Super Nothing
I'm starting to realise why so many people love Sylvanas.
Turn 7 against a priest with Auchenai Soulpriest and a 3/8 acolyte of pain on his side of the board and , Sylvanas on mine, he just goes face rather than proc Sylvanas' deathrattle.
It looks like I'm about to get beaten down until I realise I can use Fire Elementals battlecry on Sylvanas to make her 5/2 , suicide against the Soulpriest. Thus taking the Acolyte, killing his Soulpriest and having 6/5 fire elemental all in once turn.
"Your opponent left" not long after
I had a pretty good Sylvanas exchange yesterday against a Demonlock. He had a Voidcaller so I played Sylvanas expecting him to trade the Voidcaller and probably a spell (Dark Bomb) and hopefully steal whatever demon he pulls in with the deathrattle. Instead, he plays his own Sylvanas, clears the rest of my board and then plays Power Overwhelming on his Sylvanas, stealing my Sylvanas. So I Aldor his (my stolen) Sylvanas and leave it for the time being. He eventually winds up with a the stolen Sylvanas as a 1/1, some imps, and Ragnaros. All I have is a Zombie Chow. So I hit Sylvanas forcing her to steal the Zombie Chow and then play Equality + Consecration to clear his board and get back 5 health.