther - We want an early presence and minions that trade well
-2 Antique Healbot - Since you're battling for the board we need less healing
-2 Ancient Protector - We want to bring the mana curve down by a lot.
+2 Power of the Wild - We want this to buff our teacher and spider tokens, it is also a beast when summoned as a 3/2
+2 Haunted Creeper - A beast that most enemies don't trade against, they will usually leave it alone, and it's cheap enough to combo with Snake Druid
+2 Violet Teacher - Token machine. Forces the enemy to pay attention to our board
+2 Ancient of Lore - Card draw, you need card draw
Other possible changes:
-2 Sludge belcher : +1 Savage Roar & +1 Force of Nature This combo steals games.
-1 Owl, -1 Ancient of War : +1 Savage Roar & +1 Force of Nature
Eh, it's still a 2/3 2 drop.Though 8 2 drops and 2 chows is too lopsided with that carddraw.
Yeah they're still not bad on their own, but just unfortunate there's no big mechs to utilize. They'll undoubtedly get focus fired since your opponent doesn't know what's in your hand. But with that many cheap cards and the only card draw is one loot hoarder... that's not going very far.
Most likely you are not very good.
Yes it is.
So i found something out today if you mindcontrol a minion that has blessing of wisdom on it. The opponent still draws cards when you attack with it, cost me the arena match i find that logic to be pretty dumb.
You could just not play ranked at the start of a new season.Correct. So I shouldn't be facing golden portrait heroes rocking the legendary card back. I would prefer skill based match making. Instead I'm an easy star for a legend player who is starting at the bottom of the ladder. I dropped 4 ranks last night, ugh. (14 to 18)
So apparently the ladder is all mages right now. What's the hard counter to mech mage?
You could just not play ranked at the start of a new season.
Come to think of it, you shouldn't play ranked at all when you aren't ready to face competitive decks.
Well arena is a waste of time and unranked is pointless. I'll bang my head against ranked until I get good, and that's on me, but it doesn't change the fact that the matchmaking is clearly bullshit.
It's not matchmaking though. Now, if you want to make a case that the seasons are too short and/or the reset too harsh on high-ranked players, I think you'll find a lot of people in agreement. But complaining about matchmanking in ranked doesn't make much sense.
Time to start playing midrange warlock.But I don't play Druid or Warlock!![]()
If you want to run Mal'Ganis, you'll need other cards to bait removal first. Mal'Ganis should be the last big guy you play.Agh I hate Malganis, I pulled almost no legends from GvG boosters but somehow I pulled 3 malganis!!!. I keep one and tried demonlock but I cant play such high strenght guys in a BGH heavy meta unless they are torally bonkers (doctor balanced)
But I don't play Druid or Warlock!![]()
FixedI don't understand people who play Felreaver
Trump:bubububu the card is good.
Even better, I played one against a Paladin, who immediately played humility. So now I have a useless 1/8 minion that is burning my deck up and I had no way to kill it. I did not win.I don't understand people who play Felreaver when their opponent has a sizeable hand. I made him go from ~20 cards to fatigue in two turns >_>
LMAO!Even better, I played one against a Paladin, who immediately played humility. So now I have a useless 1/8 minion that is burning my deck up and I had no way to kill it. I did not win.
I'll add to the "thoughtsteal bullcrap stories." Priest thoughstole a Highmane/Houndmaster combo. Turn 10 was rough for me...
The problem with fel reaver is that gvg also introduced spare parts. Freeze the reaver and it's really bad for them.
I'm absolutely convinced it is.Also I thought we all agreed that Fel Reaver is fucking shit.
Fel reaver is an arena card. It's won games about 75% of the times I've seen it played.
Yeah its good in Arena. If your opponent let's it stay alive for any number of turns it just does too much face damage. It's like a more extreme version of Venture Co Merc.