Was doing arena earlier with a bad hand getting my butt kicked, was already at 2-2 when I noticed it was Kripp and checked his stream to see if it was him. Sure enough I was on his stream. The game was already lost for me so I wasn't sniping but what pisses me off is he was like 7-1 and I was 2-2, I thought this was supposed to be evenly matched better.
That no on plays Arcane Missiles, so they might as well give another card Arcane Missiles as its battle Cry. The real issue is likely that its stats are likely too high. Maybe up it to 5 mana.
No.I'm done, there's more fucking skill involved in Yahtzee than this piece of shit game.
Good idea.He is exellent in shaman.The 4 more cards are really helpfull in longer games.And apparently I had picked up Neptulon sometime earlier so Gallywix wasn't my first legendary afterall. Not dusting that tho.
Nice card
I like what Haunted said about Mechwarper, it promotes over extending your board which could just end up getting cleared and leave you with nothing to play.I'd say Mechwarper is equally broken
Guys. It's time for another legendary weekend, I think. (I'm aware of my insane luck at pulling good legendaries out of packs, lol)
I have 2400 dust now...I feel like I should craft core epics for some decks instead of another legendary. But Sneed's RNG fun is calling to me...
i really want trogg to be good, but he hasn't been pulling his weight in any deck so far
Im rocking lately the Trump anti agro priest, and the deck is AMAZING.
Crushing the mirror because my lower curve allowd me to be more agro while having a lot of answers.
Agro?, a bye, no chance of winning, face hunters mech mages, zoo...al byes.
I beated my last 3 warriors, just to many answers while having to assemple a good offence hard to deal with his removal.
Wins against handlock, etc...
My 2 only loses came against shaman (I was comboed out because doomhammer into double rockbite weapon + tomem up lightning bolts to the face) and a close one to rogue when he also comboed my out for 33 damage.
The deck seems amazing, even if its my first time playing priest(and probably missplaying a lot), just cant stop winning. Deck is that good.
Kripp's greed priest is making me very happy, but this sounds great too. Link?
I cannot believe how fucking overpowered Goblin Blastmage is.
4 mana. For a 5/4 creature. That's good enough.
But nope. 4 damage to random ENEMIES. Not even the RNG chance to hurt yourself.
What in the actual FUCK blizzard.
Yeah the card is bull shit. Even if in the worst case scenario it hits all face... that's still really good for the Mage because they are going for face anyway. It killing some minions on the way is just a huge bonus and tempo swing.I cannot believe how fucking overpowered Goblin Blastmage is.
4 mana. For a 5/4 creature. That's good enough.
But nope. 4 damage to random ENEMIES. Not even the RNG chance to hurt yourself.
What in the actual FUCK blizzard.
Maybe more manageable than Huntard Undertaker decks but Blastmage is merely one of the problems of Mech Mage.Honestly I think some people just hate aggressive decks. Mech Mage is one of the most manageable aggro decks to ever hit the meta, don't know why people keep complaining about it.
You're going to continually see the best aggro/mid-range decks flood ranked because they're the only things that are affordable.
If everyone could actually make Control Warrior we'd probably see 80,000 of those as well, but it's super expensive.
This seems good!
I'm not saying mech mage isn't very good, but I don't think it's horrendously overpowered either. It's not like hunter where you could be dead by Turn 4. It's not like old Zoo which was "draw AoE or lose". There are so many 3-4 mana cost cards in the deck that mid-range and control decks can still find ways to deal with many of the threats through minion trading.
This seems good!
The main problem is the ability of 2 Mech Warpers to stack up and just unload your hand. One Mech Warper is fine but the two combined is just gross.Maybe make it so that mechwarper loses 1 hp every time you play a discount mech, it seems like that would fit the lore.
I wonder how much the inevitable mad scientist and dr.boom nerfs will affect mech mage
This seems good!
Video about how Mech Warper is a poorly designed card (with match example).