Pint-sized used to give a 2-mana discount and everybody ran it. I think it could definitely use a bump to 2/3.
Kripp is not a good player.
WHOA inky and haly, since when have yall been in this thread too?? It's always so weird seeing dedicated posters from one game thread in a totally different one
Kepow, pls. I thought you only read comics and played MH.
I made the original Beta OT...
What lore? I was pretty sure a good handful of these Mechs were only in Hearthstone.Maybe make it so that mechwarper loses 1 hp every time you play a discount mech, it seems like that would fit the lore.
I very much disagree that Mech Warper would not see play if it got reduced to a 2/2. It would still get run in Mech Mage decks (or really any Mech decks
Mechwarper should be changed. I'm much more in favor of making it a 3 mana card
Mechwarper at 3 mana would be just awful.
Just went 7/3 with a rogue in the arena. That's the best I've ever done and I was pretty surprised since I never really see rogues get picked and haven't considered using one before that run.
Mechwarper at 3 mana would be just awful. If you only get a discount of 1 mana then all you did was play a river croc off curve. You would be forced to play 2 subsequent mechs on the same turn just to get value. You just turned it from a staple of mech decks into a late game 3-card combo that does nothing but save you a single crystal in the late game (where mana is less important).
That's an interesting worst case scenario that ignores the fact that turn 2 coin warper clockwork is still possible
or turn 3 coin warper clockwork annoy-o (or turn 4 sans coin)
But it creates "feel bad" moments when they get Mechwarper + Coin + Mechwarper + Clockwork + Snow Chugger + Annoy-o-tron, the dream and Blizzard hates "feel bad" gameplay, so that alone would justify its nerf.
Actually I'm quite surprised Mechwarper doesn't have a cap of "1 mana" like Summoning Portal did. I know that they want Warlock cards to be as awful as possible but one of the first things I did in Hearthstone was try to make a Summoner's Portal + Knife Juggler deck work.
It didn't.
MEANWHILE, Mechwarper is pumping out amazing turn 3s and 4s every 10 games or something.
Went 3-3 with a godly Priest deck (probably best I have ever constructed) yesterday and then went 10-3 with a much, much worse Priest Deck.
Damn Arena why you tease me so?
I think Mechwarper is balanced.
But it creates "feel bad" moments when they get Mechwarper + Coin + Mechwarper + Clockwork + Snow Chugger + Annoy-o-tron, the dream and Blizzard hates "feel bad" gameplay, so that alone would justify its nerf.
It's not about "feel bad" more like having an opening hand that practically guarantees a win.
Honorable Iron-sensei, what do you think? Does Blizzard have a good idea of what decks will work and what won't?
Iron-sensei said:
So I was thinking of some card effects that could be created. Obviously, they would need the right balance, but here is what I was thinking:
-Invisibility: Card is invisible
-Disable enemy Hero ability
-Look at opponent's hand and discard card/take card
-Taunt Order (if you have multiple taunt minions, you can set the order at which they need to be targeted)
-Penetrate Hero Armor (direct attack health)
-Hero Power costs 0 mana
-Limit maximum number of placeable minions for enemy
-Block an opponent from drawing a card next turn
-Activate minion battlecry during play (as opposed to instantly during play-- could be a new ability type)
-Suck hit points from minions to give health to yourself
-Attacking the hero with a minion does damage to minion equal to value of equipped weapon
-Certain minion types doing +2 damage to certain other minion types
-Certain minion types doing -2 damage to certain other minion types
-For certain classes, a spell/secret could be used to steal a corresponding enemy minion type (for example, when playing as a hunter, if the opponent plays a beast with 3 attack or less, it is automatically converted to the Hunter's side)
Which is the same as turn 2 coin river croc clockwork unless you can guarantee than the warper will get a 1 mana discount next turn. Which you can't, because 2 mana removals are extremely common.
Which requires that you have a very specific mulligan/draw in the early game. Not only do you need the warper, clockwork, annoy-o in your hand, but you also need 1 or 2 other early drops for your Turn1/2. Not to mention you basically just dumped your entire hand and you're basically in topdeck mode until you.draw arcane intellect.
There's a whole bunch of "dreams" out there that are much worse and are untouched. Double Hobgoblin + Echoing Ooze + Annoyotron? Ancestor's Call Malygos into Lightning Bolt + Double Crackle? OTK Warrior?
A lot of those seem kinda anti-fun but I could see armor piercing, card draw blocking (maybe), 0 mana hero power and minion damaging weapon working. Granted they would need to work right, because card draw blocking and 0 mana hero power could easily be broken as hell.
Warlock Life Steal already suck hit points from minions. Or are you talking an AoE?
So power creep (sprint?) is a-okay and we should live it.
So, how does one handle Priest's double Northshire Cleric opening with a billion buffs? I always seem to lose to it. I'm Paladin right now but its the same with every class it seems.
By "billion buffs" do you mean just power word shields? Or are you talking about cheesy inner fire decks?
Mechwarper is strong but I still don't even think it's the strongest 2-drop in the game. Mad Scientist is currently the best and is absolutely better than Mechwarper. Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, Wild Pyro, Flametongue Totem, and Nerubian Egg are also all in the same tier as Mechwarper imo.